Chapter 9

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disaster apocalypse daily


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Chapter 9

The next day, Song Jin and Li Mo entered the space and started farming. Li Mo's company was out of business, all construction in the city was suspended, and the company was on vacation except for the security personnel. Waiting for notification when to go to work. In this way, Li Mo was free.

The two checked a lot of information, and they didn't know anything about farming, but they didn't make much progress. Because they didn't know what to do with the temperature and humidity written on the materials, they just hoped that the space would be better.

After entering the space, I went to the small lake first, because Song Jin wanted to raise fish, and Li Mo went to the seed company before picking up food yesterday, and bought some aquatic plant seeds and pasture seeds for fish to eat.

Song Jin made soy milk in the morning, the two of them drank some, and brought in the rest. There was no boat, so Li Mo simply put on his swimsuit and went into the water to sow seeds. Song Jin stood on the peninsula, poured soy milk and bean dregs into the water, and attracted those The fish come over so they don't eat the supergrass seeds.

The water in the small lake is very clear, I don't know if these fish are hungry or not, they seem to be very energetic.

As soon as the soy milk and bean dregs entered the water, the fish immediately surrounded them, and more than forty fish turned the water upside down. Once the bean dregs and soy milk fell into the water, the water turned milky white, but Song Jin obviously found that the color became lighter as the fish swallowed, and soon returned to the original clearness, without any waste.

Li Mo took advantage of this time to scatter the seeds of aquatic plants in the lake. Because Song Jin wanted to plant some lotus roots, he left the shallow water on one side and scattered the aquatic plants in other places. The deepest part of the small lake was four meters. The place where the lotus root is kept is relatively shallow, only more than half a meter. It is said to be in the lake, but it is actually more like a shoal. It is suitable for planting plants such as lotus root and water chestnuts. About half an acre of land in the shallows is enough for them.

Song Jin is a foodie, and he also likes to study food. He has two hobbies since childhood, one is painting and the other is studying food. In the end, he chose painting. But I didn't give up on food, I often watch some food programs and buy some recipes to try.

He is from the north, and he also likes some southern foods very much. He likes to make bamboo shoots and lotus root, but it is hard to find fresh lotus root and bamboo shoots in the north. Sometimes you have to have a good time when you encounter it. Now that there is space, it is natural not to let go of these delicacies.

Lotus root seedlings are not easy to buy in the north. The northern lotus root is planted once a year. If you want to plant it, you have to wait for the next year. The southern lotus root seedlings can be purchased through mail order, but now the weather is bad, and mail ordering is also troublesome. Can only come slowly.

In addition to lotus root, he also wants to grow bamboo, chestnut, water chestnut, many, many, some fruits from the south. Song Jin is not picky about food. He imagines that one day the space will be filled with all kinds of plants and raise a lot of poultry and livestock. As long as there is something he wants to eat, there will be it in the space.

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