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You know when you're in the buzz when you stop caring about everything but after is when everything floods back at once. All the negative emotions are back again once I wake up, the buzz is always temporary.

I woke up in a bed I didn't recognise, shit. There was no one beside me and I had all my clothes on so that was a good sign I guess. I found my phone in my pocket and called Sam, he answered quite quickly.

"Sam...I got high and now I'm in some random person's bed..." I groaned, holding my head like that would stop the headache.

I heard him laugh over the phone, "You're fine don't blacked out so we just put you in Colby's bed! He's going up with some Tylenol now!"

When he said that Colby walked through the door, I swear they can read each other's minds or some shit.

"Yeah he's here...thank god!" I closed my eyes and sat up.

"Alright I'm just downstairs!"

"Bye..." I hung up and looked at Colby, "Hey...sorry..." I laughed a little.

"It's alright...I think it was my fault anyways...I didn't know there was anything in the cig I swear and I am really sorry!" He said, passing me Tylenol and a water bottle.

"I don't really care anyways so don't worry!" I smiled, opening the bottle.

"Sam is just downstairs so come down when you want!" He nodded, starting to walk off.

"Ok...wait Colby!" I called before he could leave.

"Yeah?" He turned back.

"Did you tell Sam that you gave me it?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"Not yet..." He sighed, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"Don't...he'll get really angry...I'll just tell him I bought them to the party!" I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Keira I don't think you should take the fall for me! Anyways you weren't hurt!" He insisted.

"No but he thought I was clean..." I saw Colby's face drop to guilt, "I wasn't by the way! Don't worry! You didn't break the streak or anything!" I laughed slightly.

"Oh thank god..." He gasped.

"So just don't tell him!" I stood up.

"Ok..." He smiled faintly as we walked out.

As we were walking downstairs I took off my jacket and started to sort out my hair. Sam was sat with two boys I know as Corey and Jake.

"How you feeling Keira?" Sam asked, looking up from his phone.

"Like shit..." I groaned, falling next to him on the couch.

"This is why you don't do drugs!" He laughed, turning his phone off.

"Yeah yeah fuck you!" I groaned.

"Who gave you them anyways?" He seemed serious at this part.

I glanced up at Colby before responding, "My dealer. I bought it here myself!" I shrugged.

"Really? Because I know Corey bought some stuff here..." He looked at Corey.

"Dude don't worry! I wouldn't sell to your sister!" Corey reassured him.

"He didn't give me anything! It was my dealer! Are we done now?" I whined, feeling my head pound.

"I guess..." He still sounded suspicious, "So Keira wanna join our video later?"

"Sure!" I smiled.

"We're gonna spend overnight in an amusement park with Elton! You know Elton right?"

"An amusement park when we're all hungover? Great..." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah well live life on the edge Keira!" Corey laughed.

"If you didn't notice I did a shit ton of drugs last night meaning one wrong thing I will throw up everywhere! And I don't think that'll be pleasant for anyone!" I smiled sarcastically.

"Well we leave in an hour so we're gonna wanna go home and get changed!" Sam advised, "Same with you lot!"


Sam took me home and we went straight to our rooms. I had to pick an outfit and it had to be good as it was my first video with him and it wasn't even on his channel which made it worse.

I finally picked one which looked suitable for the occasion after a ten minutes, I got changed and did my makeup. (Both at top).

"Keira! You ready? Elton will be here in twenty minutes!" Sam announced from his room.

"Yeah I'm ready!" I called back, placing my makeup brush down.

I put some clear lipgloss on and walked out with my phone in my hand and Xanax in my sports bra. Sam was also coming out of his room.

"It'll only take us half hour to get down there!" He smiled as we went downstairs, "Why are you nervous?" He stopped and looked back at me.

"What?" How did he know?!

"You walk differently when you're nervous! You don't have to be by the way! They're really cool about things!" He reassured me.

"It's not your friends I'm worried about..." I sighed.

"What are you worried about then?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What if your fans don't like me?" I asked, tilting my head.

"They will don't worry!" He laughed.

Next chapter is gonna be slightly longer that's why I made this one slightly shorter. Also I know it's kind of a slow burn so far as she hasn't really had much contact with Colby but it's gonna kick in next chapter!

Hope you're enjoying! <3

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