♡ 11 | Oops

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Thanks to Harry's help, you didn't have to bake any sweets. He's friends with one of the elf's that work in the Hogwarts kitchen. His name apparently Dobby. Upon hearing Harry's friend needs sweets, Dobby appeared in your common room early that waking morning. Opening your eyes to the sight of an elf by your bedside is terrifying. Thankfully you manage to hold back your scream when you see the note in Dobby's hands. 

On the note is Dobby's hand writing stating who he was. 

"Dobby is friends with Harry. Dobby delivered the sweets requested." 

You spot a few cream filled pastries neatly wrapped up in plastic with a cute bow on your nightstand. You mutter a thank you to Dobby and he quietly leaves the room without waking any of the girls in your shared room. There's no point in sleeping now. You might as well grab your belongings and rush over to the Prefect bathroom to brew up a cauldron of the Love Potion. Rubbing your eyes, you feel a bit sleepy still as you stifle out a yawn.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Sleep is what you terribly need. You're sitting at the Great Hall with your sweets beside you. Each one containing a decent amount of the Love Potion. If you are to completely soak them, it wouldn't give you enough time to draw the duo away from watchful eyes. Everyone will know something is wrong if suddenly Vincent and Gregory comes storming over to you within minutes of consuming treats you had purposely dropped when you plan to bump into them. 

You keep an eye out at the entrance of the Great Hall. The plan is for you to finish your food and the moment you see the two, you are to leave as they enter in a hurry. It's all to make the action seem seamless as if you bumped into them by accident in a rush to go somewhere. You requested Harry to bring his Invisibility Cloak and linger around the courtyard in the afternoon. Classes will be done and you'll seat yourself at your usual spot for the idiots to approach you. 

If all goes well, you can ask the duo to show you someplace where no one will eavesdrop on your conversation so you can spend some time with them. You nearly puke at the thought of being alone with the two but this is all for answers. As long as they don't feel bold enough to be affectionate, you'll be fine. You carry the antidote to give them after you get your answers as well. Your heart starts to hammer in your chest as your anxiety is beginning to swirl. 

The plan will work. You mentally tell yourself this over and over. Plate empty, you look up again over to the entrance. On queue, you spot the two large Slytherin boys happily chatting together. You hastily grab your sweets into your arms after slinging your bag over your shoulder. Keeping your eyes forward, you beeline towards the two. From a slow walk evolves into nearly a sprint. 

Bam! Your shoulder bumps directly into Gregory's. The sound of your cream pastries fall to the ground as you drop to your knees to pick them up. "Watch where you're going!" Gregory angrily spits out. But his voice falters when you look up at him. "Oh. Y/N." Gregory softens his voice. 

Seems like you still have some kind of respect from Gregory despite not being with Draco. Vincent and Gregory then eye the slightly ruined pastries in your arms. "Here. They're ruined now. Better not let these go to waste." You drop the pastries into Gregory's arms. He's confused but takes them anyway. 

"Where's your manners. Say thank you." A voice emerges from your left. You, Gregory, and Vincent look over to the owner of the voice. Cedric stands by your side with pinched brows at the two Slytherin boys. Even more confused, Gregory mutters out a thank you and hurries off with Vincent. You then spot one of the cream pastries in Cedric's hands. 

His bright grey eyes rest on you as he raises up the cream pastry by his face. "What's the occasion? Trying to win someone over for Valentines with sweets?" A smile plasters on Cedric's face with a low chuckle. You reach over to grab the sweet from him but Cedric hides it behind his back. The last person you need to eat the spiked dessert is Cedric. 

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now