♡ 13 | Cedric's Love

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Days have passed since finding more information on the plan. Looking at Cedric doesn't feel the same anymore. All you can think about is how can you change his fate along with Draco's. You long forgot about why the Love Potion failed on him until you're in Potions. "Something bothering you Y/L/N?" Professor Snape slowly walks over to stare at your bubbling cauldron that you've stared at in silence for who knows how long.

"Oh Professor." You raise your eyes up to look at Professor Snape. The man has shoulder length greasy black hair, sallow skin, a large, hooked nose and yellow, uneven teeth. Many students dislike him but you're the minority. Potions is one of your favorite classes asides Herbology and Astronomy. You and Draco are one of his best students surprisingly enough. 

Professor Snape stops in front of your cauldron with his hands behind his back. "Professor, may I ask you a question about a potion in particular?" Professor Snape remains silent. You take that as your queue to ask. "Is it possible for a Love Potion to not work on the person who consumes it?"

You watch Professor Snape's brow raise as he responds in a low voice. "Not work? That's the first I've heard of it." Your hopes in an answer sinks when even Snape is unsure. "I thought so. Cedric didn't have an effect on it." Your face now wears a frown as you stir your cauldron. 

Snape tilts his head slightly, his eyes down as he ponders. "Cedric..." Snape murmurs to himself. "You two are friends, correct?" You nod to Snape's question. "What was the reasoning in using the Love Potion on him Miss Y/L/N?" 

You feel your face heat up from Professor Snape's further questioning. You raise your hands up to show your innocence. "I wasn't brewing it for him. He just consumed one of the sweets I had used the Love Potion on." Upon hearing your answer, Snape's eyes squint slightly. "It worked on the person but I just found it odd Cedric had no effect." 

"This is just my theory but your Love Potion may not have worked on Mr. Diggory because he's already in love with you Mrs. Y/L/N." Snape speaks curtly as if that answer is obvious. The idea never crossed your mind until hearing Snape state it aloud. You freeze where you stand with growing eyes of shock. Professor Snape strolls away to leave you in your thoughts. 

Cedric Diggory is in love with you? There's no--. You stop mid-thought. You recall all your conversations with Cedric over the past few weeks and months. After your breakup Cedric made sure to keep you company so you wouldn't drown yourself in sadness. The offer to spend the holidays at his place, the soulmate conversation, the Valentines date promise, and even the conversations at the greenhouse. 

You cover your face with your hands and curse yourself. How can you be so blind? The signs were there the entire time but you didn't see them. You were too focused on everything else. If Cedric had told you he loves you, you would only assume he meant it as friends. Cedric lied about this secret admirer of his that he's waiting to hear from. 

His sly lie of the girl not having the courage or not liking him in return. Cedric made it up knowing full well he will reject every girl so he can spend the day with you. The person he probably wants to be with. You slow down your racing thoughts. Snape did say this is just his theory.

But what other theory will make sense? A Love Potion causes the drinker to become infatuated or obsessed with the person who gave it to them. If it clearly didn't work that must mean the drinker is already in love with the potion maker. You lower your hands from your face. How are you going to act around Cedric now? It's not as if you can just confront him about it. 

You groan under your breath and try to focus on the potion you're currently brewing. Cedric. Your thoughts come back to him anyway. What are your feelings like towards Cedric? You know he's someone you cherish. If anything is to happen to him, you'll be hurt for sure. Just the sheer thought that he may die worries you tirelessly. 

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now