Chapter 36

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disaster apocalypse daily


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Chapter 36

    Father Song asked his eldest son to accompany him out for a trip. Song Jinyuan wanted to find an excuse to get supplies from the space, but he didn't want his father to go out and get the supplies. However, his face was not very good, and he didn't speak after he came back. The family members tacitly did not mention it.

    After getting the supplies, Song Yu was going to redeem people. Several people researched and divided into two groups, Song Yu, Zheng Ming and Gu Zhao went to deliver things, Li Mo, Song Jin, Zhao Feng and Wang Cheng followed in the dark. Others stayed at home to wait for news.

    Wancheng sent a letter in the evening, asking them to send their things to Zhaotun. Looking at the map, I knew it was more than ten miles away from the city. On the line of the crack, the village should also be divided into two halves. I don’t know. Is there anyone else.

    After looking at the map, Li Mo went out and wandered around, and came back and said to Song Yu, "There is someone watching in front of our house."

    Song Yu frowned, "How many people?"

    "I only found two. It's not theirs." , is a refugee in the park." Li Mo's five senses are very sensitive, and it is easy to find problems, not to mention that he is still so unprofessional.

    Song Jin bit her lips, "I guess a few steamed buns bought it."

    Song Yu looked at his watch, "There is not much time, two people in one car, brother-in-law, you also come with our car, drive two Hummers, and pull things, Xiaojin, your car Find it yourself, follow up from outside."

    Song Yu said and glanced at Song Jin.

    Song Jin nodded without speaking.

    Song Yu went out to move the supplies to two Humvees. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Song Jin, Li Mo, and Wang Cheng slipped out from behind the house.

    Li Mo led the three of them out of the park very carefully, and walked for more than two blocks, "Li Mo, you and Brother Wang are here and I will pick up the car." Song Jin thought for a while and said.

    Li Mo nodded.

    There is a dead corner at the corner of this block, which is very hidden, and they have scouted it before. Song Jin arrived at the corner, saw no one on both sides, and took out a slightly worn-out pickup truck from the space. It belonged to Li Mo's company. The car had been in the garage after the company holidays. Li Mo repaired it and asked Song Jin to put it in the space.

    Song Jin took off the license plate, and drove the car to have a round with Li Mo. Speaking of the matter of space, it is impossible to completely hide it at this time, like his brother knows something because he helped collect supplies, otherwise He will not let him find a car by himself like today.     Song Jin thought that it is impossible for everyone to hide this matter, and it is okay to reveal a little bit. Li Mo also told him during the night's rest that they did not expect the situation to be so serious, unless the two of them went to a deserted place to survive. Otherwise, some things are not so easy to hide.     It's just that Haohao happened, Song Jin hesitated about this matter, the matter of the space still needs to be kept secret, some people are not so reliable.     Wang Cheng is the adopted son of Song's father, and he is very loyal to Song's father. Speaking of Song Jin and Song Yu's time with Song's father is short, Wang Cheng takes care of him more.     So Song Jin just covered it up a little and got the car back.     Wang Cheng was only taken aback when he saw the car, and didn't ask any further questions.     The three of them drove to Zhaotun quickly. They were fast. Song Yu should drive slower. When they arrived at Zhaotun, Li Mo stopped the car by himself, "You two continue to drive towards Zhaotun. There are only two cars here. Road, there is no guarantee that these people will not be monitored, I will pass through this mountain."     "Be careful." This is what was said before.     "Be careful too." Li Mo said as he zipped his clothes, waved his hands and ran up the mountain.     Li Mo's physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary people, his speed is extremely fast, and he quickly disappeared from the sight of Song Jin and Wang Cheng.     The two continued to drive, and a few minutes later they went around the mountain pass and saw Zhao Tun from a distance. At this time, a large stone appeared on the road blocking the front of the car.     The two got out of the car and saw that the car had no way to go, and was about to get in the car when a person appeared from the ravine beside him, "Hey, our boss is right, someone of you must go this way." The man laughed He said, holding a machete in his hand, before walking out of the ravine, he took the walkie-talkie in his hand and said a few words, "Boss, I amputated two people. Sure enough, they came from here."

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