Chapter 20

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(A/N: THE REASON I DONT PUT PICTURES OF WHO IS PLAYING THE CHARACTER IS BECAUSE I WANT EVERYONE TO IMAGINE THE CHARACTER HOWEVER THEY WANT TO. Honestly, when I read books, I don't pay attention to who the author says plays the character, I just imagine the person however I want so, I was letting you guys do that lol.)


"Guys. I um. I have four months to live."

"What the hell are you talking about Tanya?" Blake yelled. "Yeah! What the fuck is going on?" Alex growled.

"Everything was going great in England, but I woke up one morning with clear liquid with a little bit of blood, oozing out of my, um." Tanya pointed to her nipple.

"So what does this mean?" I asked.

Tanya started to bite her lip. "I was scared. So scared." Tears started slipping out of her eyes.

I enveloped her into a hug. "Oh my gosh. Why didn't you call me when this started happening? I could've been on a plane to England in a jiffy." I scolded.

Tanya started explaining the rest through her tears. "The doctor said- hiccup- I have- hiccup- fucking invasive breast cancer." She cried.

Blake got up, heading to the kitchen, mumbling something about getting tissues.

"What about treatment? Breast cancer is curable!" I reasoned. Tanya shook her head, placing her hands on my cheeks. "Stop Marley. Just no." I didn't notice I was crying, until her thumbs started wiping at my tears.

Blake came back into the living room, saw me, and turned back around saying something about more tissues.

"I thought about treatment Marley, trust me. But the doctor said, it would take so much out of me. It only has a 20% chance to work."

( A/N: I made up these statistics. Do NOT believe that any of this is true! Besides the breast cancer being curable part).

"20% chance is better than 0!" I sobbed. Alek hugged me from behind. "I want to live my life Marley. I'm gonna live these four months the best way I can. Okay?" Tanya tried to put on a reassuring smile, but even I could see through that.

I shook my head. "No. No. No. No. No! Fucking no! I need you to live. Don't you want to live?" I yelled at her.

I can't believe she would do this! Trying to take herself out of the world. She's the best friend I've ever had, my first actual friend to be honest. Besides Alek and Blake. I can't just let her give up like this!

"Oh Marley. I love you." She mumbled, hugging me again.

Blake finally came back with five boxes of tissues. "I hope this is enough. You guys are crying a lot. I could get more." He rushed out frantically, turning to go back.

"Oh stop being tough Blake and join the group hug. Blake looked reluctant, but sat down on the other side of Tanya, hugging her. His sobs were even louder than mine.

"Tanya." He cried.

"You guys, please don't cry over me. I'm gonna be okay." She laughed.

Why does everything bad have to happen to Tanya? She's such a loyal, caring, funny person. She doesn't deserve having a crappy traitor of a mate, who's dead. Nor, does she deserve goddamned breast cancer.

"You've been a great friend Tanya. We were lucky to-" Alek started. Tanya cut him off, "Don't give me those goodbye words. I want to pretend like I have sixty years left! Which is why I want you guys to go somewhere with me."

"Anywhere! Anything you want!" Blake promised. "Hawaii. I want you guys to go to Hawaii with me." Tanya smiled.


I'm curled up with Alek in front of the TV. Tanya is upstairs with Blake, finding flights to Hawaii.

"Hey baby?" Alek mumbled against my hair. "Hm?"

"Let's go for a run. You haven't shifted in a while." He said. I nodded, excited at the idea of being in my wolf form.

I didn't shift the entire month I was pregnant, I would've killed the baby.

I mind linked Blake telling him where we were going, before taking Alek's hand, standing up.

Alek beat me, shifting into his large black wolf with golden paws. I stared at him. His wolf was so beautiful. "Shift baby." He linked to me.

I knew my shift would be slightly painful due to not shifting in a while. When I was finally shifted into my white and gray wolf, I ran at Alek. He purposely fell on his back, letting me tackle him.

"I'm finally out to play." Harley yelled in my head.

Alek playfully growled at me, my sign to run. I hopped off of his belly, running around trees while he chased me. Once he caught me, he tackled me lightly, licking all over my face.

We ran all the way through the woods. Him running ahead of me, then slowing down, letting me get ahead of him. Repeat.

Once we reached the river, we rested in front of it, watching the water.

Alek laid his large head onto my back. "Are you excited for Hawaii?"

"I am. I'm just worried about Tanya. She seems like she's okay, but I don't think she really is. She's scared. I just hope she finds the fun she's looking for in this trip." I linked back.

Alek nodded. "Everything will be okay. Don't worry honey.Let's head back."

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