Chapter 24

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As Amelia walked past Alice and her friend. They both noticed that she was wearing some kind of hearing aid. Rosalie limped along past with her crutches. The two girls put their stuff away in their lockers. They had their binders out, ready for their first class. Both of them went to sit down somewhere on the floor. They didn't want to talk to anybody. The two girls were both scared. They feared that they would be hurt by the mysterious force that's haunting the school. More of Alice's friends came along. They all talked with each other until it was time for the first class of the day. The group eventually got their binder out and went to class. It was a normal day. Alice tried to get by every assignment. At lunch time, it was just the same as it was every day. Alice was sitting down with her friends. They were talking about their day and they hoped that Alice would come back on the bus with them. Rosalie and Amelia were sitting on opposite sides of the table. They didn't talk to each other. They were a little nervous on the inside. Liam was sitting with his group of friends.

He told them about his video camera, and how it has fallen apart today with no explanation. During recess, Amelia and Rosalie could be seen leaning on the fence that separates the school yard from the sidewalk. They both sulked and hardly talked to each other. Liam brought his broken video camera out to show his friends. They all helped him into putting it back together. However, the video camera would only fall apart just like what happened during the time at school early in the morning before classes start. Alice was only happy with talking with her friends. She talked with them until it was time for the afternoon classes to begin. Liam's video camera wasn't fixed again without any success. Alice looked at Rosalie, Amelia, and Liam during those classes. They were very quiet. It almost as if they were sorry for themselves. Alice finished school for the day. She went to get her things out of her locker. All seemed well. Then there was a shout coming from one end of the hallway. It was next to the school entranceway next to the driveway. Alice didn't let the shouting get her attention. She put on her coat and put her backpack on. Alice was just about to close her locker when one of her friends got her attention. "Alice! Liam's floating!" She exclaimed. Alice quickly had her locker closed and stood in the middle of the hallway. Liam was shouting out of nervousness. "What's going on?" He demanded as he found himself floating away towards the door to the school parking lot. He held onto the box that had his video camera stored inside. "What's happening?" Another familiar voice came from the hallway. Amelia was floating away from her locker. The door to her locker was slammed shut. Her backpack was left behind. Amelia found herself quickly flying through the hallway towards the door to the school driveway. Rosalie also screamed when the door to her locker also sealed itself in front of her. She also found herself to be hovering high into the air.

Alice stared at the two girls in a state of shock. After Rosalie was almost near the exit, Alice's friends wondered where they were going. "Goodbye. See you tomorrow." Alice said to her friends. She immediately got herself walking up to the school's main desk in a hurry. She nearly caught up with Rosalie. Unfortunately, she was only two feet away from the door. The principal walked out of her office when she saw Rosalie hovering in the air. She didn't know what to make of it. The doors to the outside were opened. Rosalie wanted to scream, but she couldn't. She feared that she could be flung onto the floor or the ceiling at any time. Alice followed Rosalie as she was flying outside. Once outside, the cold air met her cheeks. Rosalie suddenly shot up in the air like a cannonball. It was as if she was taken by an invisible jet. Alice opened her mouth wide when she saw this. However, she had an idea of where Liam, Amelia, and Rosalie were taken to. Alice was just about to walk towards the abandoned construction site when somebody had a hand on her shoulder. Alice turned around and saw that it was the principal. She was worried and wanted to know what happened to the three students. "I don't know what might have happened to them. I think I may know where they might be going." Alice told the teacher as she looked at the sidewalk. She had her hand gently remove the principal's hand off her shoulder. "Where are you going?" the principal queried as she saw Alice running towards the sidewalk parallel to the school. "Home!" Alice replied. She thought that it was too simple of an answer. Thought she was focused in finding James and talking to him. Alice ran down the way she usually takes to go to school. She only saw ten cars driving down the road parallel to the sidewalk. She eventually saw the tall steel girder structure in the distance. Alice felt ever more determined. She stopped at the intersection just before she get to the sidewalk close to the construction site. The excavators have only nearly covered part of the waterpipes. There was one large but small hole of dirt in the road to be filled up. Alice looked both ways and then crossed the road. She actually ran to the other side of the road.

She looked at the construction site while crossing. There was crane arm up high. It held three students in harnesses. Their heads were only parallel with the highest horizontal steel girder. Some tape covered their mouths. They were all scared. Alice rushed down the sidewalk until she reached the gate to the construction site. Alice panted after running for such a long way. Alice looked all around her. The gate opened by itself. Alice was surprised, but tired. She slowly took a few steps inside the dirt lot. Inside, the "Citywide Construction" crane had its arm up high. It held a scared Liam, Amelia, and Rosalie up high. They were scared that they were going to fall to the ground. Also at the construction site, Alice saw a video camera on the dirt next to the crane. It was the same video camera that Liam had brought to school. It was all fixed. Alice looked at the crane's cab. Its door was open. A laptop sat on the seat of the construction vehicle. It all set up. Though it's screen was dark. It was turned off. There was a Citywide construction company logo on the back of the computer. Suddenly, Alice noticed a face emerging from the first steel girder that was closest to the ground. It was a construction worker's face wearing a hard hat. Alice knew that it was James. He scowled as he looked at the three kids. "Justice will be served. At the end of the day, these kids will no longer be the brats that they are. They will learn to behave. And I will rest in peace." The ghost spoke with his hoarse tone of voice. "I thought you said that were going to find clues to prove that you were wronged by that lady. Not just trying to hurt these people with a crane." Alice cried as she watched in shock as Liam, Rosalie, and Amelia tried to find a way to escape being held over the ground. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt these kids. I'm going to force them to behave until that lady arrives." James claimed. He floated away. His ghostly body disappeared while he flew towards the crane. All of a sudden, the piece of construction equipment roared to life. Liam screamed in fear, even though his voice was muffled by the piece of tape on his mouth. The crane arm swung its arm away from the steel girder. Alice ran towards the cab. However, the door was shut before she could climb inside the cab. The crane arm was about to swing back towards the building, when the horn of a construction company's pickup truck could be heard. 

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