Chapter 20

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"Did you have a nice day at school?" The ghost asked. "No I did not James. You've really scared me and some other boys and girls." Alice responded with a serious sounding voice. "Then I'm so sorry that you had to see me dealing with two bad students." The ghost replied. He nearly floated into the cab of the crane. "Did you steal that crane?" The ghost didn't answer. He simply stared at Alice. "Why is there a crane here?" "I've brought evidence of my bad supervisor that left me here." James answered as he pointed into the cab. "Go and see if you're not convinced." James said, nearly shouting. Alice carefully made a few steps towards the piece of machinery. She kept peeking at the ghost. Worried that he is going to keep her trapped inside the crane. Alice stopped at the first step that the operator would use to climb inside. The ghost only said nothing. Alice climbed into the cab. She only hanged onto the seat with her hands. "Don't worry about the seat. I will not close the door behind you." The hoarse voice echoed from James' mouth. The plastic bag floated off the seat. It was moved towards the controls.

The bag then went down towards the pedals. Alice looked down and saw a lunch kit too. It was orange. There was only a maroon paint chip on the lunch kit. The rolled up blue prints started to move as well. Alice carefully got both of her feet inside the cab. It was uncomfortable to have her feet share the room with the plastic bag and the lunch kit. The blue prints floated towards the outside. Alice got herself comfortable in the operator's seat. She watched as the blue prints begin to unravel. The plans were now all unrolled. Alice didn't know what the blue prints were about. "These are the blue prints that are used in the construction of this mall." The pages rolled themselves and unrolled themselves. They were floor plans of the different floors that the mall was supposed to have. "This is the correct plans for the construction site. Then I found the blueprints that were supposed to be used when there was changes being made in the site." Another few blue prints was unrolled. Alice learned that these blueprints were different than the blueprints of the actual building that was supposed to be built. The first set of blue prints that James had shown, showed the building as it covered the entire lot. It was supposed to have four floors. Alice thought that the mall might be the thing that the local community needs. The blueprints described where the pipes and the electrical shall go in each of the floors. The other set of blueprints do not match the first set of blue prints. They did not seem to be created by the same architect. "One of them is created by the architect. The other is a fake. This one to be exact." James said as he pointed at the second set of blue prints. "The architect has a way of leaving his signature at the bottom right hand side of the blue prints." The blue prints moved by themselves and Alice was staring at the signature. It was in cursive. The signature was at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

"These are fakes!" The ghost spoke with a louder yet with the same kind of hoarse voice. The first set of blue prints floated away. The second set of blue prints were brought before Alice. "This is not the exact same kind of signature. I'll even have you compare it with the signature with the real blue prints." The ghost offered as he has had the first page from the first set of blue prints floating on the left. The first sheet from the second set of blue prints was floating alongside on the right. Alice squinted at the first sheet of the second set of blue prints. The signature was lying in the left bottom side of the first blueprint page. Alice noticed the first difference right away. The signature was not in the same spot. The second difference was in the hand writing. Alice unfortunately didn't know that yet. "I do see the first difference here James. The signature is in two opposed sides on the pages of blueprint." "Maybe I should help you to compare the signatures to help you to spot the second difference?" The hoarse voice whispered. The sound of the creepy voice was enough to make her a little freaked out. The two first pages of each of two sets of blue prints started to come together. The bottom right corner was now on top of the signature of the bottom left side of the first page of the second set of blue prints. A ghostly light came from underneath the page. It became bright enough from the second signature to nearly align itself to the first signature. Alice saw a small different in one of the signatures that made it different then the other. "James, you're right. One of these signatures is different than the other." Alice declared as soon as she spotted the difference. "Glad to hear it. That boss of mine will pay. She will be begging to me for mercy." The ghost declared. The first pages of each set of blue prints levitated back to their respective sets.

Alice could feel that the ghost would want to something horrible to Amelia. "Do you think that she might have had a bad time with listening to the sound a jackhammer? I mean she's already in the hospital. I don' think she would want to be bossy ever again." Alice reasoned, trying to dissuade the ghost into not having any more terrible things happening at the school. "I will haunt them only until they decide that they should not be doing anything else bad again. Their bad behavior is what got them into trouble with me in the first place. It's three of the few things that I hate. Bossy attitudes should only be harshly punished. People who give out advice sounding like nonsense should be locked up in their rooms and learn why its such a bad idea to be telling such dastardly lies. People who make fun of others are only bullies. They should be expelled from their school and be exposed for the bad person that they truly are." The ghost stated as the blueprints were neatly getting rolled up. The rolls of blueprints were then put next to the behind of the operators seat. One of them is leaning on the right, the other on the left. The lunch kit with the maroon paint chip stuck to it was risen upwards. It soon was floating above the controls of the crane. The black plastic bag was also floating alongside the lunch kit. Alice was worried that the ghost would want to something bad to her. She was afraid that her disagreeing with James would make him mean towards her. "This is my lunch kit." The ghost uttered as he pointed at the lunch kit. The single maroon paint chip was stuck to it like a small scrap piece of paper that was glued to a big white paper in some collage. Alice looked at the lunch kit, then at the black bag. "What does this black bag have to do with your lunch kit?" Alice asked. The ghost had the small pieces stored inside fly until they were parallel to the lunch kit. The small pieces in the black bag were maroon paint chips. "My lunch kit was painted over. So I had to remove the paint, chip by chip." Alice looked down inside the bag. There was a whole lot of paint chips stored inside. "There was five coats of maroon paint used to paint over my lunch kit. As you can see. It is empty. For someone has dumped all of the food I had packed for a lunch I had the morning I disappeared." "Why would somebody want to paint over your lunch kit?" Alice questioned. She felt that James had gone through a lot of pain ever since this construction site was long abandoned. "To make it seem that my lunch kit was carelessly left on the side. The paint was to show that I had dipped it in maroon paint to show that I had never cared for it. My supervisor at the time has stolen my lunch kit." James muttered while he explained.

"I am sad to see this building go to waste. My boss has done a poor job in making sure that the building was going to be finished on time and properly. She only is bossy, and only wants things done her way." Alice looked back at the desolate structure of steel girders and then back at the ghost. "So what are you going to do now that you have a bunch of clues to make sure that your supervisor gets sent to jail?" Alice pumped. "It is not enough to have evidence against your boss who lied, pushed you around, and has made you look like that you've quitted the day when in fact you're actually dead. There needs to be a reason why the boss has done it. My guess is that the changes made to this construction site must have something to do with it. I think that the less more messed up the work on this building would be, the more money that has been saved up." The ghost reasoned. "I don't think doing something bad to Amelia would solve the problem. We need to find out why she left you here and had the construction site abandoned. There must be a better way of solving this problem." Alice spoke and somewhat agreeing with James. "Yes, that's right. I think I have been being a bit rough lately. Why don't you meet me here tomorrow? We could figure out a plan then." The hoarse voice suggested. Alice agreed with him. She carefully clambered down the steps of the crane. Alice saw that the maroon paint chips slowly float back into the black plastic bag. The lunch kit was also left on the floor of the crane's cab. The black bag was on the right side of the lunch kit on the floor of the crane's cab. The door to the cab closed by itself. The ghost of James disappeared into thin air. Alice walked to the other side of the construction site that was far away from the gate. She could feel herself being risen into the air. The steel girders were now at the same level as her eyes. Alice could look anywhere. The mysterious force was only making float higher into the air.

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