♡ 19 | Matters Are Worse

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The weather is much warmer now. It's becoming a pain wearing your robes in the middle of April. Thankfully there's a constant breeze to cool off any sweating that forms while traveling from one class to another in the large castle. It's an exercise in itself. You're hurrying to meet with Cedric and Harry at the Quidditch Field in the afternoon. 

Owl's soar through the sky above you. You raise your eyes up to see if any of the owls is yours. But none are. Your shoulders droop as you sigh under your breath. You still haven't received a single letter from your parents despite sending them letters once a week. Worry chips at you bit by bit.

You hardly see the Slytherin group roaming around the corridors too. They must be busy aiding the Dark Lord with the Vanishing Cabinet fixed. You can't help but wonder what they are up to when they leave Hogwarts. Is it possible that they are part of the high death counts? Would any of them muster the strength to use the killing curse? 

There's a part of you that believes they wouldn't stoop so low. But they may all have a hand in killing someone already to please the Dark Lord. That man has an awful way in influencing anybody. Kids or not. Thoughts of the wretched man makes your anger rise. You shake your head to rid of your negative thoughts. 

A loud screech of an owl soars above your head and towards the Quidditch Field. You squint your eyes to get a better look at the owl. That's when you notice that the owl looks like Cedric's. Picking up your feet, you begin to bolt towards the green fields. Cedric and Harry are already there in their Quidditch outfits. 

Harry's helping Cedric practice in preparation for the finals. Sadly Gryffindor lost to Slytherin. The Slytherins played unfairly with their trickery. Despite Harry catching the Golden Snitch, the Slytherins scored many more points. Gryffindor lost by ten points including the points obtained by the Golden Snitch. If only Harry had caught it a bit sooner the game would've ended differently. 

Harry's still devastated by the loss. But instead of moping around, he offers his tips to Cedric. Harry much rather have the Hufflepuff's win than to let Draco blabber about his final year at Hogwarts as the grand finalist. You're huffing and puffing with your hands on your knees, bent over. "You alright, Y/N?" Harry rests a hand on your right shoulder. 

You point at Cedric's owl that perches on Cedric's shoulder. "Letter." The singular word is all you can muster when you try to catch your breath. You straighten yourself up and eye Cedric who's reading the letter he's received. Cedric's bright grey eyes dart left and right as he reads with haste.

There's an obvious look of fear that paints across Cedric's face. His face looks a shade paler the further he reads the letter. Seeing this expression on him makes your heart grow more frantic. Harry can easily read the atmosphere as his lips purse into a thin line. Cedric's hands now tremble greatly when he lowers the letter down to his side. 

His bright grey eyes flick over to you. You silently look at Cedric with a tight chest. "W-What does the letter say? It's from your father, right?" Your voice cracks as you look at Cedric with wavering eyes. The anticipation is killing you. 

Cedric looks like he's in a tough situation. You can tell he's fighting with himself mentally when his eyes flicker. Harry quietly gulps beside you. Cedric parts his lips slightly, his nostrils flaring. "Y/N, your parents have gone missing." 

Missing? Your heart sinks and you feel a knot in your stomach. Your eyes slowly widen in shock. Your mind tries to process Cedric's words but it rejects the idea. "Missing? Is that even possible? My parents are excellent at their jobs. There's no way they can--"

Cedric nervously hands you the letter from his father. You begin to read the letter yourself.


𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now