♡ 07 | Death in the Future

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Returning to Hogwarts feels as though you've come back to another home. It's bittersweet thinking this is your last year here before having to go off into the adult world. Unlike Cedric, you don't have an idea what you want to do after graduating from Hogwarts. You look up from your book to gaze at Cedric who's crowded by the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. The girl's wasted no time in asking him about his holiday. 

You then spot the golden trio. Ron, Harry, and Hermione. The three are chatting up a storm as they breeze past the courtyard. Harry's facial expression is one of worry compared to his two friends who are trying to calm him down. You wonder if they know anything about You-Know-Who. They're always in the middle of the mess. 

You're then distracted when you spot a group of Slytherins traveling in a pack. Draco leads his group of friends to one of the trees in the courtyard. Their expressions are serious as they have a discussion of some sort. Not wanting to catch eyes with one of them, you drop your attention back down to your divination book. You're unsure why you bothered taking the class. 

Nothing but terrible readings come from your future so it seems. Not wanting to be out in the cold any longer, you stand on your feet and cast your attention back over to Cedric. He still looks busy as he gives attention to each girl with small chatter. For a brief moment Cedric glances over in your direction. You form a small smile and point at your divination book. 

Hopefully Cedric can put two and two together in figuring that you'll be heading off to your first class a bit early. You wave a goodbye before leaving the courtyard. Cedric looks as though he wants to hurry off to your side but the crowd of girls hardly give him the chance. You take your time walking over to the North Tower. Your eyes taking in every detail of the castle corridors and walls. 

"I swear I'm not lying! I saw them with my own two eyes. Whether it was a dream or not. He told Draco to kill Dumbledore! I just don't know when." You overhear a conversation that sounds too ridiculous. 

"Harry! You're being a bit too loud. What if someone over--." Ron's voice falls when you turn the corner. It's clear you've walked in at a terrible moment. Everyone else is either at the Great Hall, courtyard, or their common rooms. Classes don't start for another hour. 

Your eyes dart from Ron, Hermione, and Harry. "Apologies." You muster up a singular word before breezing past the three. But you must be an idiot to think they will let you walk away without questions. "Y/N, right? Draco's girlfriend." Harry is the one to call out to you.

There's a sinking feeling in your stomach as you're rooted to the ground. Harry must be too focused on himself to listen in on the gossip about other students in Hogwarts. "Ex-girlfriend." Your response comes out more blunt than you anticipated. You slowly turn around clutching your belongings close to your side before looking directly at Harry.

Hermione awkwardly holds her head down, her lips pursing. Ron on the other hand widens his eyes at Harry's terrible mistake. He grabs ahold of Harry, tugging on his arm to stop him from further questioning. "Sorry." Harry apologizes for his choice of words. He then swallows the saliva that builds in his mouth, his Adams apple bobbing against his throat.

You remain silent, staring. You're sure Harry wants to ask you about Draco. Why else did he call out to you? But does Harry really think you'll just tell him everything about Draco? You hardly interacted with the three. If anything the three made sure to give you rude glances when you dated Draco. 

"I heard nothing." You speak up before Harry has a chance to part his lips again. Turning around, you continue your path towards the North Tower with your robe flying behind you from your quick pace. Your thoughts are a flurry that you don't realize you're about to walk off the moving staircase. Sheer panic rises when you feel yourself fall forward and your scream is lodged in your throat. 

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now