Chapter 23

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Alice thought that tomorrow was going to be a splendid day. Her alarm rang. She got up from her sleep with a smile. Her two parents were waiting in the dining room for her. Breakfast was already served in the dining room. "Morning Mom. Morning Dad." Alice said even if she was a little sleepy. "Morning Alice." Her father rendered with a calm tone of voice. There was some oatmeal served in a bowl at her spot at the table. Alice took her time as she savored through each bite. She wondered what kind of plan that the construction ghost had in mind. Alice hoped that the ghost wouldn't hurt Amelia, Rosalie, or Liam. They seemed to have been scared and hurt from the stuff that the ghost did to them at the school. Alice knew that she would run into Liam again. He was the only one not sent to the hospital. Alice tried to not let Liam in her mind while she ate. She could only imagine that he would be up to his old tricks and make fun her. Alice tried not to get angry or scared from the ghost or by thinking of Liam. They both are sources of trouble. "The kind of trouble that the ghost seems to be doing is hurting people who did bad things. And that's still wrong." Alice said in her mind.

She had a wonderful time eating her breakfast. Then Alice went to brush her teeth. She made sure that her homework was nicely put away in her bag. Alice went up to the counter to see if the lunch was ready. The lunch kit was nicely packed up. Suddenly it didn't look like that Alice's lunch kit was on the kitchen counter. It looked like James' lunch kit with the single crimson paint chip. Alice blinked, her lunch kit was on the counter. She stared at the lunch kit for a while before coming to pick it up. Alice carried the lunch kit over to her backpack. She meticulously had her lunch kit and her homework all packed together so that they would both fit in the same bag. She then waited for her parents to get ready in the meantime. Alice sat on the edge of her bed. She wondered what her day at school was going to be like. However, she only knew that Liam would be at school. And that he would be making fun her again. Alice found that thought alone to be unpleasant. However, she thought about how it would be fun to see her friends again. Alice couldn't wait to get back on the bus with her friends again. The bus schedule would be fixed up by the end of this week hopefully. Then the parents called for Alice to come to the car. As she came to exit her bedroom, a face began to emerge from the bedroom wall. James stared at Alice as she went into the hallway. He had a normal expression on his face. Alice only got into the hallway when she stopped. She turned around for a while and stared into her room. She walked over to the window. Alice made sure that it was shut. She was diligent when bringing down the blinds. Even though her window only faced the neighbor's house. Alice made sure that nobody would easily peer into her window. She then rushed to the front door. Her parents were waiting for her. The mother opened the door and waited for Alice and the father to get outside.

The mother made sure that the house door was locked. While the father and Alice got inside the car. Alice sat on the passenger seat that was closest to the right. The father got into the driver's seat. The mother walked to the car and opened the door. There wasn't any ice on the windows. However, the windows were fogged up. The father turned on the car's heater and directed the heat at the window. Alice had her backpack by her side. The mother had her things put in the back along with Alice. The father waited until the mother had her seatbelt on. Then he asked, "Does everybody have their seatbelts on?" "Yes." The mother and Alice replied in unison. "Alright, then here we go." The father had the car into drive. The vehicle was facing in a direction so that the right side car doors were facing the house. The father checked the mirrors before it was safe to go back onto the road. The traffic nearby only consisted of two cars that passed. The father got the car rolling into the middle of their lane. He made sure to turn right onto the next street. Alice could feel the car slowing down as it approached the street that intersected theirs. The turn signal was also on. Alice had a little nap before they were parked in the school's driveway. The car crossed a street that went next to the construction site. Alice didn't bother to wake up from her nap. The water pipes were finally replaced in the ground. There were two excavators that were parked in the middle of the street. The construction workers were going to fill the hole up with dirt later on. Alice made a small yawn as the car came to a stop in the school driveway. Alice climbed out of the car. She had her backpack put on her back before saying bye to her parents. Their car slowly drove away. Alice was one of the few people that was at school before nearly everybody else. Alice didn't see any of her friends in the hallway. So she went to put all of her things in the locker. As she put her things in the locker, somebody was watching her. The person looked at her through a lens. As the lens became closer, Alice turned around and was disgusted. She even pushed the video camera aside. "I would like it if you didn't film me." Alice said as she had her backpack in the locker. She turned to face the person holding the video camera. It was Liam, of all people. "Hi squirrel, do you like my new camera?" Liam questioned with a smile. Alice wasn't interested and said that it was alright.

What Liam said nearly made her mad. "It turns out I get to walk home today. That means I can video tape you and see where hide the acorns that you eat. And I can also find out what tree you live in." Alice's face nearly turned red. Suddenly, the lens from the video camera somehow slipped out from the device. "Could you stop calling me a squirrel?" Alice asked, her face was only hallway to becoming red. Liam grabbed the lens before it could hit the floor. Other video camera parts somehow wiggled itself free from the rest of the video camera. Alice had the door to her locker closed. Liam fell to the floor to catch the part. "What's going on? This video camera has never done this before." Liam spoke as he struggled to get the pieces back together. Alice walked away. "No, no, no." Liam said. Alice tried to calm herself down from being insulted. More parts of the video camera started to fall off. Liam was getting frustrated trying to put the camera back together. Eventually Alice saw a friend that just came from the entranceway. Alice said hello to her friend. The friend went to put her things away and noticed Liam with the broken video camera. He beginning to feel frustrated with it. "Why are you still acting like a loser?" A hoarse voice whispered to his ear. Liam looked all around him. The only person that was the hallway other than him was Alice's friend. And even she was too busy to be talking to him. When the friend finished packing away her things, she went to talk with Alice. She told her what Liam was going to be doing. "Shame on you! Let's hope that camera of yours doesn't get fixed." Liam was slowly becoming upset by the second. Every time he would put a part back on. The part would just fall off by itself. Liam eventually picked up the video camera pieces and brought them to his locker. Suddenly, Alice and her friends noticed two people coming in. Amelia and Rosalie just came in from the front entranceway. Rosalie was using crutches to walk around the hallway.

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