-Chapter 5-

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Sorry if I wasn't posting, I was busy this past few days.

Who knew that writing was going to be hard. T-T

But I have time to post now!
(I think)

Sorry no questions today!

Enjoy this short chapter ^^

When the glowing stops everyone gasps in surprise seeing Garnet in front of us, but she looks different. I saw Steven stand up and I followed behind him.

Steven opened his arms, happy to see his gem friend. "Garnet! Your back!" Steven and I went to hug her but Garnet moved out of the way, making Steven fall down and making me trip and fall on top of him. I move myself away from Steven and stand up. "Thank Goodness it's you!" I looked at Garnet seeing she had a confused face.

"W-W-What's going on?" Garnet holds her face. 'This is not our Garnet' I thought to myself. But Steven doesn't get the hint.

"Everyone's memories are wiped, and my powers are all messed up." Steven walks forward, but Garnet walks backwards. "We need your help! What should we do, Garnet?"

"I'm sorry, but...do you know me?" Garnet asked Steven, who now understood that she didn't get all her memories back.

Spinel came out from my shoulder. "Good question." I giggled quietly, but I guess I didn't do a good job because some pink gem heard me making her smile grow.

"Her memories aren't back." Steven Said. "I quess fusion was only the first piece." We all hear a van horn and look to see Greg's van and on top was Lion laying there.

Pearl came from the van, holding a red carpet and a mini staircase. She put them down grabbing a little trumpet. "Attention, everyone. Um Greg Universe has arrived." Pearl holds the back door of the van, bowing down while doing so. And out came Greg walking to Steven and me in a hurry.

"Steven! Have you seen Amethyst?" Greg ask his son. Making me and Steven widen our eyes.

"What? You lost her, how?" I asked Greg in confusion on how he could lose her.

"Didn't I tell you to watch her?" Steven asks his dad in worry for her purple gem friend.

Greg grabbed his head "She must have wandered off while I was wrestling my laundry out of Pearl's hands." Greg told Steven and I. We heard squeaking noises, we looked to see Pearl washing Gregs wheels.

"Pearl! You don't have to do that. I own a car wash!" Greg runs to Pearl, taking the sponge away from her.

Steven looks at Bismuth. "I need to go find Amethyst. Can you watch Garnet?" Steven asks Bismuth a favor.

"Yeah, sure." Bismuth then points at Garnet. "But it looks like she's doing a pretty good job watching herself." We see Garnet checking herself out, squishing her hair like it was cotton candy.

"Alright, thanks bis. Come on (Y/N)!" Steven called me over.
"Thanks Bismuth." I thanked her, walking to Steven's side.

"Don't forget your best friend, Spinel!" Spinel grabbed my hand making me stop and smile at her. But Steven didn't want her to come with us.

"Oh, right." Steven started. "(Y/N) can you tell her to stay here with the others?" Steven asked me. I frown. 'Why doesn't he want her to come with us?'

"Umm, sure" I looked at Spinel with a sad smile. "Spinel, you stay here with the others, and we will be right back." I took my hand from hers. Making her face turn from shock to anger.

"No!" Spinel screamed with an angry face. Like from her when we meet her. Making me and Steven gasp in surprise.

"[Gasps] Y-You could go with us" Said Steven with nervousness and fear.

Spinel laughs. "Yay!" Spinel grabs my hand. Not wanting to upset her I squeezed her hand, she did the same.

^Time skip^

Steven, Spinel and I were riding Lion's back, teleporting us everywhere we could think Amethyst would be. "Amethyst?" Steven called for his friend. Me looking around trying to see her with my eyes.

We went to the donut store thinking she could be there. Nope, nothing. We left the donut store. But Steven turns back having an idea. "Wait, can I get a couple to go?" Steven asked Mr. Dewey.

In Steven's hands there stood a donut, holding it up. "Amethyst!" Steve called Amethyst but no answer.

I was enjoying myself with Spinel, feeding her with the donuts Steven bought. "Mmh, this is good, try it (Y/N)!" Spinel handed me a strawberry frosted with sprinkled donuts. (You can change it if you don't like that donut) I tried it.

"Yum, that is good." I closed my eyes and smiled at Spinel. "Thanks" I told her. She blushed at this, giggling.

"(Y/N) stop playing and help me find Amethyst would you." Steven was getting angry.

"S-Sorry, Steven" I told him and started looking for Amethyst.
We hear a crash on Onions mom's house, Vidalia's house. "Maybe she is hiding there" I pointed at the house.

Steven poops his head on the curtains, me doing the same, and then Spinel and finally Lion's head. "What is this place?" Asked Spinel in amazement.

"I-It's an art studio." Spinel and I looked around. "Amethyst used to come here all the time." Spinel wandered around, I walked behind her, just in case she trips with something.

"Aah!" We heard Steven scream. I looked behind me to see that Steven found Amethyst. "You found her!" I ask Steven with glead. Steven walks to Amethyst. "Amethyst, thank goodness you're okay." Steven told her.

"Thank goodness you're okay." Amethyst copied Steven's words.

Steven sighs. "I'm very not okay, but I've got a plan." Steven holds Amethyst's shoulder. "I'm gonna get us all back piece by piece. I just have to figure out your pieces." Steven opens his hands. "These paintings. Do you remember being painted?" Steven asked Amethyst who didn't show any emotion.

"Being painted?" Amethyst copied him again.

'This is hard to watch' I thought, sad for Steven. "Pew, pew! Do you remember our handshake?" Steven made gun gestures with his hands.

Amethyst's shape shifted like Steven. "Our handshake?" She did the same hand gestures.

Singing and dancing, that's gotta be a piece." Steven turns on a lamp from beside him. "Do you remember singing and dancing with me?" Steven questions.

I sigh and leave them together to let Steven handle it. I heard squeaking shoes behind me. I didn't need to look behind, I already know who it was . "What's the matter (Y/N)?" Asked Spinel concern in her voice.

"Nothing, just feel bad for Steven, you know?" 'Poor Steven, having to save the world again.' I sigh

"Hmm, I can turn that frown upside down!!" Spinel smiled at me. "We can have fun!"

"But I don't want to leave Steven behind." I told Spinel, looking at the curtain where Steven and Amethyst were singing.

"We don't have to leave them! We can have fun wherever Steven is" Spinel told me with a smile planted in her face.

"That's not a bad idea, Spins." I smiled at Spinel. Her face was red from the nickname. "Your face is red, Spins." I told her.

"O-Oh, sorry" Spinel holds her face, trying to hide her face from me.

I giggle, holding her cover face to look at me. "Why are you hiding your face? I think it's cute." I smiled at her, making her cheeks turn more red. I giggled at her reaction.

Then Steven came out of the garage with Amethyst following right behind him, both singing and dancing.

Hello again!

Did you guys like the reader flirting with Spinel?

But don't worry, you guys won't be flirty that long~

Bye have a great day!
See you guys later!

Stella out^^

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