Chapter 23 - Kevin and Arcade Date

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What a wonderful day is today. I was walking my way to Stevens house to get Spinel. I wonder if Steven would like to come with. I should ask him when I see him. Or maybe ask Betty to hang out. It's been a while since I saw her, or talked to her. I grabbed my phone from my hoodie pocket and unlock my phone. I went to messages and find Bettys number. As I was walking and looking at my phone, which is not a good thing to do, I pump with a person. I closed my eyes from the contact and fell to my bum. "Ugh, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I looked up and apologized to the person I pump with. You won't believe who I pump with. It was Kevin. Yes, the Kevin. The one that is so obsessed whit himself. Probably is insecure of himself, I mean I don't blame him for that. "Oh, I take back my apology" I whispered. Kevin was sitting on his butt. I helped myself up, Kevin too. "Watch were your going, you almost messed up my new jacket. Oh, If it isn't my girlfriend" I gagged to myself at the name. I gave him a deadpan face. "You wish, I will never be with someone with the likes of you" I put my hand on my hip. Ugh, I'm wasting time with him, I should have already be hanging out with Spinel. I waved a hand in front of me. "If you excuse me, I have to visit someone" I grabbed my phone that was still on the floor. It wasn't broken, that's good. I walked away from him. "Come on, I'm more important than that someone you need to visit" Kevin was walking behind me, following me. I was getting annoyed with this man. I sigh and ignore his words, walking forward. He was still talking about how he is 'important' and what not. I just want to hang out with Spinel and Steven, is that to much to ask? I sigh and grabbed my phone again, checking the time. 12: 27. I stopped my walking, making Kevin pump with my back. He groaned and hold his face. "Why did you stop?" My eyes were wide open. I'm late! "Hey, I'm talking to you, (Y/N). And when I talk to you, you have to look at me" I ignore his words and start running. He was surprise at first but follow me behind. "Why are you running!" As I was outside Stevens house, Kevin grabbed my arm, making me stop my running. "Hey! Let me go!" I yelled. He held a angry face, making his grip on me tighten. It hurts, but I stayed strong. "I said, let me go! What don't you understand!" I screamed at his face. "Just tell me why were you running and I might let you go" Both of his hands were holding my arms. "Bullsh-" I didn't get to finish my words because someone slammed the door open. We both looked at the door to see Spinel standing with an angry expression on her cute face. Wait...did I just said cute!? Oh boy, my gay self is showing. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Spinel jumped from her place to were we were standing on the sand. Kevin looked at Spinel with disgust. "What are you? Are you those gems that Steven talks about?" I stepped on his foot, hard, making him stop his grip on me. "Watch your tone, jerk" I heard Kevin groan. Steven walked outside to see what was going on. "What's going on in here? Is there a problem?" Steven said. I looked at Steven with a soft smile. "Everything is fine here, Steven. Just Kevin being his annoying self. He was going to leave, right Kevin?" I looked at Kevin with a menacing glare. Kevin seeing my glare he cough into his hand. "Y-Yeah, I was just leaving" He stood up and walked away. I sigh and looked at both Steven and Spinel. "Sorry if I was late, I hade..problems on the way as you can see" I pointed were Kevin left. Steven laughed and patted my shoulder. "It's fine (Y/N), I understand. Did he try to hang out with you?" I looked at Steven with a frown. "You bet he did! But this girl ain't going to hang out with that jerk!" I put a hand on my chest, grinning at myself. Steven laugh. Spinel walked up to me and hugged my waist. "I though you left me" Spinel nuzzled her face to my chest. I patted her head. "Spinel, it's hard to get away from me, believe me" I softly smiled at her. I grabbed her hand and started to walk away. "Well see you later Steven! I'm going to take this cutie to the arcade!" I walked to the arcade with Spinel by my side. When we were in inside the arcade I looked at Spinel. "Do you remember when we came here?" Spinel looked around the arcade and nodded. "I 'lil bit" I smiled. "Come on, let's have some fun!" I dragged Spinel around the arcade. We played games, me telling Spinel how to use the controllers and her playing. We were having fun. We were playing the car games. Spinel was siting in one seat and I'm sitting in the other. Spinel looked at me and said, "Why were you with that jerk?" I was surprise that Spinel ask me that question. I grabbed my chin and thought for a while, eyes still on the screen. "Well as I was walking my way to Stevens house I pump with Kevin. Kevin here has a crush on me, thinking that we are dating. And when we pump with each other he was annoying me, saying stuff like, 'I'm so important' and other stuff" I shrugged. We played the car game in silent. I ended up winning the game. Spinel looked sad. Maybe she was sad because she lost? I patted her head, "Don't be sad, Spinel. Maybe you could win the next time me played!" I big smile was planted on my face. Spinel looked at my (eye color) eyes, a smile on her pink face. "I'm starving, do you want anything to eat?" I said. I started walking to the food stand. Spinel walk behind me, looked at me with a sad smile. I order a (fav food) and (drink) for both me and Spinel. When they gave me my order I put the food in a table. Spinel sat in the seat I told her to sit. I passed out our food and started eating. Spinel looked at me with confusion. "It's (Fav food). Try it, you would like it, trust me." She took a bit from it and hade a big smile on her face. "I told you, you would like it" I smile with pride. While we were eating I made small talk with her. "Why did you ask me that question, Spinel?" I ask her. Spinel had a small blush on her cheeks, but I didn't notice. "J-Just curious" She shrugged. I drink (fav drink). "Do you like him?" I was taking by surprise. I started to cough like a maniac. Spinel panicked and started to pat my back. When I stopped coughing I looked at Spinel like she was crazy. "WHEre did that came from? No, I don't like Kevin!" I had a blush on my face from coughing. Spinel looked embarrassed and sat back down. "Spinel are you ok? Do you want to go back with the Diamonds?" I asked her, worried. Spinel scratched her neck. "Can I stay with you?" She whispered still looking at the table. "Huh? Are you sure you want to stay with me? What about the Diamonds?" This day is full of surprises today. I don't mind Spinel staying with me. I'm glad that she want's to be near me. But I'm scare how the Diamonds will react. I sigh and stand up. "Let's go home" We cleaned the table and leave the arcade.

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