♡ 09 | Freedom

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February arrived much sooner than you anticipated. The past few weeks you've been busy with your studies, prefect duties, and keeping a watchful eye on the Slytherin group. Harry and you have exchanged notes once a week. You had told him about the smoke symbols you saw from Divination class. He tried to offer some suggestions to your theories. But they all still mean nothing at the end of the day. 

Neither of you think much of it. You still feel guilty refraining to mention the group being possible Death Eaters to Harry. If that information is to be leaked to Harry, he would forget your request about Draco in an instant. Instead, you try to change gears and help Harry understand his dreams better. You're more curious to learn what Draco's role is. 

Harry only knows that Draco is to be tasked to kill Dumbledore. But you still find that hard to believe. Why would Voldemort ask that of Draco? Wouldn't Voldemort find more satisfaction to kill Dumbledore himself? Or is this some sick plot to affirm that Draco will vow his life to Voldemort as a Death Eater. The idea of Draco even killing anyone sends a chill down your spine. 

You sigh and slump deeper into the bath water that's full of bubbles. Your eyes stare at the mermaid portrait that hangs on the wall in the Prefect's bathroom. The smell of lavender eases your anxiety. Your thoughts stray over to Cedric. He's been busy with his own studies and responsibilities as a Prefect and Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. The two of you hardly have time to hangout. 

You're momentarily distracted when you hear the door of the bathroom open. Usually you find yourself alone in the Prefect bathroom at this time of day. Your mood grows sour when you see who it is. Just your luck. Pansy Parkinson. The girl wears a matching look of disgust when she sees you in here as well. 

Stubborn, you don't move an inch where you are. The "tub" is large enough to fit several people. It's like a pool of sorts. Pansy who is also matching your stubbornness continues to lay her belongings down at the opposite end of the tub. You keep your eyes elsewhere when you hear her remove her bathrobe. Pansy submerges herself in the tub and groans at your choice of bath soak.

She twists the tap to change the lavender to eucalyptus. There's obvious tension in the air as neither of you speak up. Pansy is the first to speak when the water changes from a lavender shade to a more green color to match the scent of eucalyptus. "You don't mind I change the bath oil, right?" There's a snarky tone behind Pansy's words. 

Of course you minded. You only soaked for about five minutes. Reaching for the tap near you, you run the lavender oil on your side. The bath now is a mixture of both. Pansy scoffs under her breath with a shake to her head. Her eyes sharpen on your hand, another witty comment leaving her lips. 

"Still not over your broken relationship, huh Y/N? It's so pathetic to see you still wearing Draco's ring as if you're his." Pansy exhales loudly with a smile on her face. She's proud of her statement when you hide your hand under the water. "I'm guessing you haven't heard. Draco asked me to be his Valentine." 

You refrain from making a visible reaction on your face. Pansy may be bluffing to stir you up. You continue to ignore her as you soak your hair with conditioner. "Should I tell you how?" Pansy continues to talk, not truly caring if you answer her or not. You hear Pansy shifting around the water and then before you lands a swan made out of bath foam. 

"He wrote me a note in a paper swan and asked me to meet him at the Astronomy Tower. Who knew Draco can be so romantic. The stars are very beautiful up there. But not as beautiful as hearing Draco ask me to be his Val--" Pansy squeals out when water is abruptly slapped at her face. 

Flashbacks of Draco confessing to you in the very same way stirs up your emotions. Now you're unsure whether Pansy is toying with you or not. Would Draco really confess to Pansy at the Astronomy Tower where you both created so many memories? Pansy angrily returns your water attack with her own. You squeeze your eyes shut from possible soap hitting your eyes. 

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now