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Sometimes an episode is like seeing an old friend from your childhood. You don't really remember them but you know who they are, my episodes are like that for me. It's hard to grasp the concept of them if you aren't me, the feelings take over during a few day span, tarting with some slight dysmorphia and then I start to spiral further and further until all I want to do it run away or end it.

Colby stopped his bike down the road from my house again. I stepped off and smiled at him.

"I actually enjoyed today..." I smiled.

"I'm glad..." He looked at my lips again.

I gave him a quick kiss and walked to my house. Sam immediately greeted me.

"Yo Keira!" He jumped over the couch.

"What?" I said, stepping back.

I saw Corey and Jake sat down, shit.

"Wheres Colby?" I asked to try and direct them away from any suspicious.

"He had something to do! Anyways if me and Corey were in a fight...who would win?"

"Corey" I answered quickly.

"What?!" Sam exclaimed.

"He's a lot like me Sam! I'm surprised he don't hang out with me and the other junkies!" I laughed.

"I'm not a junkie Keira! I just do drugs every now and then!" Corey called.

"And you deal!" I smiled before walking upstairs.

"Oi! How was your date?" Sam stopped me.

"Great! I got chased by cops though" I laughed.

"What did you two do? And who is it?"

"Trespassed and no!" I disappeared off to my room before he could ask anymore questions.

I fell on my bed and smiled, he liked me back...but what if he only likes me for body? What if he doesn't like my body? Fuck...I knew an episode was coming but maybe if I don't think about it it'll stop?


The next day:

I woke up, no motivation, here we go. I've had so many episodes like this that I just know when it starts, at least I know before I start going to the rabbit hole.

At least me and Colby have been pretty close throughout this, he's kind and caring. He actually listens when we talk, he's been sneaking into my room through my window.

I managed to get out of bed with my phone in my hand and go downstairs, Kat was still here.

"Hey Kat..." I put on a smile.

"Hey Keira!" She replied.

I went over and sat down, Sam was asleep with his head on her lap.

"Everything ok?" She asked.

"Yeah why?" I unlocked my phone.

"You seem weird...I mean weirder than usual!" She half joked.

"Thanks!" I chuckled, "But yeah I'm ok! Hey Kat?"


"Can you promise me something?" I asked, looking down at Sam.

"Of course..." She played with his hair and traced patterns on his arm.

"I worry Sam a lot...maybe that's my fault, maybe it's not but uh...he doesn't talk to me about how he feels anymore and it scares me! Can you just be there for him if he ever needs someone to talk to? He seems to really like you..." I said, bring my knees closer to my body.

No Limits All Summer || Colby Brock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now