Chapter 21

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Alice could see the neighbors house from across the streets. Se was worried that one of the neighbors would spot her as she was being carried over a wooden fence. Anytime that a neighbor would see something strange happening in the abandoned construction site, something in their house would go awry. For instance, one neighbor that nearly saw Alice floating next to the top of the fence from a window had a smoke detector instantly go off without reason. She had to verify the device to see that it is in proper working condition. Another neighbor nearly saw Alice as she was floating over the top of the wooden fence. The toaster would go on and off as it was unplugged. The toaster also made a small banging sound whenever it felt like that the bread was ready to come out, when in fact there was no bread being cooked inside it. The neighbor immediately ran into the kitchen to see what the matter was. The neighbor was struggling to figure out why the toaster was acting out like it was. The toaster was checked to make sure that it was unplugged.

In fact, all of the neighbors all went to look outside at the construction site. And each time that they tried to look out of their windows, something paranormal happened in their houses. Alice slowly floating towards the sidewalk that is next to the construction site. She was not bothered by the strange activity happening in the houses nearby. Alice's only goal now was to get home safely. Her feet landed softly on the sidewalk. She then began to quickly move towards the intersection up ahead. Alice knew that the people would be a bit suspicious if they see somebody hanging around the construction site. Alice managed to get to the intersection in no time flat. Alice even stopped at the intersection to catch her breath. After her small rest, she looked down the two sections of the street before crossing it. Alice wasn't so worried about one section of street on one side. Since there was some construction being done on the road intersection of that street. Alice found that the road was safe to cross. She then crossed the street. The way back to her house was pretty easy from there. There was only one car that passed by. Alice got home just in the nick of time. Her father greeted her when she got into the house. "Hi Alice." Her father said with a calm and pleasant sounding voice. "Hi Dad, how was your day?" Alice asked as she went to take off her outdoor shoes. "It was great, how about yours?" He replied. Alice sighed and the said "It was a normal day." "Well I think this supper is just as good as the last one." The mother said as she was slowly getting the meal done. "Hi Alice, how was school today?" Her mother queried as she looked in the window of the oven.

"It went great Mom. I worked hard on all of my school assignments." Alice said with a smile. Though on the inside, Alice was feeling uncertain about tomorrow. She was going to pass by the construction site again. The ghost of the construction worker would still want to do some horrible things to Liam, Rosalie, and Amelia. Alice hoped that James would just leave Amelia and Rosalie alone. They were already sent to the hospital. Alice hoped that Liam wouldn't have to go to the hospital too. She set the table. There was a cup full of milk for herself, her father, and her mother. Some paper napkins were put with the cups. Alice was scared that James would do something bad to do her since she was disagreeing with him. The mother has just finished cooking some macaroni and cheese along with some slices of sausage inside it. Some assorted vegetables were served with the main course. Alice savored each bite as she ate. She forgot everything that happened at school. Alice only wanted to eat her supper. The milk was cold enough to wash her tongue if she ate a hot piece of the big piece of macaroni being served from her plate. "That abandoned construction site is still there?" the father questioned. The mother only frowned at him. The father was about to say something to defend himself when Alice answered, "The construction site is still there.". The thought of the construction site brought back the scary thoughts about what James was planning to do next. She was worried that he might scare Rosalie and Amelia even more at the hospital. Alice tried to concentrate on each bite after that. The thoughts of James trying something bad on Amelia, Liam, or Rosalie was just too much. "Did Dad's question made you uncomfortable?" The mother asked with soft tone of voice. Alice nodded her head. The mother looked back at the father. He was focused on eating his assorted vegetables. Alice continued to eat her supper. She had an ice cream sandwich that was in the fridge. Alice didn't want to think about the desolate construction site for the rest of the evening. She then decided to concentrate on her homework to get her mind off things. Alice worked on the little homework that she had. It was all done in no time. She had all of her school papers packed into her backpack. Suddenly there was a chill in the room. A small gust of freezing air has touched her in the back.

Alice had her arms wrapped around herself. Her teeth clattered together. She shivered a little. Alice went to look at her window. There was nothing unordinary about it. The window was closed. Still the room was cold. Alice went to sit on her bed. It felt like that she was sitting on a block of ice. Alice quickly stood up from sitting on it. She wondered why it was all cold in an instant. She felt like sitting backdown again. So Alice decided to sit on the bed again. This time, the bed felt normal. It was not cold as ice. Alice looked around her. She thought that something was not right. All of a sudden, the lights in her room flickered. Alice thought that James must be around here. She sprung up from sitting on the edge of the bed. Alice found herself standing in the middle of her room. She slowly turned around in a counter clock wise manner. Alice was expecting James to pop up at any moment. It felt as if she was on a small merry-go-round. There were no wooden horses. It was just her spinning on the ride. She watched as the world turned around her. Alice felt that James would come to scare her at any moment. "Alice?" A voice called from the hallway. Alice stopped. She found herself to be staring at her window. Alice put her left hand up against her head, trying to get the spinning to stop. She slowly stumbled towards the bedroom door. Suddenly, there was somebody knocking at her door. "Alice!" The voice called again. Alice opened the door and saw that it was her mother at the door. "Hi mom." Alice said cheerfully. "I saw that you left your shoes in the entranceway. Can you come and put them on the rug with the other shoes?" "Yes mom." Alice replied. She went towards the entrance area of the house. The mother peeked into her room. She had the door to her bedroom closed. It was only slightly opened. James' face slowly emerged from the wall. He stared at the door from where his face was. He only had a normal expression on his face. Alice went to put her shoes in the right spot. They were on the rug where they belong. "Thank you Alice. Did you have some homework to work on?" The mother questioned. Alice shook her head and said "Oh no Mom. I had all of it done." "Alright, I hope that you have a great break before bedtime." She stated as she went to her bedroom. "Don't worry mom, I will." Alice said as she watched her mother walkdown the hallway. 

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