Chapter 15

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Liam looked around him. He didn't imagine people to be staring at him while he was just floating in the middle of thin air. Alice felt that she should try to talk to James again after today. Suddenly, Liam started to levitate upwards. His feet were becoming further away from the ground itself. "Whoa, what's happening?" He asked as his body and the basketball started to float even further away. One of the teachers tried to hold onto one of Liam's ankles. His gripped slipped, and Liam's sock and shoe came off of his right foot. He was only eight feet off the ground. "You're only a loser if you make fun of other people." The hoarse voice whispered into Liam's right ear. Suddenly, Liam shot up into the air like a rocket. The teachers were shocked. They didn't think that it was possible to send somebody shooting up to the sky in thin air.

Alice didn't know if Liam was going to be coming right back down. She looked up at the sky. "What just happened?" Amelia exclaimed with bewilderment as she stared at the sky. Suddenly, twenty seconds later, Liam could be seen falling from the sky. He was holding onto the ball. Liam was screaming from the top of his lungs. He thought that he was going to be hurt from falling from the sky. Alice and her friends decided to step back. "I thought that today was the worst." Rosalie remarked as she backed all the way to the fence separating the schoolyard from the street. Amelia stared up and watched as Liam fall to the ground. She was sure that the ball would hit the basketball court. Liam tried to let go of the ball. The fingers were still stuck to the ball for some weird reason. "Please stop it. I don't want to be smashed." Liam pleaded as he was just three feet from hitting the basketball court. The teachers that were on duty at the schoolyard were ready to catch the boy in their arms. However when he was two feet from the ground. The basketball shot in one direction that was parallel to the ground itself. The ball was now aimed at a section of fence that Alice and her friends were standing by. Her group jumped away from Liam and the basketball as they both hit the fence. Liam tried to get his fingers unstuck from the basketball as it closed the distance between itself and the fence. The fingers were released from the basketball as it bounced off the fence. It launched itself onto the ground and it bounced two times as it came back to the basketball court. Liam had his face hit against the fence. His nose wasn't broken, fortunately. The teachers came to see if he was alright. "What is going on?" Liam demanded as he tried to get himself standing again. He crawled backwards towards the teachers who came to help him. Alice and her friends watched as the teachers got him to stand up. Though his skin was pale. Alice thought that being shot up into the sky and then nearly being smashed against the ground would make anybody scared. One of the teachers helped him to get to the school nurse's office. He was shaking from the fright of what had just happened to him. Liam's friends were staring at him and wondering what he had done to get himself launched into the sky.

Liam did not came to the afternoon classes. The students were talking amongst each other, thinking about why or what caused Liam to be nearly thrown into space. Even Alice's friends were talking about the unique situation as well. "I strongly think that the school is haunted. How else would you explain people being thrown around in thin air?" One of Alice's friends started to argue. Alice felt that James might have gone a little too far. "I think I should have a talk with James. He might want to do something bad with Amelia, Liam, or Rosalie the next day." Alice said to herself in her mind. During gym class, Alice and her friends got themselves changed into their gym clothes. Rosalie looked all around her as she went into the gym. She was worried that the mysterious force that was throwing her onto and off the floor and ceiling might want to do it again. Rosalie hardly said a word during the afternoon. Alice and the rest of her classmates were enjoying their time in gym class. They were playing volleyball. During the last class of the day, Alice and her friends concentrated to the school work assigned to them as well as any pages of homework that they must complete. Alice had most of her school work done when the last school bell rang. The students went to their lockers, preparing themselves as they were about to go home. Alice had all of her things packed into her backpack. The homework and the lunch kit were neatly put into her backpack. She was making sure that she had the piece of paper with the name of Backstrom in it. The paper was still hidden at the bottom of the backpack. Just as she left it this morning. Alice was ready to go home. She had her backpack on and her locker closed. Alice said goodbye to her friends. She noticed that Liam was getting ready to go to detention. He was carrying his backpack and was still freaked out by what just happened today. He didn't feel that he wasn't bad. He felt that he was being haunted by an insane ghost. Liam joined Amelia as they both went to the detention. Alice walked outside and was met with the nice cool fresh air. She started her walk home. Alice was looking forward to talking with James. She wanted to help him. If Alice could figure out why James would still be haunting Liam and Rosalie, then she could help him rest for good. She remembered why James was haunting Amelia. It was because she reminded him of his bossy boss.

Alice was now next to the intersection next to the construction site. She looked both ways of the intersecting road before crossing over to the sidewalk on the other side. There was only one car that was going in the opposite direction that Alice was going in. The car rolled passed her as she put one foot into the road as she started to cross the street. Alice got to the other side of the intersection. She looked at the houses at they faced the abandoned construction site. Alice was only a few feet away from standing next to the fence. Alice was prepared to sneak into the construction site to speak with James. As she neared the gate, it opened by itself. Alice kept glancing at the houses that faced the construction site. At any moment, people would spot her entering the construction site. Then her parents would be disappointed if they found out she would be in an abandoned site without anybody's permission. Alice carefully slipped inside the abandoned lot. She carefully closed the gate behind her. She then looked into the abandoned lot. The jackhammer was still on the cement base. Alice walked up towards the cement base where the building stands. She ceased to come any closer when she was only five feet away from the concrete base. Alice looked around her. She was hoping to see James again. Suddenly James instantly appeared in front of her. He stood about three feet away. Alice nearly jumped. "Hello Alice." James said with his hoarse voice. "Hello James. I'm happy that you're here. I think we need a talk. I want to ask you a few questions." Alice began as she put her backpack onto the dirt lot. "Of course." The ghost spoke steadily with his spectral sounding voice. Alice got the piece of paper with the name of one of the people on the construction company's council board. Alice left her backpack opened and on the ground. "Is the last name of the supervisor you had at this construction site is called Backstrom?" She asked.

The ghost suddenly had a grim looked on his face for a second. Then he nodded. "How dare that she left me here! Yes, she is the reason that I hate bossy people like that girl from your school Amelia." James's voice echoed into her ear. Alice went to put the note back into her backpack. "I do know that you normally take a bus back home. I'm sorry that you have to see me and see a sad abandoned site such as this one." James said. As he went to take off his hard hat. "Oh no, that's alright, there seem to be mistakes in the bus schedule." Alice countered as she zipped up her backpack. "Is that so?" the ghost questioned out of what appears to be curiosity. "Yes, the principal told me that the mistake would be fixed up by the end of this week." Alice answered. "I do know that somebody intentionally made a mistake on your bus schedule. Maybe whoever did it wants to make it so that you won't take the bus home?" James guessed. "I don't know that if somebody even made a mistake on my bus schedule on purpose." "Oh, but I've overheard your group telling you on how somebody might have messed up the bus schedule so that they would make your life a little bit miserable." The ghost added. Alice didn't know what to say. "Yes, it must be the work of somebody from your school." The ghostly voice whispered into her right ear. Wanting to change the subject, Alice wanted to know of who Liam and Rosalie reminded James of. "The girl you've thrown at the ceiling, Rosalie. Is there somebody that you knew that might make you mad at people like her?" Alice asked. The ghost pondered about Alice's question. He felt angry on the inside to remember about one person that caused him trouble when he was young. "When I was your age," James began. "I remembered that I grew up with a young sister. In still have bad memories of her. My parents thought that she was cute. You don't have any idea of what kind of trouble that she caused for me. I hate her. She had my birthday upstage every year ever since she was seven. If I were going to do something special on one of my friend's birthday, she would have me bring her along to any party that we all went to. That brat would ruin every party I would bring her to.". Alice could see that the ghost was angry by thinking about his young sister. "Did somebody made fun of you? Just like that boy Liam did to me?" Alice asked with a quiet tone of voice. She didn't want to make the ghost anymore vexed than bringing up bad memories of his past.

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