Chapter 4

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Alice turned around and saw that part of the ceiling has fallen down. One of the boys who hangs out with Liam during lunch break was holding a slingshot in his hand. He was smiling as he looked at the piece of ceiling that had just fallen down. Alice and the other girls were disgusted and angry with him. "He's going to be in big trouble." One of Alice's friends whispered to another. A teacher stepped into the hallway. It was the teacher from Alice's English class. He asked the boy's name and wanted him to follow him to the principal's office. He quickly noticed the slingshot in the boy's hand once the boy faced him. He wasn't smiling then. "What's his problem?" One of Alice's friends asked the group. "I think he's just a pain." Another friend answered. Another boy came in from outside. He was feeling upset. Alice came up to him asked him why he was upset.

"That Amelia, she told me that I should be not involved with one of the sports teams. I'm trying to do my best to get into a basketball team for my school." He answered. "Just ignore her. We all know that Amelia is nothing but trouble. All she ever does is boss everybody around." One friend said as she tried to reason with the boy. "Why are you sticking your nose into this boy's problems?" Amelia questioned as she walked into the hallway. "That boy is only lying. He's only pretending to be an athlete." The boy let out some tears. "You're making this boy cry already." Alice said standing up for him. "That's because he's sad to admit that he is a fake." Amelia talked back. "Why are you being that mean? Did you just made the English teacher yell at you yesterday?" Another one of Alice's friends queried as she stood beside the boy. "I don't know why you girls are standing up for this loser. His problems are nothing for you to worry about." Amelia spoke as she went to her locker. "Hey! I guess if you keep this up, you might be suspended. I mean with that teacher yelling at you would have gotten you to serve time in detention." Another one of Alice's friends said as she stood up for the boy. Amelia turned her head and stared at the group. The rest of Alice's friends all joined in as they stood beside the boy. "Maybe you should apologize to him. And maybe not try to boss anybody around at school." Alice told her. Amelia just walked to her locker without saying a word. When she got to her locker, the door burst open. It instantly slammed into her face. She covered her face. Alice and her friends heard the bang. They all looked at Amelia. She had tears coming from her eyes. Amelia left all of her things near her locker. She got up and held onto her nose. Alice could feel herself and her friends getting pushed aside as Amelia rushed to see the school nurse. They looked at each other. "I think her nose might be hurt." One of the friends said. A few minutes later, a few more students came into the school. One of them was trying out for the middle's school's basketball team. Alice walked up to him. "Excuse me, there's a boy who wants to be on the school's basketball team. He just got bullied. Do you think you can help him out?" The boy turned and looked at her and the crying boy.

"I think he should have a fair chance to be on the basketball team. Just leave it to me." He responded as he went to talk to him. Both boys went to their lockers. Just then, Amelia's locker door opened recklessly as it slammed against a closed locker door. The loud sound got every student's attention in the hallway. All of a sudden, the things that were in the locker fell out and landed in the pile of things that were left behind by Amelia as she went to the school nurse. Pictures hung onto the door by magnets fell off from the door along with them. Amelia's indoor shoes were thrown off the spot that they were normally left and were tossed onto the pile of Amelia's things. The locker door was closed after it was emptied. The students who viewed what had happened were surprised. Alice and her friends were a little bit shocked. Two of the friends went to inform a teacher nearby of what had happened. The nearby students went to take a look at the pile. There wasn't anything unusual about the pile. The teachers that were summoned went to take a look at what had just happened in the hallway. Each student they asked told the truth. Even though the truth was hard to believe. Amelia only came for her second class. With a bandage covering her nose. It was broken from getting hit by the locker door. She was very upset. Her locker wouldn't want to open. During lunch time, the students sat down in their usual seats. Alice sat with her friends. The boy who got into trouble for hitting the ceiling with a small rock and a slingshot sat next to Liam and his friends. Rosalie talked to Amelia. She asked what happened to her nose. The rest of the day went by as normal. When it was the end of the day. Amelia and Liam sat in one empty classroom.

Alice went to her locker. She got all of her things and was ready to walk home again. Alice wondered if the construction site was haunted at all. She also pondered about the possibility that the same ghost that was haunting the desolate construction site had anything to do with Amelia's locker. Alice wanted to find out what's going on. She said goodbye to her friends as she left for the school's entranceway. The walk home took her next to the construction site. When she arrived, there was a big hole in the middle of the road. The only construction vehicles that were on the scene were on the other side of the hole. The machines only blocked the street from the traffic using the nearby intersection. Alice walked next to the lot belonging to the steel girder frame of the abandoned building. She walked alongside the wooden fence. There was a message written on the fence. It read "Do not enter!". Alice looked at the message. It looked like that it was written there by somebody with a black paint spray can. "Do not enter!" A hoarse voice said in her ears. Alice looked all around her. There was nobody else on the sidewalk or on the street. Alice thought that the construction site was really haunted. She continued her way down the sidewalk. Passing the construction site. Alice didn't bother to open the gate, even though there was nothing keeping it from being locked from the public. When Alice got to a point where she was nearly away from the construction site, she looked back. Then she blinked and stared at the wooden fence. There was no message written on it. Alice turned to look at the section of fence that was next to the other side of the dirt lot. Nothing has happened to it since Alice has walked next to the front lawn of a house next door. Alice then walked towards the side of the construction side that was close to the road under repairs. She carefully glanced at the wooden fence every few seconds. There was nothing unfamiliar about the section of fence. "Why are you wondering about this abandoned place? There is nothing here for you to look at. Please go home!" The hoarse voice said as Alice stared at the section of wooden fence. "Who are you?" Alice whispered. The hoarse voice that talked to her didn't answer. Alice looked around. "If there is somebody talking to me, why is this construction site closed?" Again, there was no answer. Alice thought that the next door neighbors would be watching her and thinking how silly or weird she is talking to herself.

Alice walked back to where she is taking the detour her parents took when driving to school. She was just three quarters of the way past the construction site when a hoarse voice said "Why do you care about me? Just go and leave this place. This is a bad place to be at." Alice felt that the person that was speaking those words was probably upset about something. She felt that the something was making Amelia's locker open and shut by itself was here. "Did you open..." before Alice could finish what she said. She could feel something pushing her down the sidewalk. Alice did not say anything as she was being pushed along the sidewalk. She looked back and saw that nobody was behind her. "Did you hear what I just said?" The hoarse voice demanded into Alice's ears as she was near the edge of where the abandoned construction site's fence had ended. Alice didn't felt like she was being pushed down the sidewalk. She stood facing the street as a loud voice shouted, "Go away, and do not even come back here!" Alice looked around and saw that a there was an excavator backing away from where there were repairs being made on the water pipe. The machine beeped as it backed up to the intersection. The tracks moved around until they were both facing the direction where Alice was standing, along with the section of street that went the other way. The excavator cab swiveled until it was facing Alice herself. She took a glimpse of who was driving the construction vehicle. The excavator rolled along the road using its tracks. Alice stared at the machine at horror. She looked the other way and started to run down the sidewalk. The tracks made their clanking sound as the parts of the treads touched the surface of the street. There was nobody in the driver seat. Alice ran down the road and was nearly panting by the time she was standing at the intersection where her parents would pass as a detour. She turned left down the intersection. Suddenly the sound of the excavator stopped. Alice looked back down the street that went past the construction site. The excavator was nowhere to be seen. Alice continued to walk towards her house. She knew that whatever was haunting the construction site was very mad.

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