♡ 12 | Secret

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You enter the only greenhouse you're positive Cedric will be in. The greenhouse you both share a class in. Breathing the cold air hurts as you try to catch your breath. You spot Cedric who's quietly sitting in a chair, his eyes raising up from his parchment. You make your way over to Cedric, taking a seat next to him. "Sorry for being late."

Setting your belongings on the table, you notice Cedric is not acting odd at all. If anything he's his normal self. "No worries. I was just doing some homework." Cedric closes his book and stashes his parchment away. "So, what were you up to as I patiently waited for you?" There's a cheeky smile on Cedric's charming face. 

As if you'll tell him the truth. You're still more concerned how normal Cedric is behaving. You watched him eat the pastry in front of you. Did you possibly forget to spike all of them? You were tired. But it's not like you to slip up something so important like that. 

You reach for Cedric's face, turning it left and right with your left hand when you grab ahold of his jaw. Cedric looks bewildered as he let's you examine his face. You then reach for his hands as if you can see anything abnormal. The effects of the Love Potion isn't physical. But it can stir your emotions to then react in a way. Like how Vincent and Gregory were blushing profusely while sweating. 

Cedric's not fawning over you like he had with Lavender Brown. You then press your ear against Cedric's chest to hear his heartbeat but that's when Cedric stops you with your odd behavior. "Woah, woah, woah. You're acting strange Y/N." Cedric leans you back with his hands on your shoulders. 

His bright grey eyes narrow in on your eyes when he leans close to your face. "What are you up to?" Cedric's eyes are not glossed over in the slightest. They're just their usual beautiful bright grey. You feel yourself relax slightly at the idea that Cedric is fine. But there is still a scratching curiosity on why the Love Potion failed on him. 

"Just taking you in Cedric. We haven't had time for one another. I'm trying to burn every little detail of you in my mind." You playfully respond with a smile. Cedric rolls his eyes at this with a dry laugh. 

Cedric leans away and shakes his head at your comment. "How have you been Ced? Anything exciting happening in your life as the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain and Prefect?" You two didn't get to properly have a chat last night. Cedric exhales and folds his arms on the table, he rests his head down and you mimic him. 

The two of you look at one another in a different angle. "Not really. Just overwhelmed with homework and responsibilities. Basically the average student life anyone will have at Hogwarts." You nod your head slowly to Cedric's answer. 

"What about your Valentine. Has she approached you yet?" You ask with more excitement, a shine in your eyes. Cedric shakes his head with a soft exhale. "Sorry Ced. Why don't you ask her instead? She might have a hard time even getting close to you between all those girls who flock after you." 

Cedric looks away from you, seemingly thinking on the idea. He then parts his lips to answer. "I'm too afraid to. What if she doesn't like me?" Your brows furrow at the idea. That sounds ridiculous. 

You sit up straight and lightly smack Cedric in the back. Unprepared for your attack, Cedric grunts before looking at you. "Do you hear yourself right now Cedric? Who wouldn't like you? You do know half the girls at Hogwarts adores you, right?" 

Cedric rubs his back as he slowly sits up. You've never seen Cedric look so unsure about something until now. His eyes are avoiding yours as they stare at the table you both sit in front of. The confidence he carries is not present right now. "I'm not so sure about that..." Cedric weakly rebuttals. 

"Who is she? Maybe I can find out if she likes you." Not wanting to see Cedric look so sad, you offer to help him. That's what best friends are for. Cedric's eyes widen with haste and his mood changes 180 degrees. 

𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 | Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now