♡ 25 | Mourning What's Gone

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Hermione, Ron, and Harry are at their limits. The three have tirelessly attacked Voldemort for what feels like forever. The three eye the pale man with death glares as their chests rise and falls roughly. Ron holds onto Hermione from her leg injury. The three are not free from any injuries as they're covered with cuts, burns, and blood. Harry grows even more frustrated that his friends are hurt this badly. Where is Y/N and Cedric? 

"Let's not draw this out any longer Harry. I'll leave your friends alive if you agree to die in their stead." Voldemort wears a wide grin. The man breaths slowly. Harry's positive Voldemort is hiding his exhaustion. "No! Don't agree with him Harry!" Hermione shouts out with a shrilly tone. Her eyes are glossing over. 

Ron holds Hermione back as she tries to run to Harry's side. "Hermione, you're hurt!" Ron bickers at the girl in his arms. Hermione glares at Ron, her lips forming into a thin line. Harry looks back to his two most loyal best friends. Harry would sacrifice himself without a second thought for these two. But how can he be so sure Voldemort will keep his word? 

Hermione and Ron turn their attention over to Harry. The two shake their heads furiously at Harry. "Harry please don't." Hermione frowns with a whisper. Harry's eyes are hallow for a moment as he thinks things through. Does he have to resort to his final plan? Where he dies to protect everyone else? 


The voices of two people emerge from the Forbidden Forest. Hermione, Ron, and Harry duck from the debris as they scream out in terror. Voldemort groans loudly when he's taken aback from the surprise attack. "Sorry for the wait Harry." A familiar voice that belongs to Cedric Diggory speaks up by Harry's ear. Harry wafts away the smoke caused by the explosion to see Cedric there. 

"Y-You're alive." Harry stammers out as his green almond eyes widen with a glow. Cedric wears a half smile and a shrug. "Barely. Y/N's rescued me more times than I can thank her." Cedric casts his eyes over to his left. Y/N lowers the protection spell from the group. Harry notices Y/N's swollen eyes and redden nose. 

"Something happened. Didn't it?" Harry speaks in a hurry. Cedric helps Harry up and nods. "Yes, but there's no time to explain the details Harry. We have to end Voldemort first." Cedric points his wand forward when Voldemort is visible again.

"Great. More students." Voldemort speaks bitterly as he pats his robe free from debris. An attack flies straight to Voldemort before he manages to retaliate. "Diffindo!"

You're full of rage and despair when you finally meet the man who's ruined everyones lives including yours. You couldn't mourn long for Draco's death. Cedric and you had noticed that several Death Eaters still remained in the Quidditch Field. Which only meant Harry still needed help. With each step forward you lash out spells. 

Nothing but revenge crosses your mind as your brows knit together. Voldemort remains still as he deflects each of your attack. "Sloppy and rushed. You're fighting with pure emotion young girl." Voldemort smirks and cackles. 

You hate hearing Voldemort so amused. Not once do you slow down your attacks. "Just die already! I don't want any more lives taken away from me!" You scream out while whipping your wand around. Voldemort wears a peculiar look when he looks you up and down. The man tilts his head to the side. 

"Ah, you must be Y/N Y/L/N. It's great to finally meet you. Apologies to your parents. How unfortunate of them to be caught snooping around. Maybe they should've worked in a different profession. Otherwise they wouldn't have died by the hands of your previous lover. Speaking of him. Where is Draco anyway? You must've encountered him before finding me." 

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now