Chapter 19 - Movies

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I opened the door to my house. I walked inside, Spinel right behind me. "Welcome to my house. Mi casa es tu casa" I grinned. Spinel looked at me, confused. "What?" Said Spinel. I looked at Spinel, a soft smile on my face. "What do you want to do first?" Spinel thought for a while. "Can we do those things you were saying on the walk?" Spinel moved her head to the side, like a puppy wanting a treat. How can I say no to that face. She looks adorable. I smiled at Spinel. "Sure, hmm, what do you think about watching movies and eating popcorn" I questioned Spinel. Spinel smiled and nodded. I walked to the kitchen and looked around the cabinets, trying to find the popcorns. I heard squeaking shoes walking behind me. I looked behind me. Spinel was standing behind me looking at my movements with curiosity. I felt a little weirded out by this. I'm not used to people watching my movements like a hawk. But I don't want to be mean about it, I told Spinel "Can you wait for me in the living room? I will come with the popcorn in a while" Spinel was going to protest but I stopped her. "And don't worry, I won't leave you alone. I can't exactly leave my house if I wanted to, and it will be hard for you to get ride of me, believe me. So don't worry about it" I patted Spinels head. "Follow me, I'll show you were the living room is" I showed her the living room and told her to take a sit in the couch. "Take a sit Spinel, I don't want you to get tired from standing" Spinel sat down and looked at me. "A-Are you going to l-leave me?" Spinel had a frown on her face. A felt bad for the gem. She has trust issues because of her. I wish I could of help her..But that was the past and I didn't know anything about it. "Yes Spinel, I'll be back don't worry, and like I said it will be hard for you to get ride of me" I smirked down at Spinel. Spinel felt her face warm up. She doesn't know why. "I'll get the popcorn ready!" I walked to the kitchen and started finding the popcorns again. I found the popcorn in the top cabinet. I put the popcorn to the microwave and started warming it up. As I was waiting for the popcorn to pop I heard soft sobbing from the distance. I moved my head to the side. 'Is she crying?' I thought. I walked silently to the living room. I saw Spinel sitting on the couch covering her face with her hands. 'Oh no, I don't think it was a good idea to leave her alone' I frown. "Spinel.." At the sound of my soft voice her head moved to my way. She jumped to my arms and cried. "Don't leave me!" She cried out. I embraced her, arms squeezing her. "Shh, don't you cry, everything is going to be alright, I'm here now" I told her. I moved my hand around her back, comforting her. Her sobbing died down now the only sound that came from her are her hiccups. I hummed a song to try to calm her down. It seemed that it worked. "Sorry that I left you in here Spins." I whispered. Her face was squished to my chest that I almost didn't hear what she said. "I'm sorry" I sigh, not liking how our hang out was starting up. I heard the microwave peeping. The popcorns are ready. I stand up with Spinel on my arms. "Follow me" Spinel followed me to the kitchen. I told her to sit on the chair, "Sit on the chair and wait for me". I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. I opened the microwave door and let out the popcorn. Then I opened the bag, steam coming out. I put the popcorn on the bowl. I looked at Spinel with a grin. "The popcorn is ready, now all we need is a movie to watch" Spinel was curios on what a popcorn was. "What is that? Is that the thing you talk about?" She asked. "Yes it's the thing I was talking about. Here try it out." I handed her a piece of popcorn. She grabbed it and examined the popcorn. She looked clueless on what to so. "*Chuckles* Here I'll show you, just look at me" She moves her head to look at me. I grabbed a piece of popcorn and put it on my mouth, chewing it and swallowing it. She looked amazed. She looked at the piece and put's it on her mouth, eating it. Her face looked like she liked it. She had a big smile on her face. Her hand was going to reach more but I stopped her. "Now, now, don't eat them all! We have to watch a movie" I walked to the living room and sat on the couch grabbing the remote. Spinel walked to the couch, sitting right beside me. I turn on the tv and put Disney on. "Does some of this picture graves you interest?" I asked her. She looked at the movies she finds interesting. But there was one that she wanted to watch. "That one!" She stretched her hand to show me what movie she wanted to watch. It was (Favorite Movie). "Great choice Spinel!" Spinel blushed at the praise. I played the movie on and watched the movie. I told Spinel that she can now eat the popcorns now. Our focus was on the movie, hands moving to grab more popcorn. Almost touching each other. As the movie ended and the bowl was empty I looked at Spinel. "What do you want to do now? Do you want to watch another movie?" Spinel's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "What is a 'vide-game'?"

March 19, 2023

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