Chapter 1

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It was the third week of school for the students at Great Wood middle school. The school buses were dropping off the students. A few cars were dropping off the students as well. One of these students was a sixth grader named Alice who came by car. She climbed out of the car like she does everyday. She has red hair but sometimes it looked as if it was brown. It went down three centimeters near the bottom of her neck. She was happy to be going to school. Alice also tries to be kind to everyone she meets. When she wen into the school, she went to her locker. Then she was scared deep down and also disgusted about who she saw standing next to her locker. It was a student who was in the same grade as her. He had a smile on his face. The boy wore a black T-shirt with an acorn on it. He also had brown hair, but it was bleached to make it looked like he had blond hair. He had brown eye brows that were not bleached. "Well, well, if it isn't Alice?" The boy began and was quick to block her locker. Alice knew that this boy was up to no good. He enjoyed insulting others.

"Can I get to my locker please Liam?" Alice asked politely. "You know what you remind me of?" Liam queried her. Alice didn't like what Liam was about to say. "You remind me of a squirrel of course. That brown hair of yours makes you look like one." Liam answered. "My hair is red. Sometimes my hair looks like its brown sometimes. Are you going to be wasting my time with insults? You should be on your way to class right?" Alice grilled. Liam's face had a normal expression on it. He backed away an inch from her locker before saying. "I'll be watching you. Just in case you try and eat acorns. I don't want the acorn on my shirt to go missing." Liam imparted before walking off to his locker. Alice took no notice from what Liam said. She went to open her locker. Alice put her normal stuff inside her locker as usual. She was also disgusted and a little angry inside to see that she was looking at somebody who was her rival. It was another classmate named Amelia Backstrom. She had short dark brown hair that went down to where her edge of her neck. She was also putting stuff away in her locker. She was jealous of anybody who was popular in the school. Alice being nice to others made a little famous among her classmates. This made Amelia angry and jealous of her. She was also bossy too. Amelia remember one time last week where she stopped somebody from entering into the class. Amelia only continued to be bossy even after school. She wanted to be the best and make everybody else feel as if they were left out. Alice even had a few problems with Amelia. One time she tried to make herself the center of attention in the whole class. That alone made Alice feel sick. Amelia glanced at Alice before going off to class. Alice brought out her binder and was ready for class. The first subject she had for the day was math. The teacher tried to explain about a line of equations. Alice was a bit distrustful about Liam and Amelia they both had the same class as her. Everybody in the class is trying to work hard so that they would get a good grade. One student was a little bad at math. Her name was Rosalie. She had blond hair. Her hair was so blond that some people might think that it was white as snow. She had brown eyes. Rosalie was know for her unusual attitude. She was also creating problems for Alice. One time she blocked the entrance to the girl's changeroom before gym class for some reason. She told everybody told wait outside for her and not to follow her inside the changeroom. If somebody tried to go inside the changeroom, Rosalie would scream. Then the gym teacher would call up a female teacher to go inside the changeroom and get Rosalie outside. Some of the students would scowl at her as she came out of the changeroom. She still had her regular clothes on.

The Alice and her classmates finally went to change into their gym clothes in the changeroom and they were only five minutes late for class. The gym teacher tolerated them for being late today. As the teacher knew that it wasn't their fault for being late. Another time, Rosalie blocked the front door for students near the end of the day. She gave them alleged advice. Rosalie wanted the students to be patient while she got dressed in the changeroom during gym class and did not wanted the students to call the teachers on her. She called the students from her gym class tattletales as she unblocked the door. Two of the students secretly told the principal what had happened. Rosalie only got two weeks of detention. Alice and the rest of the students went home as usual that day. Alice continued to work on the math problem that was written on the board by the teacher. She went a started with the division equation first. While working on the math problems, Alice didn't want to trust Liam, Rosalie, or Amelia. The three of them were trouble altogether. Alice was trying not to be distracted by anybody. She finished the math problem. Then she looked up and looked at the teacher. Alice raised her hand. Then Amelia raised her hand. The teacher walked over to where Alice was seated at her desk. He carefully examined the math equation that was solved by Alice. He looked over the math problem and if it was properly finished. The teacher told Alice that she had done well on the math question. He then walked over to where Amelia sat at her desk. Alice looked at the board, there was another math problem for her to solve. Alice wrote the next question down on her lined piece of paper. Alice went on to her next class of the day. It was geography. Alice and her classmates were learning a bit about the countries and the different culture that people have in those countries. Alice found that the cultures have something interesting to offer.

When it came time for lunch, Alice was one of the first few people ready to receive lunch on their lunch tray. Alice does like the lunch that is made at home by her parents. The only time that she would get a lunch like that was if the cafeteria were closed for the day. Alice always likes to sit with other students. Some of the students who she's been kind to have sat down with her. They always thank her for being so kind to them. Alice is happy when she gets to talk with the students who are sitting down with her. Her classmates from any of her classes like to sit down with her. They enjoy having somebody nice in their school such as Alice. Rosalie and Amelia both sit down together across from each other on one of the cafeteria's tables. Liam liked sitting with the boys who like to be funny but were a little bit full of themselves. Alice enjoyed the lunch hour. Amelia and Rosalie looked at everybody else in the cafeteria. They didn't want to talk to them. Alice hoped that one day she would forgive Amelia and Rosalie for they both did to her and the other students. The students thought that the two girls were pretty bad people to hang around. Liam and the boys enjoyed talking and laughing to each other. They also like to do silly things. The teachers who were on cafeteria duty told them to calm down or else they might end up in detention. Liam and his group were a bit calm after the teacher told them that they were going to be sent to detention.

During recess, Alice enjoyed talking to the people she was being kind to. They would tell her how their day has been so far. Liam and his friends enjoyed playing soccer with the other students. Rosalie and Amelia both talked to each other during recess. They were talking about their day too. When it is time to go back to class, a teacher met Alice in the hallway. "Excuse me, Alice." The teacher said with a calm voice. Alice looked at the teacher and said "Hi, is there a problem?" She was a little worried. The teacher shook her head. "No you're not in trouble. The principal wants to have a word with you." She replied. Alice put her binder back into her locker as she heard those words. Alice had her locker closed and walked up to the principal's office. The principal herself had some bad news. "There is an error made in the bus schedule. Somebody has made it so that you don't take any of the buses." The principal announced. Alice understood that mistakes could happen. "I have talked to your parents about it. They have allowed you to walk home from the school." The principal said. "Excuse me, I thought that I was taking the bus for the entire time that I would be at school. I hope that I would be taking the bus again soon. I would miss talking to my friends. I do like to get a bit of exercise from walking home. I do feel nervous about walking by myself, but I think I will alright." Alice spoke. The principal smiled and she went to shake Alice's hand. "Enjoy the rest of your day at school alright?" The principal advised her. "I'll try, thanks." Alice came out of the principal's office. She came just in time to be back for the third class of the day. She brought out her binder. She then found a note in her locker. There was an acorn picture with a paragraph written on it. "I thought that you were eating acorns with your friends. That's what squirrels eat. You have that nice brown squirrel hair. Anybody would mistake you for a squirrel. I wonder if you would acorns at all?" The paragraph said. Alice felt sad as she read the note. She knew who had written the note. Suddenly, there was the shout of an angry teacher from a classroom.

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