Chapter 6

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"Yes, I've been to your school." James answered. The floating note floated back towards Alice. "So much time has past since I died. You do not know why I am haunting this abandoned construction site, but that doesn't mean I can go and explore the world a little. I watched as you walked home after climbing over the fence to get home." "You were the one who helped me get over it right? Why did you helped me then?" Alice queried. "Because I didn't want anybody to get hurt. This building might be falling apart any day now whether I like it or not. I know that the community itself must be sad when the construction project was cancelled." James conveyed while staring at her. "So what are you going to be doing here? Why exactly are you haunting this place?" Alice questioned. The ghost stared at her. "I will tell you my story another time. Right now I think that your parents might be waiting for you at home."

The ghost used his left hand and used his pointing finger to point towards the section of fence that Alice has climbed over in order to get back home. The note floated away from Alice and has floated into the construction ghost's right hand. Alice walked across the dirt lot to get to the fence. "Just be sure to go around the concrete base. I'm not sure that the steel structure would be safe to walk under." James advised her. Alice walked around the right side of the unfinished and desolate building. She was unsure if the building was going to be falling apart anytime soon. She did already know that there was some spots of rust on some of the steel girders here and there. Alice looked behind her and ghost was no where to be seen. "Keep going." The hoarse voice said into Alice's ear. She kept on walking as the ghost had recommended. There was a car that was at the intersection that Alice was at so that she could cross the street and use the sidewalk. A lady driving a car was coming back home after a long day's work. She turned onto the street that was next to the construction site's gate. Alice could hear the car nearby. She turned around and stared at the gate in horror. The driver was busy concentrating on the road. Alice didn't want to be caught here an get into trouble. Suddenly, something strange was going on with the street light nearby. It was flashing on and off. The driver found this odd, as the light was supposed to be turned on at night. The flashing light got her distracted. She pulled over on the side of the road. She felt that maybe she should report it to the city. Suddenly, there was another lamp next to the intersection down the road that was flashing on and off. The street light that was flashing on and off was turned off by itself. The lady saw the street light flashing at the intersection. "That's where I live. I better call the city when I'm at home. There's something wrong with these lights." She said to herself while driving towards the intersection. "That was close." Alice mentioned as the car drove past the construction site and did not look at the gate. The floating ghost appeared over her. Alice was alarmed when she saw James. "I'll give you a hand." The ghost offered as he had both of his hands reaching for Alice. She jumped and grabbed both of the hands. Alice felt that the hands were just like holding onto a cold railing.

James began to float away from the ground. Alice could feel herself being pulled away from the ground. She watched as she saw the first horizontal steel girder next to her eye level. She looked behind her and saw that she was being brought towards the sidewalk on the other side of the steel fence. "You can still use the nearby intersection to make a detour around the hole in the ground." James advised. Alice looked up and saw that James was getting hard to see with the naked eye. It was almost as if he was vanishing into thin air. Alice landed on the ground safely. With her toes touching the sidewalk first. The grip Alice had on the ghost's hands vanished. She felt that the cold hands have disappeared along with James. Alice had her outstretched hands return to where she was standing. She looked on both the palm and the outside of each of her hands. There was nothing she saw that looked like she touched anything dirty. Alice went to look at the intersection that had a long hole running through it. The hole went from the intersection that goes side by side with the dirt lot all the way straight to the next intersection at the farthest end of the block. Alice went away from the construction area and walked towards the street that her parents usually take to take her to school. Alice managed to get back home without any worries. Her parents have parked the car next to the edge of the street. "Hi Alice, good to see you again. Did you have a nice day at school?" Her father asked as he climbed out of the car. "Yes, I did have a good day at school. Do you need any help?" Alice questioned her parents. "No, but thanks for thanks for asking Alice." Her mother responded as she climbed out of the car.

"We might need help setting the table." The father disclosed as he went to kitchen to cook the supper. Alice did just that. The table was all ready for family. The father was cooking spaghetti and meatballs. The mother went to get herself organized. Alice had her backpack stored in her bedroom just as usual. The family had a decent supper. Alice liked eating each savory bite. She told her parents what had happened today. "Well at least you got here safe and sound. And you had a chance of eating a great supper." The mother divulged in a somewhat sparkly manner. That made Alice smile too. "Do you think that Rosalie is going to be a great friend in the future?" Her father grilled. "I don't think so dad. She gives advice that doesn't make sense. She seems to be somebody who just likes to do things her way at the school. I'm not going to be friends with her anytime soon. She has done some bad things to my friends and others around the school. Rosalie just wants to think about herself." Alice said as the thought of Rosalie made her feel sick in her mind. Alice switched the subject and asked the parents how their day was. The parents were happy to switch the topic. They were still worried about Rosalie. It's not often that Alice would want to talk about somebody like Rosalie, Liam, or Amelia. They just bring her nightmares. Alice ate an apple strudel dessert. She savored each bite through each bit of the piece. She enjoyed any dessert with any fruit in it. The family had a nearly soft time at the dinner table while eating the dessert. They all each were waiting forward to be relaxing after a hard day's work. Alice went to work any homework given to her. She carefully read through the instructions and worked through each part of the homework. Alice wondered what made the ghost so angry at Amelia and Rosalie. "Sure they all are bad people to be around. I think that the ghost might be angry at them because they remind him of somebody that he might have hated at one time. I mean, I don't want to be somebody who hates other boys and girls at my school. Rosalie, Liam, and Amelia make me mad through the bad things that they did to me and my friends. I will get back on the bus after all of the mistakes are corrected at the school." She said in her mind.

Alice woke up a beautiful Saturday morning. She waited for her parents to be up before eating breakfast with them. Alice wondered what she was going to do today. Her parents enjoyed playing a game with her in the afternoon. The father hoped that the bus schedule would be all fixed up by Monday. He wanted his daughter to talk to her friends again. The mother enjoyed seeing her daughter smiling and being honest. She wanted to make sure that the school work was not making her feel stressed out. Alice was quiet for the rest of the day. She wanted to go back to school. She wasn't sure if she should go home using the bus or walk back home. If there was another mistake with the bus schedule, Alice could have a chance to talk with the ghost again. Maybe she could ask the ghost if there was somebody that made him angry that made him think that Rosalie and Amelia were bad people. Alice had to agree with James with Amelia and Rosalie being bad girls. Alice didn't know if Liam would be safe from James. Alice had a smooth day on Sunday. She also waited for her parents to get up in order to have breakfast with them. "Do you think that things would go back to normal? I mean, the bus schedule would be back in order on Monday." Alice pondered. "I'm sure that the bus schedule would be back to normal before you'll know it." The father answered. "As long as nobody makes another mistake. Then you should be back on the bus by Monday. You'll get to see your friends again. Wouldn't that be a great to have?" Her mother queried with a calm personality. The father was busy making pancakes. Maple syrup was brought to the table by Alice. She waited patiently for the pancakes to be cooked. "Well, what should we do today?" Alice asked her parents. "Wait and see." Her mother spoke as she sat waiting for the pancakes too. Alice stood up from sitting down at the table. She went to stretch her legs by walking around a bit. Then she noticed that her bedroom door was moving by itself. It slowly swung away from the door frame. It stopped when it was only a centimeter away from the wall. Alice though it might be the wind. The door then started to close by itself. The door moved silently with its hinges. The door swiveled back towards its frame. Alice watched as the door stopped as it was only five millimeters away from where it would be if her room were closed. Alice walked up to the door. It swiveled towards the hallway wall. The door's edge was pointed towards the wall. Then it moved further away from the door frame. The door then ceased to move any further. It was about eight millimeters away from the wall. The door then slowly started to move towards the door frame again. Alice walked up to the door and held onto the door lever. She took a careful look inside the from. The window to her room is locked. There was nobody inside the room that was moving her door.

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