Chapter 3

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Alice held onto the side of the fence. Her body floated high enough where it could be moved so that it could land on the other side of the fence. Alice could feel something pushing her across the air over the top of the fence. Not wanting to accidentally twist her wrists or fingers, Alice let go of the top of the fence post and then grabbed a hold of it again when Alice was near the other side of the fence. She did the same thing with her other hand. Alice's body slowly swiveled over the fence in mid air. The sidewalk was now underneath her now. Her feet were now pointing to a few houses across the street from where she was floating. Alice tried to remain calm and did not want to scream. She didn't want to get into trouble by being caught climbing into an abandoned area that she had no business hanging around in. Her body stopped moving until it was all on the other side of the fence. Just then, the mysterious force that made her float gave way and she fell.

Alice kept herself from falling by holding onto the edge of the fence. She looked down and saw that her feet were not touching the ground yet. Alice let go of the edge of the fence. She landed on the sidewalk nearby. Alice looked around her. She felt that somebody might be trying to pull a prank on her. "Please, don't come back. It's not safe for you there." The hoarse voice whispered into her ear. Alice didn't want to find out what was going on, so she raced for the sidewalk she was trying to use so that she might get home. There was nothing bad going on with the sidewalk on the stretch of street. The sidewalk here was not blocked by construction equipment. Alice got home safely. She wondered if that the construction site was haunted. When she got home, Alice rang the doorbell. Her mother answered the door. She had brown hair. Alice reminded her when she was a child like her. "Hello sweetie. Come on in." Alice got inside. "Was it hard coming home?" She asked, thinking that Alice might have been nervous about walking from school to home. "It was when I ran into the construction equipment blocking the sidewalk." Alice answered. "Are you serious?" Her father pumped as he was getting supper ready. "There wasn't any construction equipment on the road when we took you to school." The father commented as he made sure that the supper was not getting burnt. He had red hair just like Alice. He also had a goatee. There was beef and pork sausages that were getting cooked. They were getting served with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables. Alice put her backpack in her room. she started to work on her homework. However, she was only halfway done before her mother called her to come to the supper table. "So how was your school day?" The father questioned as they were eating their meal. "I had a weird day. Coming back home from school." Alice responded as she took a fork full of mixed vegetables. "Well don't worry, I'm sure that you be with your friends back on the bus on the way home from school. It was just a mistake made by somebody at the school." The father assured her.

Alice looked to her mother. "There was a teacher who was mad at class today.". Her mother turned to look at her. "What happened?" She grilled. "It happened after the principal told me that I had to be coming home from school. I came to my locker to get my binder. I heard the teacher yelling in the class. I was not in the class when it happened." Alice explained. "Well I think somebody made the teacher mad. Now I did well in class today." She told her parents. "I know that you're trying to do well in classes Alice, but the teacher yelling is upsetting you a little?" The father demanded with a calm tone of voice. Alice nodded her head a little. She was not upset by the fact that Amelia got into trouble with the principal. "I think it was a girl in my class that got into trouble with the teacher. I'm not upset by the teacher yelling. I was just scared by it, that's all." Alice replied. The parents talked about how their days were going. They both had a normal day at work, as usual. After supper, Alice finished her homework. She then went to relax on her computer. While on the computer, Alice looked through the computer and searched for online articles about the construction site she had just went through. She found a few, but they didn't say why the project was canceled. Alice continued to relax on her computer until it was time for bed. However, just forty minutes before she had to take a bath, she heard her parents talking in the dining room. Alice had the door opened a little. She overheard what their parents were discussing. "Well, I wondered who would intentionally wanted to have our Alice not take the bus home. That's not fair. The boy or girl who did this is going to wish that they are going to be suspended when I am done with them." The mother complained. "Well, don't worry, I'm sure that the school will figure things out soon enough. I hope that measures would be put in place to make sure that the same problem won't happen again." The father hoped.

She wondered if she had to go through the construction site again. Maybe the ghost of whoever was haunting the steel girder skeleton of the building was still there. Maybe it wasn't a ghost. Maybe I was just hearing things. Alice thought about those questions as she slept through the night. During the morning, it felt like it was a regular morning. Alice ate her breakfast of oatmeal that was waiting on the dining room table for her. She hoped that there won't be any problems with the bus during the afternoon. However her father came to deliver the bad news. "You have to walk home again Alice. Our mother and I are trying everything we can to make sure thar you will take the bus again." Alice let out a sigh. "Don't worry Alice. At least you can talk to your friends at school during recess. The mistake with your bus will be fixed up before you will know it." Her mother said with a smile. Feeling tired and a little sad, Alice hoped that the day would be as good than the news that she will have to be walking home from school. "Hey honey, you will get to see your friends again at school okay. The bus will drop you off at our house when the problem is all sorted out." The mother spoke with a smile as she stared at her daughter's face. Alice let off a smile. She was a little upset that she would have to come home by foot again, but at least she has the chance of seeing her friends again. Alice made sure that her lunch was packed into her lunch kit. The lunch kit was safely put into the backpack along with the homework that she finished. Alice got ready when she and her family got into their regular orange car. The mother started up the car. It roared to life during the first try. The parents drove down the street and then turned onto another street that was parallel to the street that goes to Alice's school. The car drove down the street and passed by the construction site that was one block away. The parents drove until they arrived at a street that took them to the street that led them into the school's driveway. The car made a few turns and eventually smoothly rolled into the driveway that is used by the parents to drop off their kids. Alice got off and was early as she usually is. Yesterday she arrived five minutes before school started. She doesn't mind getting to school early. Alice could get herself ready for her class. Alice said goodbye to her parents and they both drove off to work. Alice got inside the building. The principal smiled as she saw her step into the school building. "Good morning." The principal conveyed with joy. "Good morning." Alice replied back. There were a few students in the building. Alice got to her locker and dropped off her things. She then closed the locker. Alice smiled because there was nothing bad that happened so far.

Alice decided to go to the principal's office. She asked the principal how she was doing. "I'm doing fine. So are your ready to take on any school work that is going to be assigned to you?" The principal asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." Alice responded. She then asked the principal about the bus problem. The principal said that somebody in the school made a mistake, and Alice's name doesn't show on the records of which bus she is supposed to be taking. "Is it true that a student could have made the mistake on purpose?" Alice queried the principal. "Why would you say that? If we ever let that happen that would be bad for all of us. Including the boys and girls that are going to be taking the bus." She answered. Alice waited two seconds before saying "Well, I'm going to be in the hallway. I can't wait for my friends to come." She smiled and said goodbye to the principal. "Have a great day Alice." The principal answered. Alice went into the hallway waiting for her friends to come. She saw Rosalie come in and she said, "Hi Alice.". "Hi Rosalie, how are you doing?" Alice asked trying to stay positive. "I'm doing fine." Rosalie responded as she went to her locker. Alice watched as Rosalie went to her locker. She expected that Rosalie wouldn't get into trouble today. Alice walked towards the cafeteria. She stood next to the entranceway of the room. The tables were cleaned and ready for lunch time. Alice decided to get her stuff for class and get ready. Finally, Alice saw two of her friends. They were putting their stuff away for the day at school. They all greeted Alice as they went to put away their outdoor shoes and get their binders out for class. Alice went to her locker to do the same. She came back with her binder and went to her friends and talked to them. More friends showed up. They were happy to see each other again. Then there was the sound of something that popped off the ceiling. It fell to the floor with a clang. 

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