♡ 01 | Heartbreak

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Thunder strikes. Pitter patter of rough rain against the walls of Hogwarts. Strong gust of wind that makes the raindrops feel as though it's blades against your skin. Goosebumps litter your body underneath your drenched robes. Your body must be freezing but you hardly notice. The only thing you can feel is the pounding of your heart against your chest. 

Your eyes never stray away from the one you call your love. Or so you thought he was. The two of you have been arguing back and forth at the astronomy tower late into the night after dinner from the Great Hall. You've had this argument countless times before but tonight feels the absolute worse. Swollen eyes from your tears, you've gone speechless. 

The person you see before you have changed for the worse. It's to the point where you no longer see the person you've fallen in love with. Before you stands someone you hardly know. A complete stranger. "You promised Draco! You promised me you wouldn't stoop so low!" Your shouts become hoarse from your strained throat. 

Both of you stare at one another as another thunder strike fills the deafening silence. This Halloween night was meant for festivities. But it's far from it after the information Draco's told you. Your eyes catch a glimpse of his Dark Mark. You've been aware of Draco being a Death Eater since joining their side during the Fifth Year two years ago. 

Not once have you approved of his decision but you understood that it was more of his parents influence. Multiple times have you turned a blind eye when Draco's up to no good. Your only focus was to show Draco the pure feelings of being in love and to comfort him. Something he truly lacked from the people he surrounds himself around. But you can only be ignorant to so much. 

Draco hardly partakes in aiding the Death Eaters. He would do a few tasks here and there such as delivering messages or sitting in on meetings. His parents would do most of the grunt of the work. But as he's getting older the tasks given to him becomes more extreme and hands on. Seems like Voldemort wants to put more pressure on Draco to see his worth. Your breathing is unstable when you look at Draco directly in his light grey eyes. 

"Did you really use the Crucio curse on someone Draco? What's next Avada Ked--." You cut yourself off before finishing your words. Draco promised you he wouldn't ever use the three unforgivable curses. Draco inhales a deep breath before his eyes narrow on your tearstained face. 

He tightens his jaw before parting his lips. The rain and Draco's voice mix together so you can hardly hear him. You hate how you can read lips. "No, Imperio." You squeeze your eyes shut at this. "You won't understand Y/N. I had to! They were all watching and waiting for me to make a move. Do you understand the amount of pressure I was under?" 

"If they told you to kill whoever it was, would you then?! Do you not have a mind of your own Draco?! When will you stand up for your--". What happens next takes you both by surprise. A sharp pain crosses your face the very same moment another loud thunder strike paints the black cloudy sky. 

Your eyes widen in horror and so does Draco's. His light grey eyes fall to his trembling hand that hovers  by your cheek. Your wavering eyes flick from Draco's hand to his face. "No...no...what have I done? I didn't mean to Y/N. Anger taken my mind over. I--". Draco silences himself as he squeezes his eyes shut, his brows knitting tightly together as he drops his hand by his side. 

Pain. You step back as you rest your left hand against your left cheek where Draco had slapped. Not once in your four years of dating has Draco laid a hand on you in this way. "This isn't going to work out. I've hurt you and broke our promise Y/N. We should just settle things here and now." Draco slowly opens his eyes to look at you again. 

Already hurt, you feel your heart shattering even more. Draco lowers his head as if he's bowing to you. "I'm sorry." Without meeting your eyes again Draco turns around and pulls the hood of his robes over his head. You stand there watching his back with a blurry vision from your never ending tears. There's so much to say as thoughts swirl in your mind but your tongue fails to say a single word. 

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now