♡ 05 | Plan in Progress

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Murmurs. Crackling of the fireplace. A cold draft rising from the marbled floor Manor. It hardly feels like Christmas for Draco. He sits in silence far from his parents and aunt. Despite being so close to the roaring fireplace, Draco feels numb and freezing. His eyes stare at a silver band ring between his fingertips.

This ring is the matching pair to the one he's given Y/N. He doesn't have the guts to wear it anymore. Draco recalls Y/N the other day. His heart ached seeing her be so friendly with Cedric. Draco's well aware that they've been friends since their First Year. But what tugged at his heart even more was the ring she still wore on her hand. 

Why is she still wearing it? Does Y/N still love him even after everything? Draco's unsure who is more of a fool. He wonders what she's doing today. It's odd not being with her on Christmas. Every year he would be at her place during the holidays. The only holiday the two spent it here was their Fourth Year. Their Third, Fifth, and Sixth was spent at her parents because Draco was well aware how uncomfortable she felt being here. 

At times Draco finds it hard being in the Malfoy Manor as well. The home is uninviting. "Draco." A gentle voice of a woman pulls Draco out of his thoughts. He flutters his long lashes to look to his right where there's a shift in weight on the loveseat. His mother wears a tiny smile, her eyes showing obvious concern over him. 

Narcissa Malfoy rests a hand on Draco's back, rubbing her hand in circular motions. "What's wrong dear? You haven't opened any of your presents that your father and I got you." Her eyes fall to the ring that Draco fidgets with. He hastily clasps it into his palm away from her eyes. "Where's Y/N? I find it odd you are spending Christmas here instead of with her." 

The mention of Y/N makes Draco drop his eyes to his tight fist that holds the ring. Draco's avoided telling his parents about their breakup. He's sure his father will be the first one to say "good riddance". Draco grinds his teeth together and swallows the saliva that forms in his mouth. His words barely come out as a whisper as they are stuck in his throat.

"She's not coming. We...we're not..." Draco halts his words. He feels his emotions rile up. Draco wears a pained expression when he looks back to his mother. With glossed over eyes Draco forces his words out. "I broke up with her." 

Narcissa's face falls with a frown on her face. She pulls Draco close in an embrace. Draco fights back his tears. The last thing he wants to do is cry when his father is present. If it was only him and his mother here, the tears would be free. But Draco must look strong in front of his father. He feels the mans looming eyes on his side profile. 

"I'm sorry dear. I can only imagine how painful it was for you. I'm hear to listen if you need." Narcissa whispers while ruffling the back of Draco's head. He doesn't return her embrace as he sits there stiff as a board. His heart feels as though there are a thousand needles stabbing him.

Draco shakes his head, his words trembling from his lips. "My pain will not amount to the pain I've given her mother. I was the problem. Y/N was nothing but loving to me till the very end. I only wish I could be a better partner for her."

Narcissa pulls away to stroke Draco's face. Her eyes soften as she takes in every detail of her son. No further words are exchanged. The conversation ends there when the front double doors open. The arrival of the main guest brings everyone to their feet. Draco swallows any sadness he has and lowers his head to the arrival of Voldemort. 

He slips the ring into his pants pocket as everyone lifts their head when Voldemort takes his seat at the head of the table in the dining room. One by one the Death Eaters arrive into the Malfoy Manor. Draco, Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix make their way to join them at the long rectangular dining table. The festivities of Christmas is well over now. Draco spots his friends Blaise, Vincent, Gregory, and Pansy arrive at the table. They sit with their parents, giving short nods to one another. 

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