♡ 24 | I'm Sorry

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Cedric grunts as he tries to get on his feet. A spark of magic zaps a few inches away from Cedric. Looking up, Cedric sees a hooded figure. The short man removes his hood revealing himself. There stands a man with grubby looking skin and a pointed nose. He resembles a rat to Cedric. "Any student who gets in the way must die. That's what master told us." A squeaky voice speaks to Cedric. 

Grabbing his wand, Cedric retaliates with a spell aimed towards the man. He must be one of the Death Eaters. "As if I'll die to someone like you!" Cedric shouts out with anger. He needs to end this fight now before he's too late to stop Draco. Or worse-- he's too late in finding Y/N. 

"Eeek!" The man shrieks as he dodges the spell Cedric casts. Cedric stands on his feet, wildly casting spell after spell. Despite the man being short and round, he's quick. The fight seems to be the mans advantage as Cedric gets a few scratches here and there. The screams and explosions from Cedric's surroundings is getting to him. His mind is a bit distracted. 

What if those screams belonged to Y/N? "Expelliarmus!" The moment of distraction causes Cedric to lose his wand. Fear easily riddles Cedric to his core. He watches his wand fly out of his hand and land off to the right. A wicked grin forms on the grubby man's face. 

Is this where Cedric dies? Y/N's future sight wasn't a bluff after all was it? 

Cedric crawls to his wand in panic while the Death Eater in front of him cackles. He has to fight till his very last breath.


Frozen still. Cedric holds his breath and squeezes his eyes shut. Is he dead? Gone to the afterlife? Everything sounds mute. But in a flash, the explosions of attacks and terrible screams come rushing to Cedric's ears. A roughness grabs ahold of Cedric's left forearm. 

"CED! CED ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" The voice screaming beside Cedric is Y/N's. Cedric flutters his eyes open. Y/N's covered in scars herself. But not as badly as he is. Her eyes dart all over Cedric as her chest heaves up and down roughly. 

Cedric slowly looks over to his right. There lays a lifeless body. The man who tried to kill Cedric is the one to take his last breath instead. Cedric's mind clicks and his gears begin to work. "You...You killed him Y/N." 

You hear Cedric's low tone of disbelief. Furrowing your brows, you speak up. What happened moments ago is still fresh in your mind. Your emotions took over your logical thoughts. "I had to Cedric. Otherwise...Otherwise you would be the one laying dead! I can't have that!"

You take in deep breaths as you feel your own anxiety get the better of you. Your hands begin to tremble uncontrollably. Taking a life to save another life is wrong. But you'll be damned to let fate be right about losing Cedric today. Cedric cups your face in his. You feel them tremble against your skin.

"I'm not upset Y/N." Cedric speaks delicately. His lips meet yours quickly. You look into Cedric's bright grey eyes that reflect you in them. "Thank you. I would've done the same if it were you." A tiny smile laces Cedric's face when he strokes your cheeks with his thumbs. 

"Poor poor Peter Pettigrew." A loud silky voice of a female cuts into the conversation. You and Cedric pull away to look forward. Two Death Eaters stand over the man you now know as Peter. The woman jabs her left foot into the round man's side. She clicks her tongue and slowly removes her hood. 

Your blood runs cold as you feel your face pale over. Instinctively you reach to grab Cedric's hand. You scramble up to your feet, tugging Cedric to do the same. Slowly you put yourself in front of the boy. "W-Who is she Y/N?" Cedric glances at you from the corner of his eye. He's well aware this is someone you know by your reaction. 

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now