♡ 03 | He's Warmth and Happiness

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The week flew by in an instant. You find yourself waiting for Cedric to board off the Hogwarts Express. His parents are tied up with a few errands so you'll both be heading to his place together. You let out a sigh with a tiny smile when you watch several girls surround Cedric with presents in their hands. It's no surprise Cedric is receiving plenty of gifts this time of year. You can only imagine how it will be on Valentines Day. There is no need for a love potion or even Cupid to have Cedric swarming with admirers. 

The smile falls from your lips when you think about the holidays. The past years you would exchange gifts with Draco. Each year the gifts you received from him was always meaningful. You have yet to go through your belongings to sort out all the gifts you've received from him to hide away. There's a stab in your chest when you stare at your right hand. Draco's silver band ring still adorns your right ring finger. You haven't had the courage to part from it. 

Because deep down you know that the day you remove his ring is when you are completely letting go. Tears begin to brim the corner of your eyes when your thumb spins the ring over and over. Your nerves prickle against your palm. "Apologies." You hear Cedric's voice shouting in your direction. Fluttering your eyelashes, you take a deep breath to calm your emotions. 

You raise a brow when you notice Cedric's arms are full of presents. He can hardly hold onto his own belongings. You hurry over to help Cedric with his gifts as you roll your luggage cart forward that carries your suitcase and your owl. "Couldn't say no Cedric?" You playfully taunt the boy when you count his gifts as you point at each one to make sure you're not forgetting any. Cedric grabs ahold of your pointer finger with a low chuckle when he sets his belongings on the luggage cart. 

"It would be rude of me to reject the gifts. Whatever it is, I'm sure I can share with you and my parents." Cedric adjusts his scarf and tilts his head forward. "Let's get going." You nod to Cedric's words and the two of you walk side by side as Cedric pushes along your shared belongings. "Wonder if mum and dad will be there before us. Hope they are so we can walk in to some warm hot cocoas." Cedric speaks softly with a smile when he glances at you from the corner of his eyes. 

You look over to see the tip of his nose and ears are red from the chilly winter. Removing your earmuffs, you stretch out your arms and gingerly place them over his head. Cedric's eyes widen momentarily as you stare at him with a smile. "You need these more than I do. Can't have our Hufflepuff prefect and Quidditch captain sick over the holidays from a cold. Your loyal admirers would be worried to death."

The two of you slow down as you wait for a lift from one of the cars by the Ministry of Magic that Amos Diggory reserved to pick you both up with from his absence. Cedric cups your ears with his hands and you stiffen when you feel his fingertips against your ears. "W-What is it?" You stammer out while reaching up to pry his hands away. 

"Just making sure you're not cold Y/N. I rather freeze my ears off instead." Cedric answers calmly. You feel as though there are many wandering eyes on you both. And you hate it when your intuition is right. Past Cedric you notice a familiar white-blonde hair. There must be a visible change in your expression when you spot Draco. 

You feel your eyes soften when his eyes finally meet yours for the first time in months. Draco shares the same sad longing look towards you. But he's the first to break eye contact when he realizes his actions. You then feel a pinch to your ear, pulling your attention away from the boy. Cedric narrows his eyes on you with disappointment. His eyes flick over to the ring on your hand that's covering over his. 

Slowly you pry Cedric's hands away from you. "You won't be able to move on if you're holding onto his things Y/N." Cedric speaks in a gentle tone to not hurt your feelings. But your heart will ache no matter how sweet Cedric speaks. His words are painful to hear. The night Draco broke up with you Cedric found you as you mindlessly wandered the castle trying to find your way back to the Ravenclaw common room in drenched robes. 

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now