Chapter 25

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I was sitting on my couch watching TV. It's been 1 day since we left Spinel with the Diamonds. She will be back, right? I looked around my messy living room. "I should probably clean the house," I said to myself. I stood up from my couch and started cleaning the house.

"Ughhh!" I sat down on a chair from the kitchen. I cleaned the sweat from my forehead and drank cold water. I finished cleaning the house and it looks good. Wow, since when did I not clean the house? I'm becoming lazy just like Sam. Oh, I almost forgot, I need to get groceries from the store.

I stood up from my seat and walked to my room to change. You don't want to leave the house with your Pj, do you?

-Time skip-

"I got milk, bread, snacks. What else do I need to get? I should have written everything down" I groaned. I'm always forgetful when it comes to groceries shopping. I start thinking about what I'm forgetting. I walked around with my little shop car, (I forgot what they're called, T-T) seeing what's on the shelf's.

While looking at the shelf's I didn't notice that I was going to hit someone with my shop car.

I felt my shop car hit something, or, someone. I panicked and saw who I hit. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit you, miss! Please forgive me!" I said. I might have said it loud and fast because people who were walking around us were looking at me. I felt my face heat up from all the attention.

The woman looked like she was 19? They look young.

She looked at me and her expression changed to a shaken one. "(Y/N)! Is that really you?"

I take a closer look at the person. They have short brown hair, chocolate eyes. They are wearing a big purple hoodie that reached to their waist and black pants with a pair of white shoes.

 They are wearing a big purple hoodie that reached to their waist and black pants with a pair of white shoes

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It took me a minute to realize who this person was. They were my cousin, Kiko. I immediately wanted to hug them, but a 'his' sound stopped me. I looked at their shoulders to see a galaxy snake-like head with small, slit black eyes.

 I looked at their shoulders to see a galaxy snake-like head with small, slit black eyes

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