Chapter 22

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Alice waited for her mother to go inside her bedroom. She wanted to know if the construction ghost would appear in the dining room. She sat at the dining table and waited for James to appear. After two minutes, Alice thought that the ghost wouldn't want to be seen in the dining room. People from the street would see him. Alice got up from where she was sitting at the dining room table. It felt warm here. Alice got up and went to her own room. She had her right hand reaching for the doorknob to her room. However, she wasn't sure if James was inside her room already or not. Alice carefully tried to place her hand firmly on the knob. Her right hand was shaking from excitement. She was frightened that the ghost would be waiting inside. Alice had her hand on the door lever. She wanted to let go of it right away.

However, she tried to stay brave. Alice turned the door knob. The door to her bedroom was slightly opened. Alice peeked inside. There was nothing there so far. Alice opened the door halfway. Nothing happened. Then she opened the bedroom door all the way. The door was opened quickly. It opened and Alice could see that there was no ghost in her room. Alice went inside. She wasn't sure if James was going to show up inside her room or not. Alice was now standing in the center of her room. Alice felt that the ghost was going to be fly out of the walls at any minute. She quickly turned towards her right. Alice kept turning until she made one whole circle. She stared at the window of her room. Suddenly, Alice could hear that the door to her room has been closed. She turned around and saw that the door to her room was shut. Alice walked to her door and had hand on the door lever. She quickly opened the door and peeked out towards the ends of the hallway. Alice felt that either James closed the door or one of her parents had closed the door to her room as a trick. Although, its rare to see them pull a prank on her. The only time of the year that they would pull pranks on Alice would be on April fools day. Alice went back into her room. She had the door closed behind her. Alice turned around. She suddenly hit her back on the door with a fright. James was floating in the middle of the room. He stared emotionlessly at her. "Don't worry, I've got a plan that will set things right." He stated with a hoarse tone of voice. Alice attempted to calm herself down after seeing a ghost appear in her room. "It's pretty rude to not say hello after entering somebody else's house." She replied. "My deepest apologies for that Alice. However, I don't want your parents to catch you talking with a ghost like me. I have a plan that will help to solve my mystery. Can you meet at the abandoned construction site one more time?"
"You mean tomorrow?" Alice asked. "Yes, tomorrow. I will be sure that the boss who left me buried under concrete will face justice." James declared. "I hope you are not going to be hurting anybody while at the construction site. If Amelia, Liam, or Rosalie is there, just don't hurt them." Alice said timidly. She didn't wanted to get shouted at for disagreeing with James. He was angry at Liam, Amelia, and Rosalie for making Alice's life miserable. "Alright, I won't hurt them. I just want them to behave when I'm finished with them." The ghost explained as he nearly gave her a little grim look. Alice tried to stay brave. "So what's this plan of yours?" She asked, trying to switch the subject from the three bad students to what kind of plan that the construction ghost had to get justice. "You will soon see. Do you think that Rosalie, and Amelia won't be causing trouble at the school anymore?" He queried. Alice was troubled to answer a question about whether or not two of the people she knew at school would be causing trouble again or not. She does want them to behave, but at the same time Alice was scared about the thought about hurting even more to force them to being good people at school. She hoped that Amelia and Rosalie were alright in the hospital. Finally, Alice decided to tell James about the problem she had with hurting the people who were doing bad things to her. "James, before you go. Can I talk to you about Liam, Amelia, Rosalie just one more time?" Alice requested, as she expressed her problem to the ghost. "What is it that you want to talk to me about those three dust bunnies?" He pumped with an eerie kind of voice. Listening to the ghost's voice for that one time felt like listening to a horrid sound coming off a chalkboard. "Well, you're right to say that those three kids do deserve to be punished for the bad things that they to me and to others. I don't think that throwing them up against walls and ceilings like that is the answer for getting them to be better people. I would want to change my ways if I knew what kind of problems I would be causing just by own attitude." Alice stated. She really didn't want the ghost to be angered by what she said. "I do agree with you learning about what kind of problems you could cause by just your bad actions. However, I don't think that the students from your school never do learn from their own mistakes." The ghost spoke with a hoarse, and a serious tone of voice.

"I think that Liam, Rosalie, and Amelia can learn from their bad actions one day. They just need to be told about it. Then they can change their ways afterwards." Alice explained with a positive expression on her face. The ghost still looked at Alice with an emotionless expression on his face. "Maybe those two girls and the boy could change one day. I hope that they should change before its too late. Those parents should learn to teach those kids about why behaving badly like that would only get you into more trouble." James conveyed. He was feeling upset on the inside. The thought about those three troublemakers only brought up bad memories. Alice tried to think of something else to say to the ghost. "Did you like working at the construction site. I mean, were you happy that the community was getting a mall so that they wouldn't have to drive all the way to one end of town where there are many grocery stores?" Alice pondered. James thought about the question for a second. Then he said "Yes." with a happy tone of voice. Although the hoarse voice makes him sound sick. "Maybe after the justice is served, something might happen to the construction site. I mean, they might want to tear down the abandoned construction site and replace it with a new building. Like that new mall that the people living nearby would need so that they could do all of their shopping." Alice said. The construction ghost could only smile at what Alice just said. "Yes, once this whole mystery gets cleared up. Maybe that abandoned construction site would get torn down and rebuilt as the small mall that the community needs." The ghost rendered with his usual hoarse tone of voice. He only smiled as he said "Farewell." to Alice. He started to fade away in thin air. Alice smiled back at him. She waved even when the ghost vanished and couldn't be seen again. Alice thought that the ghost would be gentle towards Liam, Rosalie, and Amelia the next time that she would see them. Alice spent the next few minutes relaxed in her room. Alice was happy that she is helping a poor ghost and a community out for the better. Alice felt a little excited for tomorrow.   

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