Chapter 14

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Rosalie could feel her backpack being thrown up against the ceiling. Her shoulders held onto the straps as she could feel herself being hit against a flat hard surface. "Stop giving unwanted advice. You're only nothing but a brat." A ghostly whisper said into her ear. Alice felt that James was at it again. Rosalie could feel herself falling, but then her whole body was turned around so that her face would be facing the ceiling. Her backpack landed on the floor. Rosalie could hear something crack in her backpack. She felt that she was getting haunted for some reason. Rosalie laid on the floor facing the ceiling. She was in a state of shock. The mysterious force that stopped anyone from helping Rosalie has gone away. Alice got up to where Rosalie was laying on the floor. She helped her until she was standing straight. Rosalie said, "Thank you." to Alice and went on her way. She was looking all around her. Almost as if there was somebody coming to get her. Alice and her group of friends to gather to talk about what Rosalie did to them. Amelia was also at school today, but she ignored Alice and her group.

The group talked about what they had seen. "I don't think the principal or any of the teachers in this school would believe us." One of Alice's friends stated. "Does that mean our school is haunted?" Another one of her friends questioned. Alice could see that her friends were starting to feel a little scared. She tried to stay calm and listen to what each of her friends has to talk about. "So what did Rosalie did to you that made you upset?" One of the friends from Alice's group asked. "Well, Rosalie thinks that her advice is valuable. She told us that there should be only one person in the changing room when it is time for gym class." She told the group. "I think Rosalie is not going to get away with that again. Besides, I think she might get into trouble again." Another friend claimed. "She only wants the change room for herself. Who knows what she wants to do without us knowing?" Another friend added. Alice knew that it would only be a matter of time before something bad happened to either Liam, Rosalie, or Amelia. She was in a difficult situation now on the outside. Either she could tell James about the female supervisor that she had found out on the construction company's website, or not to tell him about the lady. If she did tell James about the supervisor, then he would want to cause bad things to happen to her family whether at home or at school. On the other hand, if Alice didn't tell him about the lady supervisor, then she would be lying to him and he would want to start doing bad things to her too. Alice had an easy time working on any school work assigned to her this morning. Her classmates all worked hard too.

During the lunch time, Alice sat with her friends as usual. Amelia and Rosalie sat together as they normally would. Alice glanced at the spot where Amelia and Rosalie were seated at. She could tell that one of the friends was upset. Rosalie had a damaged plastic container that had sandwich in it. There was one piece of plastic that was impaled into the food itself. "Why are these things happening to me?" Rosalie asked. Alice overheard her saying that. She was worried that Rosalie herself would start to create a scene in the cafeteria. Amelia told her friend to calm down. She thought that it was strange that bad things would be happening to them both. Liam was with his group in the cafeteria. They were talking about how their day was going. Alice hoped that there would be nothing else bad that would happen in the school today. During recess that day, Alice continued to talk with her friends. Amelia and Rosalie looked at the group suspiciously. A basketball had landed next to Alice's feet. "Yo Alice!" Liam shouted as he went to grab the ball. "Have you been eating acorns in the cafeteria?" He grilled as he went to take the ball back to the basketball court. Alice and her friends were sickened on the inside by what they had just heard. "Alice is a person just like you. Except she is a good friend!" One of her friends shouted at him. Liam stopped and looked at the friend. "Hey, I was only joking." He defended himself. "Leaving a note making fun of me is a bad joke! You're just nothing but trouble!" Alice yelled. She nearly lost her temper. One of her friends told her to calm down. Liam still stood there. He had a wide smile and still didn't move an inch towards the basketball court. "Do you have somewhere to be?" One of Alice's friends asked Liam. Noticing that he is still holding the basketball. Liam studied the friend in Alice's group that told him this. He looked back at the basketball court. He didn't want to keep his friends waiting any longer. Liam turned around and said, "See you later squirrel." He then walked all the way towards the basketball court where his friends were. Alice tried to calm herself down. She did not liked to be teased by anybody. "What a jerk! I sure wouldn't want to come to his house if I was invited or not." One of Alice's friends stated as she watched Liam bounced the ball to a member on his team. Rosalie and Amelia were standing alone in the schoolyard.

All seemed well at first, until one of Liam's friends shouted from the basketball court in surprise. "Hey, check this out!" One of the friends exclaimed. Everybody from all around schoolyard came to the basketball court to see what has gotten the basketball players excited. A basketball was floating in midair. It was about five feet off the ground. One of the students playing basketball tried to push the ball upwards or in any other direction. Amelia and Rosalie were amazed by what they saw. They felt that this was all just a prank. After a few seconds, Amelia remembered what happened to her when the locker door slammed into her face, or how she and Rosalie were thrown on a section of wall above the lockers at the end of a hallway. Amelia took three big steps away from the basketball court. As she had a feeling something bad is going to happen. Rosalie continued to stare at the floating ball. After a few seconds, Alice and her group of friends went to see what was going on at the basketball court. They felt that the floating ball was just an illusion. One of the friends thought that one of Liam's friends found a video of somebody doing a magic trick and he copied the trick using a basketball. "This is unreal!" Liam groaned as he stared at the ball. "Come on, could somebody try to push it down? It doesn't belong in the air." Three students jumped and tried to have the basketball float back to the ground. All that ended up happening to the students who were trying to bring the ball back down to the ground was that they were holding onto the ball as it still floated in the spot next to one of the basketball hoops. Eventually a teacher who was watching the students out on the schoolyard went to investigate the floating basketball for herself. The teacher was impressed by the basketball floating in midair, as it was halfway towards the left side of the basketball hoop while facing it.

Another teacher came to take a look at this ball. "Students, what kind of a joke are you trying to pull on the teachers today?" He wondered as he and the other teacher both got the ball to drop to the ground of the basketball court as soon as they both touched it at the same time. The ball hit the ground and it bounced into the male teacher's hands. "Alright, that was strange." He noticed. He handed the basketball to the students who were playing basketball during recess. The students who were watching the ball float went back to what they were originally doing during recess. Alice and her friends turned around and went back to the spot where they were talking. Liam and his friend kept playing basketball in the basketball court. Then there was a point in the game where Liam was given the ball by a team member. Liam was standing next to the hoop that the opposing team was protecting. He jumped and was about to have the ball fall into the hoop. Then the ball floated as it was about to leave Liam's hands. The ball was stopped and was levitating next to the basketball hoop. Liam could feel himself levitating too. His hands were stuck to the ball as if there was some glue holding them there. "Help!" Liam shouted as he could not fall down. To the ground. Liam's friends went to the teachers who were watching the schoolyard for help. "Why are you still a loser?" A hoarse voice whispered into his ear. Amelia and Rosalie noticed that Liam was floating from where they were standing. "Hey, what's going on here?!" Rosalie shouted with a loud voice. The students who were nearby didn't had to listen to Rosalie's voice to figure out that Liam is somehow floating in midair. Alice's group turned to look at Rosalie. They were stunned to see Liam levitating. Everybody in the schoolyard came to watch as the teachers that were available attempted to figure out how they were going to get Liam back onto the ground again. "Stop making fun of people loser!" The hoarse voice spoke into Liam's ear. "Who said that?" Liam queried as he looked at the crowd. "Said what?" Spoke a student who was watching observed him thinking that somebody must have been talking to him. "Are you going to be making fun of anybody again? Or will I have make you behave?" The hoarse voice spoke into his left ear. "I know somebody is talking to me. Who's whispering my ear?!" Liam shouted. Some of the students thought that he must be losing his mind a little. "Who's whispering in your ear?" A girl who was watching asked him. The teacher started to think that Liam was starting to become insane by the second.

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