♡ 23 | The War Begins

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Silence. There's not a sound amongst the five Slytherins. The day is finally here where the plan they worked so vigilantly on is put into execution. No one within the group have their hands clean. The five have killed at least one wizard or witch as a Death Eater to prove their worth to Voldemort. This is not how they imagined their final year at Hogwarts.

Their first year selves were too innocent and bright eyed to the magical world. Now here they stand in the Room of Hidden Things in front of the Vanishing Cabinet. Draco's lost in his thoughts as Blaise goes over the plan once more with the group. "Pansy will stay behind with the Vanishing Cabinet. I will cause a terrible accident during the Quidditch match. That's when you, Gregory and Vincent, cause a distraction in the crowd. Draco will then target Dumbledore." 

Everyone except Draco nod their head with serious gazes at Blaise. Pansy notices Draco's lack of attention. The girl calls out to the white blonde haired boy. "Draco." Everyone casts their eyes over to Draco. Hearing his name and feeling all eyes on him, Draco snaps out of his whirlwind of thoughts. Draco's mind has not been the same since the death of Y/N's parents.

The boy has made it his goal to hide away from Y/N since that night. He's too ashamed for what he's done to confront her. Now he is to kill someone else. That person being Dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts. "We should get going Blaise. The game will start any moment." Draco looks directly at Blaise. The boy nods to Draco's words and everyone begins to leave asides Pansy. 

Blaise turns his head slightly to look back at Pansy. "Good luck." Blaise murmurs under his breath before he hurries after the other three. Pansy nods her head, her eyes wavering from nervousness. The Slytherin girl turns to look at the Vanishing Cabinet before her. She opens it to place a note inside saying the others are leaving for the Quidditch field. 


That's all Draco is feeling currently as he walks down the many corridors and hallways to the outside of Hogwarts castle. There's a bustle of chatter and smiles amongst the students he walks past. Many showing their support of the team they wish to win with little flags of either yellow or green representing Slytherin and Hufflepuff. 

Vincent and Gregory break off from Blaise and Draco as they head for the stands the moment they're nearing the Quidditch field. Blaise stops Draco in his hurried steps by grabbing the boy by his left shoulder. "Draco." Blaise's voice is stern. Draco halts and casts his eyes to the side. "What is it Blaise? We need to be on the field soon." 

Blaise looks conflicted when his lips turn into a fine line. The tall boy casts his eyes down, his shoulders tense. "I'm worried about you." Blaise voices his inner thoughts aloud to Draco. The two look at one another eye to eye. Blaise grips his hold on Draco's shoulder tightly. "I...I know you don't want to do this. None of us do. We're just forced to because of our parents. Maybe we can just--"

"Stop." Draco cuts Blaise off, glaring with furrowed brows. "We've come so far to run away now Blaise. We already took lives away. What's just one more?" Draco speaks through clench teeth and narrowed eyes. Blaise blinks rapidly before scrunching his own face. 

"I know you don't mean those words Draco. You're still tormented after taking Y/N's parents lives!" Blaise's voice rises. Draco darts his eyes around him to see if there's anyone around. Luckily there is no one in the vicinity. Draco roughly pries Blaise's hand away from his shoulder. 

Speaking between clench teeth, Draco's eyes waver and gloss over. "Keep your voice down Blaise! And don't you ever bring that back up." Draco ends the conversation by storming off towards the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Blaise stares at Draco's back with a click to his tongue and a shake to his head. 

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