Chapter 5

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Alice came home just in time. She smelled some butter chicken being cooked. Her backpack was put in her room. "Did you have a great day Alice?" Her father asked as he had the butter chicken already to be served. The naan bread was cooking in the stove. It came from a package. The chicken itself was cut up ahead of time. It came from a package that had two big pieces of chicken portions sold at the grocery store. The sauce used for the butter chicken was in a bottle. Alice sat at the table and was quiet. "Did anything exciting happen at school?" Her father asked. "It was an ordinary morning. I tried my best at school." Alice replied. "That's good. Is there something bothering you?" Her mother wondered as she read the expression on Alice's face.

"Well, you see there was a boy that was in tears at school." Alice told her parents about what had happened that early morning. About how Amelia told the boy that he shouldn't be playing in any sports teams. Then she told them about how Amelia's face got slammed by her locker door. "Well that's bad. I hope that Amelia doesn't do anything bad to you too." The mother spoke as she was worried. "Is she always like that? Maybe you should ignore her." The father advised. "I have been ignoring her. She was only back talking to us about why she told the boy that he shouldn't be joining a school sports team. She says that he's only crying to get some attention. I didn't believe her." Alice explained. "If you encounter anybody else at school that is behaving inappropriately, you should always tell the teachers about the problem." The father said as he used his fork to eat a small piece of chicken that had butter chicken sauce fused with the meat and covered with sauce. Alice took some fork's full of a combination of rice and the butter chicken. She did find it delicious. It helped her feel better after a long day at school. Alice also had her mind on the abandoned construction site more than anything. She wanted to know why something was there, haunting the lot. Alice made sure that she had her homework finished. Then she went to take a look online. Alice was desperate to find out about why the construction building was abandoned. She knew that there was something haunting the construction site. Alice looked at any news articles online that described the building in detail. This building was supposed to be a shopping center according to the news articles. Alice then went to research all of the online articles about why the construction project was cancelled. She learned that the project was cancelled. The article states that there was no more money for the construction project to continue. Below the news article about the cancelled construction project. There were comments by the people hoping that there would be another construction company that would continue where the former construction company left off. The people felt that having a small mall would benefit the people who lived close by. As the mall was supposed to have a grocery store, a bank, and other kinds of businesses that would help the community. The commentators state that it would be too far for them to drive to the nearest bank or grocery store.

Alice also learned that having a small mall would have its advantages. The small building would encourage people to walk to its location. It would motivate people to leave their cars at home. Alice felt that the location of a small mall would definitely help out the community as they felt that it was too far for them to drive to get groceries or access the bank. "I think I should visit that construction site again. Maybe I can talk with whatever is haunting the construction site." Alice said to herself. Soon, a pencil and a piece of lined paper was brought to the dining room table. Alice began to write on the piece of paper. She was hoping that the ghost would help to answer all of their questions. Alice wrote of the questions she wanted to ask the thing haunting the construction site. She then had it folded up. "Alice." Her father spoke with a calm voice. Alice had the folded piece of paper in her hand. She then turned to look at her father. A smile spread on Alice's face while she looked at him. "I do have some bad news to share with you. You would be sitting on the front lawn while waiting for us. Your mother is having a meeting with some coworkers. I will go shopping for some groceries in the meantime. So be sure you take your time as you're coming home." "Ok but at what time are you and mom are going to come home?" "We are going to be at home a bit later than usual. Maybe a quarter to seven." The father answered. "I better remember to carry my watch with me." Alice disclosed. "Right." The father replied back. Alice brought the folded piece of paper back into her room. She remembered the list of questions that she wanted to ask the ghost haunting the construction site. "Did you slammed the locker in a girl's face? Why have the construction company cancelled the project to be constructing a small mall here? Who are you? Why are you haunting this construction site?". Alice hoped that she would meet the ghost at the construction site. The next morning went as normal. It was a Friday. Alice was preparing to go to school. She had her folded piece of paper in her backpack. Her lunch was already prepared for her. Alice packed it in her backpack. She was wearing a gray long sleeved T-shirt with a red and yellow checker skirt.

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