♡ 02 | Broken Promises

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Pansy hastily kneels down to help Draco grab his books, anger in her eyes. "Bet that Diggory did something." Pansy spits out as Draco hesitantly looks behind him. He barely sees the end of Y/N's robes turn the corner. Draco mentally curses himself for not being brave enough to meet the girls eyes. Every time the thought of Y/N crosses his mind he feels nothing but great regret and pain. 

Their breakup was rushed and he cowardly left before the girl could utter a word. Draco still hates himself for laying a hand against her face. Y/N spoke out of anger. But her words were also laced full of love and care. Despite everything Y/N stayed by Draco's side since the day they became a couple in their third year. There are plenty of happy memories Draco shared with Y/N. Memories he wouldn't change for the world. 

Y/N always sided with him. She comforted Draco in ways others couldn't. When his mind became clouded, she was the moonlight breaking through. The day he received his Dark Mark during his Fifth Year, Y/N didn't reprimand him for it. She blamed his parents for thinking about their selves and not their son. Always, Y/N sided with him.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"What is it Draco? You're not yourself tonight." Y/N looks beautiful under the moonlight. She leans over to look at the stars at the astronomy tower before pulling her attention back to the quiet Draco. This place has become their favorite. Not just because this is where they confessed their love or even shared their first kiss. But because no one bothers to come up here unless there's a class in session. It feels as though it's just Draco and Y/N in this entire world. 

Draco hides his left forearm behind his back. His heart is hammering in his chest as he feels his stomach knot up. They just returned from their Christmas holiday. Draco couldn't spend Christmas this time with Y/N because he was needed at home. His initiation to become a Death Eater happened. Not a single word of this left Draco's lips before he said goodbye to Y/N before the holiday. 

Draco fears how Y/N will react. Will she break it off with him? Y/N pretends to look away whenever he would pester Potter and his friends with Crabbe and Goyle. The girl is too kind hearted in believing that Draco only behaves this way because his parents want him to treat Potter poorly. But Draco knows deep down Y/N wouldn't love someone like this. She would stand up against a bully for someone who's innocent. 

Often Draco wonders how the two even became friends. Let alone lovers. Draco recalls being a crude boy to Y/N during their first year. But something pushed Draco to get closer to Y/N. She wouldn't pay him any attention as her sole focus was her books or art. Maybe it's all the times Draco spotted the girl in her own peace. She is so beautiful being in her own world without caring what others think of her. 

Draco envied that. Her spirit feels so free. Bit by bit Draco could no longer admire her from afar. He mustered up the courage to make conversation. But he would grow dry in the throat when her eyes rested upon him. Never had Draco felt the feeling of nervousness until her. The little girl he fell in love with has grown up a bit more. 

Y/N now stands before Draco when he was lost in his thoughts. "I received your gift Draco." Y/N neatens Draco's dress collar with a smile. She raises her hand to show off a plain silver band ring on her right ring finger. "I won't ever take this off." A smile laces Y/N's beautiful face. Draco gifted Y/N one of his rings he often wears as a Christmas gift. He always noticed the way she eyed it. 

Draco had sent it to a jeweler to resize his ring to fit perfectly on Y/N's ring finger. Written in a note Draco stated it was a promise ring. A promise to never break any promises they have with one another. Draco should be overjoyed seeing how happy Y/N is but he's riddled with misery at what burns against his left forearm. He has to tell Y/N.

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now