Chapter 19

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The morning classes would go as normal. There was hardly any problems. Until it was lunch time. Rosalie was at the cafeteria entrance first. She was preventing people from coming inside. "What happened to Amelia?!" she asked the students nearby. She had her arms outstretched. Nearly blocking all of cafeteria entranceway. "What happened to Amelia?!" Rosalie shrieked with a worried tone of voice. "Did somebody hurt her?" "No." Alice's friend spoke out. She moved through the crowd of students as she was going to confront Rosalie. "She was stuck in her locker. And she was forced to listen to the sound of a jackhammer." Alice's friend said in a quiet and not an upset tone of voice. "That's a lie. I know somebody hurt Amelia. She was squished in a locker with somebody pushing on the locker door.".

Two teachers who were on cafeteria duty came to help with the situation. "You boys and girls are liars! Amelia was picked on. I know it!" Rosalie shouted. "Excuse me, can you come with us please?" One of the teachers asked Amelia. "No!" She shouted back. Some of the students were scared that she yelled. "Who hurt Amelia? Please tell me the truth!" Rosalie was about to scream again at any minute. One of the students slipped from the group. He went to secretly meet with the principal. "I'll let you into the cafeteria if somebody tells me what truly happened to Amelia. That story of her getting stuck in her own locker is silly. Just silly. And don't tell the principal what I am doing tattletales." The students were starting to not like Rosalie at all. Alice wasn't sure if she should go and talk to Rosalie. She didn't think that Rosalie believes the truth of what happened to Amelia. Though she didn't want to get yelled at. "Let everyone in the cafeteria." A hoarse voice whispered into Rosalie's ear. Even the students who were nearby Rosalie couldn't hear the voice. "Who said that!?" Rosalie yelled. "What are you talking about? I didn't hear anything." One boy said. "Yeah, same with me." A girl from nearby adduced. "Liars!" Rosalie screamed. The boy who was nearby was afraid that Rosalie was going to fight. "You foul girl. Its time that you learned to behave." The ghostly voice whispered into her ear. All of a sudden, Rosalie was sucked right into the cafeteria. She flew into the air. She bounced off the ceiling and even the cafeteria walls, just like a pinball. Rosalie screamed as the mysterious force threw her around the room. "Why don't you accept the truth? That Amelia is a horrible girl. Just like you. Telling the students nonsense and false advice. You should be ashamed." The only thing that Rosalie could do was scream. Finally, the mysterious force threw her onto part of the cafeteria floor that was next to a corner. The teachers told the students to stay put while they go and investigate. "Stop being such a bad student. You should focus on your school work rather than being a bad student." The hoarse voice whispered into her ear. Suddenly, Rosalie began to shriek again as she was dragged along the floor.

Rosalie looked behind her. The other side of the cafeteria was coming in close. "Stop it! Stop it!" She shrieked. Her legs touched the wall. The mysterious force holding her there was pushing her against the wall. Rosalie had her hands in front of her. She was trying to push back. "The only thing that need to stop is your bad attitude." The hoarse voice whispered into both of her ears. "Who are you?" Rosalie yelled. The two teachers found Rosalie being pushed up against the wall. They both approached to offer her help. "You should be very ashamed of yourself." The hoarse voice told her. Rosalie tried to push back. Her back was nearly up against the wall. The mysterious force was making sure that her back was all pinned up against the wall. The teachers reached their hands out. Then without warning, Rosalie shot off the wall. The mysterious force had her thrown head first against the wall on the opposite side of the cafeteria. Rosalie screamed and she pleaded in her mind that this would be over. She rolled a little. Her back was now in contact with the cafeteria wall. Alice couldn't see what was going on. Rosalie smacked her back against the cafeteria wall. All she could do was cry. The two teachers were shocked by what just happened. They both ran to the other side of the cafeteria. Rosalie's head scraped a little on the tiled floor. They both knew that she was pretty hurt. Just then, the principal arrived. She stormed into the cafeteria and found Rosalie in her bad state. "What happened?" She asked the teachers. The teachers told the principal their side of the story. Alice didn't know if they were going to be eating their lunch or not. Everybody just stood silent. The principal asked Rosalie if anything was broken. The only thing that she could do was cry and whimper. The teachers both carefully moved her so that her back was facing the floor. The principal immediately left. She made a small announcement to the students. "Everybody don't worry. I will have the janitor clean out a small mess in the cafeteria. As soon as she is done, I let you all come into this room." The janitor was called with her mop. The teachers carefully hauled Rosalie away and put her next to the elevator. The janitor cleaned the spot next to the spot where Rosalie was last smashed against. It was a small job to do. Eventually, the students entered the cafeteria as soon as the janitor left. Alice felt that James has gone too far. She also knew that he wasn't going to be listening to her. She felt that the worst is yet to come.

The lunch went a little well in the cafeteria. Although the students who were next to the cafeteria entrance were glad to be standing next to the spot where Rosalie was hit. Alice pondered about what was James going to be doing next. Liam was with his group of friends. They were barely talking. Alice and her friends were unable to talk to each other too. They felt that they have seen enough scares as it is. Everybody managed to eat their lunch. They were a little calm down from eating their lunch. During recess, Alice and her friends were standing at their usual spot. Talking to each other. They tried to talk about how their morning at home went. They avoided to talk about the whole incident about Amelia. Alice and her friends hardly talked about anything else after that. Alice knew that she had to do something to get James calm down. She felt that he was doing to many awful things to Rosalie and Amelia. She didn't have anything proof of Amelia's mom burying him at the abandoned construction site. Alice felt that she should talk to him one more time after school. Then rest of the day went by smoothly. Alice did well as she went through her school assignments one by one. During the end of the day, she went up to the school's entrance and said goodbye to her friends. "Bye Alice, hopefully the next day should be better than the last one." Her friends said with a somewhat cheerful attitude. Alice came to the front door of the school. She walked out onto the walkway that led to the sidewalk that runs parallel to the school's driveway. Alice could feel the fresh cold air as it blew onto her face. Alice felt that this cold air would freshen her up after the two bad things that happened at school today. She walked down the sidewalk to the street's sidewalk. There she truly began her walk back home. Alice felt that the walk back home was the thing that she needed. The exercise of going home while walking made her forget about the bad things that happened today. Alice wanted to also talk to James.

She hoped by talking to him again, she would be able to help him get justice without hurting anyone else. Alice was nearly up to the construction site. Three cars drove down the road. At last Alice reached the intersection that was next to construction site. Alice looked down both side of the road. A car came rolling through the intersection and passed the construction site. As soon as the way was clear, Alice walked across the street to where the sidewalk was. There was still some road crews still working on the water pipe. Alice didn't know what was taking them so long. As she walked across the street. Alice saw the arm of crane in the abandoned dirt lot. She wondered why it would be doing here. Alice got to the other side of the road and thought about what she wanted to say to James. Alice looked at the houses that were across the street from the construction site. There was nobody staring at her from across the street. The gate to the desolate construction site opened by itself. Alice carefully sneaked into the lot. She had the gate closed behind her. Alice turned around and saw that there was a crane in the construction site. A rough terrain crane to be precise. The crane had a construction company logo on it. Alice knew that the logo was from Citywide Construction. Alice thought that the crane might be here to take the old structure down. The door to the crane opened on its own. Alice didn't think it was a good idea to go inside the machine. It might be a trap. Inside was a rolled up piece of paper. And a black plastic bag all on the operator's seat. A gust of cold air came from behind Alice. She squinted at the ground surrounding the crane. A transparent helmet of a construction worker started to emerge from the dirt. Alice breathed in and out. James' face soon came into view. He had a normal expression on it. The ghost appeared from underneath the dirt. He floated in midair next to the crane. Alice was prepared to talk to the ghost. She took a few steps forward. The ghost had his arms crossed in front of him.

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