Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

    After a whole night of tossing, Father Li’s arm was okay to deal with and it was not a serious problem. I went to the police station to deal with the matter. As soon as I got home, I saw the hostess downstairs kneeling at the door crying and begging for forgiveness. Mother Li didn’t dare Open the door, the big iron gate has been closed.

    Li Mo and Zhao Feng took some trouble to drive people away. This kind of thing can't be solved by forgiveness. What's more, if people want you to order, why forgive them? Let's deal with it, but now the criminal law is very serious about these things , I guess that person will be given a heavy sentence.

    Father Li didn't have a good birthday either. This incident also made them see a lot clearly, so they must be careful in the future.

    The gate of Li's house is very strong, if they don't know each other and don't open the door, there is nothing they can do, because it is not easy to open the gate of Li's house.

    Life seemed to be getting tough all of a sudden. Although the supplies became more and more scarce before the end of the year, Song Yu got some supplies through the company. Now the above starts to manage various materials. Because Li Mo used to deal in construction materials and had several warehouses in the city, Song Yu didn't dare to put things together, so he asked Li Mo to go to the company to choose some materials and put them in the warehouse.

    Song Jin went with him, and Song Yu took advantage of the convenience of logistics to get the supplies from the factory in batches. After discussing with Li Mo, he didn't choose food, but took daily necessities, toilet paper, soap, washing powder, etc. I also chose some things for children and women. There is not much space for these things, and they will not be produced in the future.

    In addition to these, Song Jin also asked Song Yu to get some equipment, a milk powder dryer, a rice thresher, a corn thresher, and a rice huller. If he thinks it can be used, he will place an order for Song Yu's company to help With transportation, most logistics companies are now paralyzed, and things are easy to lose. Song Yu Company is the most credible.

    With these machines, they also built a set of small water turbine generators, and they installed them after a week of tossing in the space with Li Mo. At first, there was not much current, but after a while, the generated electricity was enough to fill the space. All the machines have been used together, and even the lights in the wooden house in the space can be used. Apparently the space is evolving again.

    With electricity, the space is completely a small world. Song Jin no longer worries that rice cannot be turned into rice.

    That day he cooked a meal with the new rice, which had a special fragrance. He had eaten a lot of rice, and this was definitely the best.

    The warehouses in the space were gradually enriched, but life outside became more and more difficult. When Song Jin was thirty, they had a meal together.

    The shopping malls and stores in the city have not opened since the first day of the new year. The city has implemented a purchase restriction order, which includes food and daily necessities. Houses in the city are prohibited from buying and selling. The population is re-registered. This time the registration is very strict. All houses in the city are divided into thousands. Community, each community has a management committee, the management committee is responsible for the distribution of personnel registration materials in the community, only those who have registered in each community have the right to distribute materials.

    Because the place where Song Jin lived was separated from Li's father's community by a large road, their community consisted of two high-rise buildings and ten ordinary residential buildings, with a population of about 2,000.

    After the population registration was completed, at the gate of the management committee, a list of people in the community was posted. Perhaps it was because they were afraid that people would make trouble, so the management committee made it very transparent.

    Each person has a material capital, and there is a monthly quota in the book, which is divided into fine grains, coarse grains, vegetables, meat and fruits, but not every time they can get what they need. The sign said today's supplies.

    The allocation of supplies is not too much, so you can save some food and not go hungry, especially if you replace it with corn noodles, it is enough for a grown man to eat.

    These foods are not provided free of charge. People in the community have to work in order to obtain supplies, and the various requirements are divided very carefully.

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