Chapter 68

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disaster apocalypse daily


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Chapter 68

    To go to the bonfire to barbecue, each family has to prepare something. Nowadays, even a large group will not provide so much food to so many people. Food is precious.

    They can take out a lot of things, but they can't be too much, or they will be regarded as fat. Song Jin prepared a large piece of beef. This beef was a reward given by Li Mo and the others when they came back some time ago. They brought back many materials in the forest. A large piece of pork belly was shared by my brother-in-law and my sister for a month. I specially ordered a large piece of high-quality pork belly. In addition, it was the sausage made of wild boar meat. The stuffed sausage was frozen directly.

    Thaw the food, cut the pork belly into large slices and marinate it with seasoning, and the sausage and beef will be roasted directly in this way.

    Song Jin also prepares some sweet potato potatoes, which are small skewers on tongs, roasted over fire and then brushed with some sauces, which are very delicious.

    The prepared things were sent to the small square by George and the others. At this time, a huge bonfire was lit in the center of the small square in the community. A whole pig and a whole sheep were inserted next to the bonfire with two or three people beside them. As he was busy, the smell of meat wafted over.

    "Wow, I haven't seen such a scene for many years." Song Yu said with some emotion. He is holding a big jar with his right hand, which contains homemade wine, and Zheng Ming next to him is holding a cane under his arm. Although he is not walking steadily, he is walking over a little bit, and he is also watching with great interest. square.

    "Yes." Zheng Ming also looked at the field with some emotion.

    "Those years seem to have passed for a long time." Song Yu said softly.

    "Now is also the beginning of a new era." Zheng Ming suddenly said.

    Song Yu turned to look at him for a while before saying, "You seem to have changed a lot."

    Zheng Ming smiled, "It's just that after experiencing life and death, many things have faded away." After speaking, Song Yu smiled even brighter, "Let's go." Our family's barbecue should be grilled quickly, I can't wait to eat it."

    Song Yu was stunned, and followed, "I heard from Haohao that the wild pork sausage made by his uncle is very delicious, and the two of us haven't eaten it yet."

    The barbecue grill at Song Jin's house was quickly set up. For the barbecue and bonfire dinner in the house, each family has prepared food. Maybe the people in this community live a better life in the city, so there are not many people who do not prepare food and want to take advantage of it. Most of the families are well-off.

    At the beginning, everyone was very reserved, but after a while, the children ran around and then the half-grown children began to taste all kinds of barbecue around the stalls. There are really all kinds of barbecue. After the disaster, there are many seasonings. All the ingredients were missing, and there was a lack of food for a long time after the disaster, so we can only guarantee that we will not be hungry, let alone the taste. The taste of the food now is completely different from before.     After the forest appeared in the surrounding area, many people went to the forest to find some new spices and plant mutations. What could be eaten before can’t be eaten now, and what could not be eaten before can be eaten now. Many need to be explored. In addition, the country organized many animal and plant experts to enter the forest for research. During the investigation, each surviving base will be notified by radio every once in a while.     In this way, people's diets have changed.     The taste of Song Jin's barbecue has also changed. Although there are many seasonings in his space, he has planted many seasonings, which is no different from before. It's just that if it's not bad, it's different if it's outside, so it's still necessary to season it outside according to the existing method.     Pork sausages are nothing special, just because the taste of wild boar is slightly different from that of pork. Song Jin put a new kind of spice in it. The smell of meat spreads in the mouth, and it is not so pungent after eating, but the smell of meat spreads.     This kind of spice is called orchid beans. Its flowers are like orchids, and the leaves are very similar to gladiolus. After the flowers, the long beans are green. Originally, people who lacked food picked them and cooked them. They found that the taste was too strong, but they could be eaten. It developed into a spice. Song Jin found that this kind of beans were roasted and ground into powder to make seasoning powder. When cooking, it tastes better if you add less. Of course, some people who can tolerate this taste cook and eat it directly.

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