Chapter 9 - She's back

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When the glow turned down, Spinel looked at us with a hurt expression.

"S-Spinel, you've-you've got your memories back." I said, with a nervous voice.

"I can't believe Mom did that to you." Said Steven.

"Actually, I can totally believe it," I said with a deadpan face.

"Yeah, me too" Steven too, believes that Pink is capable of doing that. "You're not the only one she hurt." Steve went to touch Spinel's shoulder.

"Rraah!" Spinel made herself bigger, towering Steven who fell on his butt, taking by surprise.
"Yeah, you must know all about her life without me!" Spinel raises her fist up in the air. "Rub it in, why don't ya?!"

"No! I-It's not like that!" I stood in front of Steven. Lifting my arms protecting Steven from the gem in front of me. "You deserve a better friend!" I closed my eyes, not wanting to see Spinel's angry face. 'Oh gosh, I'm dead for sure.'

Spinel was surprised that I stood in front of her. Not wanting to hurt me, she punches the communicator, destroying it.

Spinel feeling tired, her limbs fell to the floor. Like noodles. I helped Steven up. "I got this on the bag, Steven"

"Are you sure?" Steven asked in concern.

"Yup! Don't worry about me." I smile, trying to convince him.

"Alright, if you said so. I'll wait for you in my house. Be safe" Steven hugged me.

When I saw Steven walking away from us, using the warp pad to go back home, I walked to Spinel kneeling down. "Spin's, come back and save the Earth with me." I told the gem. "You can start over there, make new friends." I tried to convince her to come with me.

Spinel moves her head away from me, not wanting to see me.

'This is gonna be harder than I thought' I was thinking on what to say next. It was quiet for a while. No one said a word. 'I don't have to say anything. I can Sing something.'

I clear my throat. Getting ready for singing. 'I haven't sing in front of someone for a while. Hope I still got it' I opened my mouth.

(Y/N): Someday, somewhere, somehow
You'll love again~
You just need to find someone.

'This is embarrassing. My voice probably sounds like a dying horse or something!... Snap out of it (Y/N)! Do it for Spinel.' I hold my hand out to Spinel, even though if my voice is bad or my face is red like a tomato.

Both: Someday, somewhere, somehow

Spinel grabbed my hand softly. I pull us up and started to walk to the warp pad.

(Y/N): You'll love again
Spinel: I'll love again

(Y/N): You just need to find
Spinel: I just need to find

Spinel: Someoooooone~
(Y/N): Someoooone~

Spinel: Someone, who treats me better
(Y/N): Someone, who treats you better

(Y/N): Someone who wants you around
Spinel: Someone who wants me around

Both: Someday, somewhere, somehow

(Y/N): You're gonna feel found
Spinel: I'm gonna feel found

We warped to Steven's house. I stopped holding Spinel's hand and walked to the door, signaling Spinel to follow me behind. I heard a voice in the room I was in, but ignored it and walked to where Steven might be.

Spinel ran right behind me, happily grabbing my hand.

I heard voices coming to the living room. 'That's where they might be.' I was about to go down when someone pulled me.

"What's wrong Spin's?" I ask (Your future wife) Spinel.

"Won't they be...not exactly incredibly thrilled to see me like this?" Spinel points at herself. Not sure if the Crystal Gems would be happy to see her again.

"We just have to talk to them. And there's nothing wrong with you. You look lovely!" I smiled at Spinel, closing my eyes. Not seeing the red hue appear on Spinel's face.

"Here goes nothing," Spinel whispers to herself. Grabbing my hand again.

"Look who's back guys!" I exclaimed, opening my arms.

"W-W-W-What?!" Pear looked surprised to see Spinel again.

Amethyst and Pearl, both took their weapon from their gems, ready to fight. Steven got up from the couch, walked to me slowly.

Garnet, not getting her memories back yet, innocently said, "Oh, Spinel, did you change your hair?" (Oh poor innocent soul T^T)

I hold my hands in front of me in panic, protecting Spinel. Spinel hid behind me, scared of what could happen to her. "Ok, ok. Hold your horses everyone! Spinel got her memories back, but she's not gonna hurt us!" I tried to explain. My voice holds panic and worry on it. "Everything's chill~" I relaxed my body, seeing no one moving.

We see a portal appear in front of us. Coming from the portal we see Lion and Connie coming from it. Dramatically, Connie jumps from Lion to in front of Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst. All three had a surprise face. Well, all of us have surprised faces.

"Hah! I'm here! Where's the fight?!" Connie exclaimed, moving her sword around.

"Don't fight! Everything's chill!!" I screamed to everyone. Feeling angry that they want to hurt Spinel.

We all hear a toilet flush from the bathroom. Greg left the bathroom like nothing happened. When the Crystal Gems look at Greg with angry faces and weapons ready to fight someone, except Garnet, they scared Greg. "Aah. Alright, alright. I'll wash my hands." Said Greg. He went back to the bathroom and washed his hands.

"Whew. Okay. Now that's out of the way." I said, cleaning the sweat out of my forehead.

"Spinel, can I ask you a favor?" Steven climbed the stairs, standing in front of Spinel.

"Are you kidding? Anything." Spinel said to Steven.

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