Chapter 13

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Alice felt how sad James was as he told her how shocked he was when people could pass through him as if he was just air. "I wondered why I was a ghost. Then again, I already knew the answer. The memory of me falling from the girder was not a dream. I looked at my construction helmet it had a crack in it. I didn't know why." As James finished speaking, Alice thought about why he was still at the construction site. "You just haunt the construction site because your angry at people for forgetting about you and that the whole construction project was messed up." She guessed. "No, I wasn't angry at people for forgetting about me." James replied straight away. "I had no doubt that the lady in charge was somehow responsible for getting myself buried in cement. I didn't know if I was in the hole made in the ground by the cement truck driver, or I was resting near the hole made in the ground." The ghost floated back towards the floor. "So, does Rosalie or Liam remind you of somebody that had caused you problems before?" Alice asked. "We will talk tomorrow if you like." The ghost said with its ghostly hoarse voice as it vanished while sinking into the floor.

Alice saw that hardhat with a crack disappeared into the floor. After a short while, Alice did a little bit of research about the construction company. She was desperate to find out what was the name of the lady who was in charge of the construction site. Alice did found the official website of the construction company that's called Citywide Construction. She tried to research the people who were on the council board. Alice saw that there was only four ladies and six men on the council board. The construction company had names of the people who were in the picture. Alice wanted to know the names of the ladies who worked on the construction board so that she could ask James who did he work under. Then suddenly, something caught the corner of her eye. The last name of one of the ladies reminded her about Amelia. This ladies name was also Backstrom. Alice wondered if she was her mother or an aunt. She took out a small piece of paper and started to note the four ladies that were on the council board. She was only able to write down the name of Mrs. Backstrom. She had get herself ready for bed. She had the folded piece of paper in her backpack. The note was kept hidden out of view. When the backpack would be packed with her lunch and her finished homework. The note would be hiding at the bottom of the backpack. Alice woke the next morning. It was a regular Tuesday. There were two slices of toast served with jam. The family hurried a little through their meal. Alice didn't want to be late for school. However, she knew that she would arrive at the school early. Alice had her lunch prepared in her lunch kit. She had it packed in her backpack. It helped her to conceal the piece of paper with the name of one of the ladies on the construction board council. She also packed the small binder that she uses to carry her homework in and also made sure that it still fitted in her backpack. The last thing she would want anybody to do is to discover the piece of paper.

Alice came to school just as she normally does. The hallways were quiet and empty. There was no sign of Liam, Amelia, or Rosalie so far. She came up to her locker. Alice had her stuff put inside. The binder was left so that it can be easily retrieved. Alice closed the locker and waited for her friends to come to school. She saw that Liam entered the hallway and was walking towards his locker. He did spot Alice in the hallway, but he did not speak a word. The student was only worried about getting to his locker on time. He did not like the idea of getting slammed into the floor and ceiling. He wasn't sure if it was a ghost doing it, or if it was some mean prank. Alice leaned on her locker and saw two of her friends come in. They both went to their lockers. "Hi Alice!" One of them said with a smile. Alice said hello back to them with a warm grin. Her friends started to talk to each other when they had all of their things sorted away in their lockers. Alice talked to them to see how they were. One of the friends said that their rider on the bus was quiet. She felt that if the bus schedule should be fixed up, then they could talk to Alice on the way home and won't have to feel so friendless when she would be going home. "Have you seen Liam today?" One of Alice's friends asked. "I did see him today, but I don't think he was so interested in making fun of me." Alice answered. "Yeah, I heard that he had an accident right next to the janitor's closet. Maybe he doesn't want to get into any more accidents." The first friend suggested. "How could you say that!" The second friend rebuked. "I don't think anybody would want to pull a mean prank on anybody, let alone having Liam slip on the floor." Alice looked down the hallway. Two more of her friends were coming to their lockers. Alice saw that they were being followed by Rosalie. She was talking to them.

The friends were disappointed. "Hello." Alice said to her three friends and Rosalie. Rosalie beamed and "Hi" to Alice and her friends. The two friends stopped and waited for Rosalie to go to her locker. They had a downhearted expression on her face. "What's wrong?" Alice asked. "Rosalie has done it again." The third friend responded as she went off to put her backpack away in her locker. "Yeah. Wait till you hear what she told us." The fourth friend added as she went to put her things away in her locker. Straight away, there was the sound of Rosalie as she shrieked "Yiiikes!" Alice and her two friends turned around they saw that Rosalie had fallen forwards onto the floor. The friends that were bringing their backpacks to school stopped and stared at Rosalie for a moment. Alice walked over to help her. The two friends thought that she fell onto the floor on purpose for attention. Alice went to help Rosalie off the floor. Suddenly, her muscles wouldn't let her move anymore. Alice felt like she was a statue. She wanted to help Rosalie off the floor. However, she thought that there was nothing she could do now that she couldn't move. Alice tried to move backwards. Miraculously, she could move backwards. It was as if the force holding her back, wanted her to leave Rosalie on the floor. Alice stared at her two friends who were just watching. They couldn't understand why Alice didn't help Rosalie. "Can somebody help me?" Rosalie whined while she was pushing herself up. Alice tried to move to help Rosalie, but some mysterious force was preventing her from approaching her. "Alice is this some kind of joke?" One of her friends wearing a backpack asked. "No! This is no joke. I can't move to help Rosalie." Alice replied. She tried to push herself against the mysterious force that was trying to stop her from helping. Her muscles wouldn't let her as they were frozen on the spot that she was trying to help Rosalie. The two friends walked over to help Rosalie off the floor. The friends with the backpacks also tried to reach out to Rosalie so that they could help her. Just like Alice, they couldn't get themselves to move forward. "What's going on?" On of the friends pumped as she found her muscles not allowing her to move any closer. Alice tried to think about how they were going to help Rosalie. As she was trying to herself sitting upright. Rosalie's hands slipped. Her chin has hit the hallway floor. "This a joke! And it is all your fault Alice!" Rosalie shouted.

Alice was then confused. "I'm not doing anything." Alice reasoned as she tried to inch herself closer to where Rosalie was lying on the hard floor. One of Alice's friends with a backpack moved away from her. She could now move. "Whatever is holding us back doesn't want you to get any help Rosalie." She spoke. She backed away until her backpack was touching a nearby locker. "Are you making this up? I still think that this is all a mean prank." Rosalie said as she tried to push herself off the floor. She attempting to sit up again. Alice moved away from Rosalie and the mysterious force allowed her to move again. The rest of her friends backed away too. They were worried that they could not help. "You've been a bad girl." A ghostly hoarse voice whispered into her ear. "Who said that? Is it you Alice?" Rosalie grilled. "I haven't said anything." Alice replied as she looked at her stunned. "I've just heard someone whispering." Suddenly, she felt as if she was touching the floor anymore. Rosalie was now floating only two millimeters away from the hallway floor. She couldn't feel anybody holding onto her backpack and pulling her up. "What's going on now?" Rosalie shouted. Alice and her friends were shocked that they could see Rosalie slowly float up into the air. Her feet were kicking. Alice and her friends tried to avoid the kicking feet. "Is somebody holding me up?" Rosalie queried as she looked behind and to her sides. Before Rosalie could say anything else. It felt as if she was being flung upwards. Her backpack crashed into the ceiling. Rosalie screamed as she was being thrown up against the ceiling. Then, she could feel herself falling to the floor. Just a second after she fell from the ceiling, the unknown force turned her around so that she was facing the ceiling. "You're nothing but a brat!" The ghostly voice whispered into her ear. Rosalie was slammed up against the floor. It felt as if something was broken inside. Two more students were coming into the hallway to put away their stuff. They stood in shock to see Rosalie being thrown towards the ceiling by some unknown force. 

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