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People are starting to notice it's getting bad again. Especially Colby, he's the only one who's said anything.

I looked at my phone and saw my mom's name, I answered before standing up.

"Hey mom!"

Hey mija! Me and you're father are gonna be a little late! Is the babysitting going ok? She asked.

"Yeah everything is fine! Sam just took them to the park!" I answered.

Ok! Well I got to go! Adios amor!

"Adios..." I hung up.

"You speak Spanish?" Colby asked.

"I'm Hispanic...of course I can! Sam can too!" I sat back down, glad the phone call distracted the conversation that was just happening.

"I knew Sam could but I didn't know you could!" He smiled.

"So you thought that my white brother could but his full on Hispanic sister couldn't?" I laughed.

"I don't know!" He laughed.

"Estúpida!" I rolled him eyes.

"Oi! I know what that means!" He pushed my shoulder gently.

"What? You are!" I joked.

"Oh yeah?"

He jumped on me so he was on top, I locked eyes with him and he gave a quick peck on my lips.

"Get off! You're heavy!" I teased.

"What you trying to say?" He tilted his head with a smile on his face.

"I'm saying you're crushing me asshole!" I hit the side of his shoulder with my palm.

"Rude!" He joked.

"Get offff!" I whined, dragging out the f.

"I love you!" He laughed, getting off.

He sat up, allowing me to do the same. His arm wrapped around me and I held his wrist.I started to tap my finger gently.

"1...4...3" I counted the taps.

"What does that mean?" He asked.

I couldn't bring myself to say it, but he soon got the picture.

"Ohh ok...I love you too!" He smiled.

I rested my head on his shoulder, what was wrong with me? He didn't seem to mind at all.

He looked down at me and planted a kiss on my lips. His hands held my back before he laid me down flat against a pillow. His lips travelled to the side of my neck as I moved my flannel shirt aside to give him more access. He bit and sucked on a spot as I let out gasps, my hands moved to the back of his neck with my fingertips entangled in his hair.

"You're crushing me again!" I joked.

"Shut up!" He laughed, moving his head centimetres away from my face but his smile faded, "Are you high?"

"What?" I tilted my head.

He stood up, "Your pupils are fucking huge...what have you taken?!"

"What?! I haven't taken anything!" I went to a mirror and looked at my eyes, you couldn't even see the brown in them, "Fuck..." I mumbled quietly.

"Fucksake Keira..." He shook his head and stepped back.

"I'm not high!" I turned back to him. It's the truth. I'm not. It's an episode. Again. They fucking ruin everything.

"I tell you that I love you and you somewhat say it back and you're high the entire time?!" He went to my front door.

"Colby!" I went after him.

"No!" He walked out and closed the door behind him.

I froze on the spot, my eyes filled with tears. I heard Sam ok the other side speak to him so I walked away from the door and towards the stairs. It opened and I heard him usher the three kids in.

"What's up with Colby?" He asked before looking at me.

I turned away and started to walk upstairs, not wanting to speak at all.

"Everything ok?!"

"Just fuck off Sam!" I snapped, walking into my room.

I went straight to my drawers and took out a cigarette and a lighter. I stuck the roll between my teeth and lit it before taking a puff. My window was already open so I just on the floor underneath it. My knees slid up so they were to my chest but my foot could not stop bouncing.

I sniffed and wiped the tears from my face, I don't know how long I sat there but I heard my auntie pick up the kids and leave. Obviously after they left Sam came in.

"You alright?" He said slowly, seating himself in front of me, against my bed.

"Yeah..." I nodded, flicking the end of the cig out the window.

"You gonna tell me what's going on with you and Colby?"

"He said that he loved me...I didn't say it back but I did that one four three thing...and then we started to kiss but he saw my pupils and thighs I was high..." I explained.

"Were you?" He tilted his head.


"An episode..." He sighed.

"Yeah..." I nodded.

"How bad is it this time?"

"Not as bad as the last one...I know that but it's slow...really slow! And it's getting worse..." I picked up the lighter from beside me and put it on the window seal.

"Have you relapsed?" He looked at my wrist.

"Not since I started dating Colby..." I shook my head.

"Are you going to relapse?"

"What are you my therapist?" I stood up and pushed my hair back.

"You need help Keira before it gets too bad again!" He stood beside me.

"I don't need help...they did nothing the last time!" I exclaimed.

"I's just you need someone to talk to! What if you does get as bad as the last one?"

"It won't..." I shook my head.

"But what if it-" He stared dead into my eyes.

"It won't!" I cut him off, "I don't wanna talk about this anymore! What can I do about Colby?"

"Talk to him...he likes people talking to him and don't leave it too long otherwise he'll start to get nervous and weird..." He advised.

"How long?" I asked.

"I don't know...he likes you a lot I'd say do it quickly!" He turned around to leave.

No Limits All Summer || Colby Brock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now