♡ 17 | Their Firsts

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A month passes since the finding of the working Vanishing Cabinet. Your parents returned your letter with a thank you, congratulations, and that they'll monitor the Malfoys and the others parents closely for any movement a day after you had sent them the warning Valentines night. Since then you haven't heard anything from them. You're constantly worrying over the two. Their jobs are extremely dangerous at this time. But you trust that your parents won't do anything irrational to be caught.

It just worries you that you're aware the Slytherins have been going in and out of the school. Harry's informed you about it. He's been keeping a close lookout with the use of his Marauder's Map. The two of you are reading over the Daily Prophet. The front headline of the article mentions the death counts have grown much larger. But the mystery is who is the cause of it.

The Ministry of Magic is trying to keep things closed off. You're no fool to not know that these death counts are the cause of the Dark Lord's Death Eaters. The Ministry is trying their best to not cause a panic. Parents have sent out letters to the students of Hogwarts to remain there for safety. But little do they know, this is the worst place to be in two months time.

Talking the Slytherin's out of their plan is out of the question now. You doubt you can even convince Draco. The last time you had a conversation with him was at the Astronomy Tower. He's never crossed your line of sight since then. You're sure he's moving along the shadows.

"No word from your parents still Y/N?" Harry speaks up, breaking you away from your thoughts. You raise your eyes away from the Daily Prophet to look at Harry's green almond eyes. You shake your head in response. Casting your attention over to the Quidditch Field, you watch Cedric zoom around in his Firebolt with ease. The Hufflepuff team is having their last practice before the big game tomorrow.

Mentally you hope Hufflepuff loses against Ravenclaw. But that's wrong of you. It's Cedric's last year at Hogwarts. It'll be amazing if he pulled a win for their house before he leaves. "I can only hope they're doing okay. I'm sure they're swamped with the amount of work because of the death count."

Harry tries to not frown when he nods his head slowly. He casts his attention over to the Quidditch Field. "How are things going with Cedric?" Harry speaks in a soft whisper. Neither of you spoke about the night you had to confess everything to Cedric.

Your eyes follow the dark haired boy who wears a charming smile when he manages to catch the Golden Snitch. The corner of your lips curl into a smile and you turn to look at Harry. "We're doing well. Cedric's still upset about me snooping around but he knows how stubborn I can be. He still wishes for me to be safe."

Harry wears a lopsided smile when he hears your answer. "Well it's understandable coming from him. He loves you Y/N. Of course he'd want you safe. I'd want the same for anyone I care for. If I had it my way, I wouldn't want you, Ron, or Hermione to fight this battle with me."

Hearing Harry include you makes you raise a brow. "Me too?" You're surprised to find yourself placed so high amongst his two best friends. You and Harry have hardly gotten to know one another until this year. Harry nods with a wider smile and dry chuckle.

"Yeah. How can I not see you as a friend now Y/N? You've helped me out considerably with this matter against the Dark Lord. I may be wrong but you're not fighting for your own selfish reasons now. You're fighting for everyone at Hogwarts. Not just Draco and Cedric." Harry's voice turns into a murmur at his latter sentence.

You never told Harry why you're fighting for Draco. But you're sure he has a hunch on why. You exhale with a lightness in your chest. A tiny smile paints on your face when you glance at your hands in your lap. "You two look happy. What are you discussing?" Cedric appears out of nowhere, startling you and Harry both.

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now