Chapter 9

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The janitor opened the door, and the whole floor of the closet was wet. The hose that was used to pour the water into the mop container was on. The janitor hurryingly turned the water off. "Oh no!" The janitor sputtered as she looked at the mess. She took a sigh and told Alice that she is going to have this mess cleared away. She took the mop out from the closet and started to mop the wet floor. Alice went to talk to the principal. "Do I go back on the bus today?" Alice asked the principal. The principal had a discouraging expression when she heard those words. "I'm sorry Alice. We did fix the mistake on the bus schedule, but something else has happened. It looks like that somebody has made another mistake on the bus schedule. I'm afraid that you have to walk home this week too. I'm sure that we would have this mistake fixed by the end of this week. Its almost like that somebody doesn't want you to take the bus home." Alice was a little sad by this news, however, she wanted to make the best of an unhappy situation. "I'll tell your parents about this dilemma." The principal added before she went back into her office.

Alice went into the hallway and said hello to one of her friends. She let her get herself ready for the day. There was a yellow sign put on the wet area next to the janitor's closet. The light reflected off the wet surface where the water used to be. Alice thought that the water was turned on purpose. She thought that James had to have done it. Since he did admit to forcing Rosalie into doing somersaults and slamming a locker door into Amelia's face. Two minutes later, Alice's friends started to show up. They all talked about how they were doing today and what news did they have to share. Alice wasn't upset to share the news that she had. The friends in her group were sad about the news too. "I thought that the school might have fixed the problem right about now. There's another mistake to get fixed?" One of her friends queried, sounding depressed. "I know, the principal said it's as someone doesn't want me to be taking the bus with all of you." Alice commented. "Maybe somebody might have sabotage the bus schedule so that you will not take the bus with all of us." Another one of Alice's friends suggested. "Yeah, and that the person might be somebody who probably is angry with you." Another friend chimed in. "How could somebody be angry with me? I try to be nice to everybody I meet. There's hardly any reason somebody could get angry at me by being nice to others." Alice said hoping she was not trying to offend any other student in the school. "There are people who might be jealous of you being nice to other students. The boy or girl might want to ruin your life so that you won't be a nice person any more." The same friend she had first seen in the hallway this morning thought. "Who do you think could be behind this sort of scheme?" Alice asked

Her friends didn't know who the culprit might be. "Maybe it's the student who's just came in right now." One of the friends whispered as she first saw a glimpse of Amelia walking inside from the entranceway. She walked all the way to her locker. Alice and her friends leaned on one of the walls and watched her go by. "Are you talking about me?" Amelia asked as she first stopped shortly to stare Alice and her friends. "No Amelia. Why would we want to be talking about you?" One of Alice's friends rallied her. Amelia didn't answer at first. She walked away. "I don't like people talking about me badly behind my back." Amelia said as she got to her locker. Alice and her friends continued to talk until it was only a minute before class would start. They all went to their lockers and got out their binders. Alice saw that Amelia had her binder out and went to stand next to the classroom door of where the first class was going to be taking place. Alice had her binder out. She looked down the hallway and saw that Rosalie was approaching. She appeared to be walking along the center of the hallway. Suddenly, Alice noticed that Rosalie was walking towards her. Rosalie was only about to say something before something grab her by the backpack. The force was pulling her away from Alice. Rosalie tried to take the backpack off her back. The backpack straps were stuck to the jacket areas of where the shoulders are. "Help!" Rosalie shouted. Amelia came to the rescue. She dropped her binder and tried to pull back against the unknown force. "Losers." A hoarse voice said into their ears. Amelia suddenly had her eyes wide open. She felt as if she was in a horror movie. "Could somebody come and help?!" Amelia demanded as she alone couldn't pull Rosalie free. The students who were in the hallway that day didn't help. They were stunned to see that something invisible pull on Rosalie's backpack. They were wondering what's going to happen if somebody even went to help them. A teacher that was in the hallway, thought that the two girls were wrestling each other for the backpack. Before Amelia could do anything else, the unknown power pulling Rosalie by her backpack launched her and Amelia back towards the end of the hallway that was closer to the entranceway. The two students flew into the air. The teacher was shocked to see something like this happen. One student from the eighth grade attempted to record the event on his phone.

Amelia got up from the floor. She was feeling frustrated. "Why is anybody helping me?" She yelled from where she was standing. She stormed across the hallway and went to confront a student who was watching the whole thing. Before she was able to go further, the unknown force from earlier forced Amelia to do a dozen of somersaults in the hallway. "Whoa, what's going on?!" She exclaimed. The teacher watched astounded by the whole thing. He didn't know what to do. As Amelia was halfway down the hallway, the unknown force threw her abruptly against two lockers at the end of the hallway. "Stop being bossy." A hoarse voice told her by her right ear. Amelia fell off the two lockers and was dazed. She stood up and tried to make herself less hurt from the hit by standing and keeping her eyes closed. Rosalie also stood up and wanted to know what's going on. She immediately started to rush towards Amelia. Before she was able to take on step forward, the unknown force from earlier made her float two centimeters off the ground. Rosalie had her feet and legs flailing back and forth. It was almost as if she was swimming, in a pool in the deep end. "Help!" She shrieked. Rosalie flew across the hallway and was thrown to a part of the hallway wall that was slightly above the lockers. Her face hit the part of the wall. Rosalie fell on her backpack. "This cannot be happening." Amelia remarked as she looked at Rosalie, who was moaning from getting her face smacked on the wall. Then the school bell rang. Two teachers and the school nurse rushed to the scene. Alice spotted Liam walking out of the nurse's office and was limping away to his locker. "Please go your first class." One of the teachers advised the students. Alice and her friends went to their first class of the day. They got themselves seated and waited for their teacher. Liam got to the class a small while later. He was still limping and making small steps.

The rest of the day was normal. The school nurse examined Rosalie and Amelia. They both were sent back to class. They only arrived on time for the second class. Some of the students thought that they were skipping the first class. They thought that Rosalie and Amelia were sitting in the hallway waiting for their bruises to be healed up a little. Liam, Amelia, and Rosalie said nothing for the rest of the day. They only talked to their friends during recess and lunch time. They discussed the possibility of the school being haunted. Liam told his friends that we will turn to a local library and find out what is haunting their school. His friends told him that he must have been telling a wild story. That he must be imagining the whole thing since they thought that he must have hurt his head while slipping on the wet floor. Rosalie and Amelia looked around them. They noticed the students eating and talking amongst each other. They thought that the weird things happening to them were just signs of someone using special effects to scare them. The two friends started to feel paranoid about the students sitting at the lunch tables around them. They thought that one of the students might be after them for no reason other than for a joke. Alice and her friends talked about their weekends. What news they have learned from their time away from school. Alice and her friends continued to talk about their weekend during the recess. Liam played basketball with his friends. Although his friends were worried about him about playing after telling them that wild story. "Are you sure you want to play? I mean, we still think your telling us a wild story about a ghost must have something to do with your accident." His friends told him. "No worry, I'm fine now." Liam assured them. Rosalie and Amelia sat in a corner of the school yard. They thought that at any moment, somebody might come and play a prank on them. They still didn't believe that it was a ghost. Amelia and Rosalie thought that somebody was using special effects to make it look like a ghost did hurt them.

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