Chapter 64

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disaster apocalypse daily


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Chapter 64

    This time Zeng Yi sent an elite team, a total of 15 people, including Song Yu and Zheng Ming, a total of 17 people. These people should have served as soldiers or security guards before. Everyone is physically strong and has extraordinary skills. If it wasn't for Song Yu and Zeng Yi's good relationship, they wouldn't be able to start with the team.

    The leader of this team is called Zhang Qiang. This man used to be a soldier and has experience in leading a team. In addition, he is very skilled, so he became the captain. More than a dozen of them are his subordinates. He has already done some missions and has experience. When they found the landmark building of the city, everyone lined up in a fan-shaped team, guarding each other to find traces and see how the city was destroyed.

    Finding the reason for the destruction of the city is also their purpose, and only by understanding can we prevent it.

    "Here's a paw print." A team member found a trace. Song Yu walked over, took a closer look and frowned, "It's so big. What kind of animal has such a big footprint."

    "This one is very similar to our cat's paw, but it's too big. Or is it a tiger?" The youngest in the team The one named Xiao Wu said uncertainly.

    "How is it possible? Tigers don't have such big claws." Sha Yong is a very strong man, and he gestures with his hand that it is twice as big as his hand.

    Zhang Qiang looked around vigilantly and looked around, "Everyone, get closer and move forward with caution. This is a large beast. It looks like the footprints were left not long ago. If there is an attack, don't keep your hands and shoot quickly."

    The change of everyone's vigilance Formation, more than a dozen people back to back in a circle, moving carefully. Song Yu and Zheng Ming were not particularly good at being surrounded by them.

    Zhang Qiang took out a mini tablet from his pocket, turned it on, and called up the pictures stored in it, including a map of Linshi. This thing can't be connected to the Internet now, but it's good to store a map data.

    "We are now in the south of the city center." He looked at the compass in his hand, and then adjusted his position, "In the north of the city center is an air-raid shelter that we built in the past. Although it later became an underground shopping mall, the air-raid shelter has the function There are still some. There are survivors most likely to exist there." Zhang Qiang looked at the map and said.

    Song Yu also looked at the map. Many air-raid shelters were built during the war. Later, the air-raid shelters were reinforced and repaired, and they all had new functions. The underground air-raid shelters in Linshi later became underground shopping malls, which still had the functions of air-raid shelters, but more Most of them are leisure places in shopping malls, where there is a one-stop flow of eating, drinking and playing. Because of the large area, it has become a must-see place for shopping and tourism.

    It has a large area and complete facilities. Unless it is damaged by an earthquake, it is very suitable for evacuation. Of course, when it was built there, some people said that it could withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake. Hope it does.

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