Chapter 2

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The scream was so loud that it made Alice frightened for a minute. He then shouted at a student to get out of the classroom. Alice saw that Amelia was walking out of the classroom holding her binder. She sat in the hallway holding onto her binder. Her back slowly slid on the nearby locker as she slowly slouched to the floor. Alice got out her binder and held onto the note that had slipped into her locker. She walked all the way to her classroom door. Alice ignored Amelia as she walked to class. The principal and a substitute teacher was seen walking down the hallway. Alice wanted to go to the classroom, but at the same time she wanted to not tell the principal about the note that she found in her locker. She waited for the principal and the substitute teacher to come to the classroom. Alice asked for the principal and she stopped. Alice told her about the note she has found in her locker. The principal listened and told Alice that she is happy that Alice told her about the note.

The principal and the substitute teacher entered the classroom. The principal allowed Alice to enter the class. She sat down at her desk. She saw that the teacher himself had a face that was red as a tomato. The vexed teacher was asked to leave the classroom. He was more than happy to step into the hallway. He stopped at the nearby water fountain and took a sip. The principal asked for Liam to stand up from his seat and was asked to come to her office when she finished talking to the students. The principal told the class with a serious tone of voice that the attitude that was shown in class today will not be tolerated. Everybody in the class paid attention to what the principal said. The students were upright terrified of the principal. They would fear that she would be screaming at them. Liam had himself frightened stiff. Alice took a glance at him and felt that she was looking at him as he was a statue. Though Liam thought that he was tough himself. The substitute teacher sat down at the teacher's desk. Liam left his binder on his desk and the principal asked him to go join Amelia in the hallway. The principal finished talking to the students and went in the hallway. Amelia and Liam both followed her to her office. The class went as normal. The students carefully took notes of the subject being taught in English class for the day. Alice worked hard during that class and her art class. When it was the end of the day, she found herself standing next to the front entrance of the school. Alice felt uneasy when she got outside. She met Rosalie on the way out. She gave a smirk while Alice walked towards the school's front entrance. She remembered the road that her parents usually take her on the way to school. She walked down the sidewalk that was parallel to the road that her parents drive on when they usually bring her to school. Alice started to walk on the sidewalk that went parallel to the school heading left. Alice knew it was only for one day. She hoped to see her friends on the bus again as soon as the day was through.

The sidewalk that she walked on passed an abandoned construction site. The building was only steel girders that were held together by nuts and bolts. The lot where the construction site stood on was huge. The building was supposed to be three floors high. The building's lot was as long as a street that had four houses on it. And it was large as a street that had five houses on it. There was hardly any kind of tools and construction equipment on the site. The construction vehicles that were on the site two months ago were long gone. Alice knew that the construction site was supposed to be for a small mall. There wasn't any news why the construction work was cancelled. It was suddenly announced that the construction of a new mall was cancelled before the start of the summer break. The people who lived nearby the construction site were pretty upset that there won't be a new mall. They all wanted to know why the project was abandoned. They had written to the town council. They didn't answer the question. The answer was unknown for some time. Alice was approaching the deserted construction site on her way home. After the construction site, she would have cross the street that was separating the block that the land the unfinished building stood on. The block that her house was located on. She then took a right at the quiet traffic lights and turn right on the street her house was located at. The abandoned building has rusted a bit on its girders. Birds often come to visit the abandoned construction site. The abandoned structure had some concrete poured at the bottom of the girders. Alice arrived at the road that she would take to get home, only to be met by more bad news. There was some construction vehicles going to fix the road next to the sidewalk that she would walk on. They appear to be fixing some old water pipes underneath the road's paved surface. Construction vehicles were parked on the road and one excavator was parked on the side of the road, with three quarters of it being on the sidewalk. It looked dangerous for Alice to continue walking down the sidewalk towards her house. She went down the sidewalk that was across the street. Alice went the sidewalk that was parallel to the old construction site. The sidewalk still went in the direction that was parallel to her house just two blocks away.

Alice didn't want to get lost on her way home. She walked next alongside the wooden wall that separated the sidewalk from the abandoned construction site. There was a gate that was closed. It wasn't locked. There were tall thin plank boards that covered the gate through the advantage of the chain linked fence. Alice stopped next to the gate. She didn't want to get into trouble by just walking into a construction site. Although she didn't want to be lost or late coming home from school. Alice looked around her. There was nothing coming down the road. The street was very quiet. Alice opened the gate to construction site. She wanted to go through the construction site without anybody knowing about it. Alice would get across the lot that the unused building frame stood was using. Alice snuck into the dirt lot and closed the gate behind her. Alice looked all around her. The construction site was still sad to look at. Alice could feel how sad the people living here fell about not being able to use the building for a mall. Alice took five big steps into the dirt lot. There was nothing unusual about the deserted building's steel frame. Alice went to explore the building by looking at it from two meters away. The concrete base that was beneath the building structure was starting to wear away a little. Alice felt sad by looking at the old building. She knew that the building would be taken down one day. Just then she heard a whispering noise in his ear. The noise sounded like a man speaking in a hoarse tone of voice. "What are you doing here?" The voice asked. Alice looked around. There was nobody around her. Alice went to take a detour around the side of the rusted building frame. She went to the right. "It's dangerous to walk in a construction site." The hoarse voice spoke again. Alice looked behind her. She thought that somebody was following her.

The only thing that was behind her was the distance towards the gate that allowed her to enter into the abandoned lot. Alice wondered if the abandoned lot would ever be used by somebody. "Maybe somebody would buy this lot and tear down the steel girders so that a newbuilding would get built here?" Alice wondered. "Go away! It's not safe to be here!" The hoarse voice came again. This time the tone was lot angrier than ever before. Alice started to jog down the path towards the other side of the deteriorating construction site. She was now nearly side by side with the frame of steel girders. Alice looked all around the lot. Still, there was nobody watching her or even in the construction site. Alice started to run. She looked to her left, always looking out for somebody that would be observing her. When Alice got three quarters past the steel girders. She could feel somebody breathing down her neck. "Stay away!" The hoarse voice echoed out. Alice ran towards the other end of the construction site. She panted when she was just one step away from the fence. She looked back and saw that there was nobody following her. Alice started to put her left foot up against a horizontal board that held the wooden planks from the bottom with nails. Alice used her other foot to somewhat jump until she grabbed the horizontal wooden board that held the fence from the top. She pulled herself up by using the horizontal board. Alice didn't know if she could climb across the wooden fence. When she tried to pull herself up for five seconds, her strength couldn't allow her to continue climbing. Alice could hear somebody breathing behind her. She looked behind her. There was nobody standing there. The lot remained empty as usual. The steel girders were still a sad sight to look at. Alice tried to pull herself up using every ounce of energy that she had. Her head poked out from behind the fence. She looked on both sides on the street. It was a quiet street. Suddenly, something was making Alice float in the air. She shrieked for a second and looked down. Her feet were no longer touching the lower wooden board that was holding the fence together. Alice could feel part of her body floating in the air. One of her hands couldn't hang onto the upper horizontal board. Alice tried to keep calm as she tried hold on so she wouldn't be flying off of the ground. Her free right hand grabbed onto the top of the wooden fence that separated the abandoned construction site from the street. Alice's left hand was now floating upwards, away from the upper horizontal wooden board. She used it to firmly hold onto the top of the wooden fence. Alice could feel her body floating upwards into the air. Alice thought that she would be floating away.

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