♡ 26 | Yes, I Do Believe in Soulmates

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There's a gentle breeze that flows through your hair as you tap your paintbrush against the canvas. It's been a month since the war at Hogwarts. Some days you're able to live normally while other days you lock yourself in the guest room of the Diggory's home. You're still grieving over your parents and Draco. Lowering your paintbrush, you silently gaze at the painting you're working on. 

It's of Cedric's backyard with a beautiful sky of the golden hour. You spend most of your time painting outside. Cedric comes by to check in on you while leaving sweets behind to make sure you eat. The action makes you remember the past when Cedric tried his best to befriend you. Too focused on the details on your canvas, you hardly hear the surprise visitors who appear behind you.

"Did you paint that Y/N?" You startle when a voice speaks loudly beside you. Dropping your paintbrush, you look over. Your eyes widen and a smile grows on your face. Quickly you stand up to wrap your arms around their neck. 

"Harry!" You call out the boys name happily. Your eyes then stray towards Hermione and Ron who raise their hands up in a wave. You then hurry over to hug the two as well. Your attention casts down to Hermione's leg. "Are you recovered Hermione?" 

Hermione nods her head with a smile when your eyes meet hers. She pats her leg gently. "It still hurts a bit to walk on but Ron's been a supportive boyfriend." Ron chokes on his saliva and his face flushes red. The boy slaps his chest with his hand as he clears his throat.

"Of course. Anything for you Hermione." Ron sheepishly says under his breath. You giggle as you look at the couple. "How are you Y/N? We haven't heard anything from you after we were all rushed out of Hogwarts." Harry catches your attention again. 

You grow guilty for not reaching out to the three. With a small exhale, your shoulders droop. You reach over to pick up the paintbrush you dropped earlier. Your fingers tightly grip onto the paintbrush as you shrug. Your eyes avoid making any contact with the three. No one interrupts you as you gather your thoughts together. 

"It's been difficult. Some days are harder than others. I only hope for easier days in the future. Cedric's keeping me grounded though. He's always there when I need him the most." You raise your eyes up to look at your friends. They quickly change their frowns to tiny smiles. But you can tell there's sadness in their eyes. 

"Speaking of Cedric. Where is he?" You raise your brows and look past the three. Cedric must've let them in as a surprise for you. As if on queue, Cedric emerges when he opens the backdoor. Ron hurries over to hold the door for Cedric who's hands are full with sweets and tea. 

"Sorry for the wait." Cedric says with a smile. The boy walks over to a tea table and sets down a plate of cookies. A floating teapot and cups hover around him. Cedric flicks his wand towards the table to set the teapot and cups down. Cedric motions for everyone to sit down. 

As you reach for a chair, Cedric stops you to pull the chair out for you. You snicker under your breath and whisper a thank you. A cheesy smile plasters on Cedric's face as he takes the seat beside you. "So, what did I miss?" Cedric looks curiously at the group of friends that surround the circular tea table. 

The teapot serves each person itself before it settles back down on the table. "Y/N's told us how supportive you have been for her during her time of grief." Harry smiles from ear to ear. Ron nods as he takes a bite of the cookie in front of him. Cedric's face flushes a soft pink. He scrunches his nose and grows shy. 

You change the topic to grab ahold of everyone's looming eyes away from Cedric. "So...what is everyone doing now that we're all no longer Hogwarts students?" You curiously look at your three friends. Hermione perks up and quickly answers your question as if she's been waiting for someone to ask her this. "I'm going to work for the Department of Magical Law. Hopefully with enough hard work I can become one of the ministers." There's a sparkle in Hermione's eyes as she speaks with great enthusiasm.

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now