Chapter 7

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Alice bravely looked inside her room. She wondered if the wind has simply blowed her door back and forth. Alice thought that was ridiculous since the wind could only blow the door to her bedroom open if it weren't closed all the way. Plus, the window in her bedroom is closed. Alice was in the middle of her room when the light suddenly came on. Alice looked at the light switch and it was turned off. She then became confused. Alice walked over to where her light switch was. She then turned switch on, then turned the switch off. The light in her room came off. Alice glanced at the fan that had a light fixture for two seconds before leaving her room. The light came on again. Alice saw her shadow in the hallway as she saw the light coming from behind her. Alice looked back and saw that the light wasn't not turned off. She also looked at the light switch in her room. There were two switches in her room in one small panel. The light switch was on the left side of the small switch panel. The switch to turn the fan on the light fixture was on the right side. The light switch was turned to the off position, but somehow the light in her room was on. It unknowingly shined even if the light switch was turned off. Alice went to turn the light switch on. She waited for two seconds before turning the light switch off.

The light in her bedroom turned off. Alice was about to turn around and walk towards the kitchen. Yet, when she turned around halfway, the light in her bedroom came on. Alice turned to face the light switch. It was in the off position. Alice thought that this was a strange morning. Alice had her left hand on the light switch. She turned it on. Alice waited for five seconds before turning the light switch off. The light came off but came back on a second later. Alice thought that she should tell her parents about what was going on. She was about to call her parents when the light just turned off by itself. Alice turned to look at the light fixture. There was nothing unusual about it at first. Alice went to look at the lightbulb briskly. She stood under the lightbulb. Trying to figure out why it was on and off by itself. She though that the fan must be playing tricks on her. "Alice, Pancakes are ready!" Her father shouted from the kitchen. "Coming dad!" She shouted from her room. Alice went towards the light switch. She turned the light switch on, and the light came on. Alice went to turn the light off, and the light came off. She then went off to get breakfast. She had a great time enjoying her pancakes. "We're going for a nice walk today. Maybe you can show us where have you've been walking to go home from school?" Her mother queried. "Yes, that sounds like a great idea. I would like to know the reason why the construction site has been closed down." Her father added. Alice nodded her head in agreement. She didn't want to see James again during the walk. Alice even thought that James must be haunting her room. After breakfast, Alice put on a fresh pair of pants and a fresh T-shirt. She was about to put her dirty clothes in the laundry when the light in her room went off just before she turned the switch off. Alice looked back at the light fixture in the middle of the ceiling. She thought about the problem of the light in her bedroom being out. Alice went to turn the light switch on in her bedroom. The light came on when Alice turned on the light switch. She then went to the bathroom where the hamper is located. The light switch was turned off when Alice went to drop off her dirty pajamas.

The light switch was progressing by itself and heading towards the on position. Alice had her pajamas put in the laundry basket. She then went to her room. The lights were on in Alice's room. Alice had a muddled expression on her face she saw the light pouring out of her room and into the hallway. She went to take a look at the light switch, then at the light fixture. "I was sure that I had it turn off." Alice said to herself in her mind as she went to turn the light off. Her hand was right next to the wall. She was preparing to turn off the light. Touching the light switch, Alice pushed the switch into the off position. The light in her room went off. Alice was wondering why the light in her room was acting strange today. The door to Alice's room started to close by itself. The light fixture turned on by itself. The fan in the room started to spin moderately. Alice looked at the small panel. The saw that the two switches were turned to the on position. "Is my bedroom haunted?" Alice asked as the fan started to gain a bit of speed. She didn't think that the fan would gain speed since the position of the light switch was at a point where the fan could only move steadily. Alice started to proceed further in the room. The switches on the small panel started to move by themselves. The switches appeared to be turning the light and the fan on and off. The fan was still trying to go faster. The light was still on in the room. The bedroom door was only a few seconds away from closing behind her. So much was happening all around Alice. Soon enough, the light started to turn itself on and off. Alice wanted to leave. Before she could flee, the door to her bedroom sealed itself into the door frame.

Alice, started to scream, but no sound came from her mouth. She felt like shrieking from the frightening events happening at the moment. The light suddenly turned itself off. The fan was now going as fast as a wheel on a race car. Alice tried to keep herself calm. She felt nervous and scared from the paranormal activity. Suddenly, a head started to emerge from the floor. In a few seconds, a transparent figure started to float out from the floor. It was construction worker with a serious expression on his face. Alice knew who the ghost might be. James has emerged from under house and was now floating in midair while preparing himself to talk. Alice was stunned as to why James would want to come to her house. "Why are you here?" She asked. "I come here so that I can chat. I have had no one that talks about me anymore, or who talks to me now a days. The world has slowly changed since I have died at the site." He looked around Alice's neat room. "Can you tell me why you're haunting the construction site?" Alice rallied. The ghost replied three seconds later. "I have been haunting the construction site because I have been buried under the concrete base. I have been a restless spirit. Not a soul has continued on the construction project ever since it was cancelled." Alice wondered why the mall was closed after James spoke those words. "I think it's not fair that you're were just left at the construction site and forgotten. Can you tell me why the project was cancelled?" The ghost roared in anger. "The construction site project was cancelled because all of the money from it was stolen! Stolen by an immature boss that I've worked for!" James answered with his usual hoarse tone of voice. Alice could see that the ghost was a bit upset. He then floated back towards the floor. "Don't forget that the bad students at your school are not safe from me!" The ghost declared as he faded into the floor. And all of a sudden, the power was not coming to the fan anymore. The light was turned off. The switches to the fan and the light were turned to the off position. The fan instantly froze where it was spinning. It was as if some unknown power had forced it to stop and froze it into place like being put in a block of ice. "Alice? Is there something wrong?" Her mother questioned.

Alice went to the door and saw that her mother was standing in the hallway, facing the direction where the door to Alice's bedroom was. "We both heard the door slam. Are you alright?" The father pumped with calm tone of voice. "I'm alright dad." Alice answered. "Are you angry about something?" The mother pondered. "No, I thought that the wind slammed the door to my room." Alice replied. "Strange, I thought we had the windows locked. The door to your bedroom couldn't be closed that hard during the morning." The mother observed, looking at Alice with suspicion. "Maybe it was small gust of wind." Alice thought. She still felt nervous on the inside answering to her parents. Which one of them would believe her story about being followed by a ghost. The parents weren't sure about Alice's answer. After four seconds, the father mentioned "You know, maybe we could feel a gust of fresh air that might have sneaked into the daughter's bedroom on our walk." "Good idea father." Alice rendered as she went to put her outside shoes on. The mother went to look on the laptop the parents share in the living room. She was curious as to how the weather would be for today. She learned that the temperature would be a bit cold outside because of a few gusts of wind. "I think we are going to be having a cold day today. Best to be wearing your wind breaker jackets." The mother announced. Alice and her father put on their jackets. They both waited for the mother to get ready. She had to turn the laptop off after using it briefly. The mother put on her wind breaker coat. The family was all set for a walk down the path that Alice would take on her way back home from school. The family walked down the sidewalk and Alice showed her parents which way she would walk down. Alice knew of the path, she showed them the path that passes the abandoned construction site. "What a shame that the construction site was not finished. It would have made a great mall for the neighborhood to by groceries without having to use their car and drive to the furthest supermarket." The father remarked as the family passed the construction site. "This is terrible. Why would there be an unfinished construction site for the community instead of a small mall?" The mother questioned.

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