Chapter 12

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Alice could see that James was serious about hating the lady who he worked for. He had a grim but serious expression on his face. "So, how did you die?" Alice asked. The ghost himself started to feel sad. "It was during the time when I was helping with installing a horizontal beam. The beam was welded onto the rest of building. I had a welding mask on, and I had the tools needed to weld the metal piece into place. The beams were also bolted together. A co-worker was welding his end of the beam on the other side. The whole metal structure was nearly done. All we had to do was to install another set of beams. The building itself would have four floors in total when it was supposed to be finished. The cement base was supposed to be put into place after the steel girders were all installed. There was a hole in the ground that would hold the concrete needed to support the structure to the ground. It was about two feet deep. I remembered how confused I was when the cement truck backed into the construction site. I finished welding the steel girder into place on the site."

Alice listened carefully to the ghost's story. "I decided to go to the spot where the lift construction vehicle was located. I wanted to get down on the ground and ask the cement truck why it came. We weren't finished constructing the row of girders that would support the fourth floor or installing another row of steel girders. There was supposed to be another set of steel girders that were supposed to be installed next to the end of the construction site. The lady who was in charge of the construction project, said that we didn't have to install them at this minute. I'd disagreed. Since the building was supposed to be built with a certain number of vertical girders coming out of the ground. The workers all looked at the building's blueprints. We all knew that the girders all had to be placed at the very places dugout by the excavator. The workers argued with the supervisor, that there should be a certain number of beams coming out of the ground. The area that the building was supposed to be standing on that excavator dug out was smaller than what the blue prints suggested to be. As I said before, there was another row of steel girders about to be installed. We argued with the operator that this wasn't the size of the hole that the building was supposed to be standing on. The operator told us that he was following orders from the lady in charge. He had the same argument with her too. She told him that he could quit or that she could fire him if he didn't follow her orders. The worker ended up following her orders instead. The workers wanted to tell the construction company about what a bad job that the lady in charge of the finances was doing. The lady told the crew that she could fire them if they continued to criticize her. The workers went on with their work but some of them were not satisfied. They were hoping that the small mall wouldn't be messed up by any unexpected changes. The lady in charge told us that the changes were edits made by the architect."

Alice was stunned by what James was telling her. At the same time she was starting to make sense of the problems that he had with the person in charge of the site. Alice thought that the construction worker was going to tell her about how he died. Instead, he was adding another story on top of it. She thought that he was going off subject, or if this story had something to do with his death. Alice didn't interrupt him. "Wait a minute, you've told me that the lady in charge ordered the men that the girders didn't have to be installed right away. Then you've told me that the architect has changed the design of the building so that there wouldn't be as many girders being added into the ground. I'm starting to be a little confused by your story." Alice conveyed. The ghost stared at Alice. "I'm sorry Alice. I can't shake my thought away from the excuses that the lady made about the building project. She had made two big excuses. The workers were a bit intimidated by her when asking her about the changes made. I was the only one who was brave to stand up to her, even if she did scream at me once on the project I worked on before the small mall." James answered. "Now then, As I was saying, the excuses that she made to cover up for the mistakes was that the architect made some changes to the blueprints. She also claimed that the architect would only trust her to look at the plan. That's the part of the story that I didn't handle very well. I just hate that bossy attitude that she showed to the workers." James explained. "Does Amelia reminds you of that lady?" Alice asked him. James nodded his head. "I can't believe that she is bad as the supervisor. I just wish she would get expelled already." Alice nearly forgotten that she wanted to hear the rest of his story. "Could you tell me the rest of the story? I don't want to talk about the lady that's in charge of the construction project anymore." She requested. "After I got to the spot where the lift vehicle was, I motioned the worker to get me down. The operator didn't notice me at first. Then after I yelled..."

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