♡ 10 | Deep Conversations

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Harry looks over each note exchanged by Y/N in bed. Neville, Dean, Seamus, and Ron are hanging out in the common room which gives Harry a moment alone. Y/N's notes pertain her visions from Divination, the warning her parents had told her about rise of deaths including the growth of recruits siding with Voldemort, the behaviors of the Slytherins, and that she's researching about the castle. It's a slim chance she'll find out what that wall may be. Harry feels terrible he has yet to discuss more with her.

He's been busy with Quidditch captain duties on top of his studies. Y/N's given a few thoughts on Harry's realistic dreams. She wonders if Harry possibly shares a small link with Voldemort's mind. The idea sounds ridiculous but it's a possibility. Especially with how painful Harry feels from the scar after having those particular dreams. He's only had these dreams twice thus far. 

Once when Voldemort was slowly regaining his powers and now. A discussion of killing the Hogwarts headmaster. The door to the bedroom swings open pulling Harry out of his thoughts. He hastily grabs the notes together when Ron approaches him. There's a raise to Ron's left eyebrow when he sees the nervous look painting on Harry's face. 

"What are you up to Harry?" Ron sits down on the edge of Harry's bed, eyeing his best friend up and down. Harry hides the notes behind his back, a shake to his head. Ron scoffs, a cheeky grin on his face. "Are you up here all alone to write love letters to your secret Valentine?" 

Harry squints his eyes on Ron. It's no surprise Ron has the most random thoughts. "Who's the girl? Must be someone important if you haven't told Hermione or I." Ron tries to swipe the notes from Harry but he quickly balls up the notes and stuffs them into his pocket. 

"I'm not saying a word. Speaking of Hermione, have you asked her to be your Valentine?" Harry smoothly changes the topic and Ron is easily distracted. The redheaded freckle faced boy droops his shoulders with a frown. "No." Ron groans under his breath with his head down.

"Every time I manage to get the courage to ask her, someone or something interrupts. I might just hire one of those Cupids to do it for me. Do you think she'll like that? Should I have the Cupid sing or read a poem?" Ron perks up as he looks at Harry with bright eyes.

Harry snickers and shakes his head. "Neither. Hermione would feel embarrassed if one of those Cupids do anything in the middle of class. You should really ask her yourself. Before someone else beats you to it." 

Ron's eyes widen with fear at the thought that Hermione will spend Valentines with anyone but him. "You're right Harry! What am I doing sitting in here getting nervous for? Hermione is beautiful, smart, and a wonderful girl. Anyone will be stupid to not ask her to be their Valentine." The boy rises to his feet and storms out of the bedroom. 

Harry watches the door close and let's out an exhale of relief. Each passing day that goes by only makes Harry more on edge. Maybe a walk will calm his nerves. 

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

You studied a bit more after having dinner. Instead of potions you read up on the history of Hogwarts. Nothing in this book so far has mentioned a secret room. You doubt it will either or else everyone who decides to read this for fun will be on the hunt for it. All you know is that the five Slytherin's manage to walk through a wall. Is it some kind of magic like walking through the wall of 9 3/4's? 

But the last time you snooped around, the wall was solid. Which only can lead to the idea of having to visualize a certain location and possibly being able to walk through the wall. You haven't tested out this theory of yours. Mainly because the possibilities are endless in where these Slytherins are going. If only you can hear one of them slip up and state the location.

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now