Chapter 15 - We Meet Again

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I was sleeping peacefully until I felt the sun kiss my face. I open my eyes to see the sun rising up. I groaned, tired to get off the bed. Until I remembered that I was going to visit Spinel today. My eyes opened, now wide awake. I got off the bed and stretched my back, groaning at the felling.

I walked to the bathroom and  looked at myself on the mirror. Hair a mess, looking like a bird slept there. I washed my face and teeth. I sang a song that I liked, moving my hips around. When I finished I walked to my closet, trying to find a great outfit to wear. Hmm...this (Insert your choice of clothing) looks nice to wear today. I grabbed the clothes and change to them. When I was done I walked to my mirror and brushed my hair, fixing it to a (Your choice).

When I thought I looked decent I walked to the kitchen and grabbed my breakfast for today. (Favorite Cereal). As I was eating I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Steven.

Good morning Steven
Are you going with the Diamonds today?

I put down my phone and waited. After 45 seconds, Steven answer.

Star Boy
Good morning (Y/N)!
Yes, I'm going with the Diamonds, why?
Can I go with you?

Star Boy
But can I ask why?

I want to visit someone

Star Boy


Star Boy
Are you sure you want to visit her?

Pls Steven!
Can I go with yooouuu!

Star Boy
I leave in 3o minutes
So if you want to visit her you have to hurry up

Thank you Steven!
That's why your my best friend!

Star Boy
Haha, wait until I tell (Best Friend) about this

I already finished my breakfast and washed my dishes, so when I get back I wont have to deal with them. I grabbed my keys and wallet. I put on my shoes and opened my door.

I walked on the side walk. Not a lot of people were awake yet. So it was me and some other people and gems walking. I waved at the persons that I know. When I was at Steven's house I knocked at the door, waiting patiently. Steven opened the door and greeted my. "Hello (Y/N)! Come on in" I walked inside. Steven close the door behind me and waved me over the warp pad. "Your just in time. I was goin to leave you behind." Steven giggled. "You wouldn't do that. Right?" I look at Steven with a playful glare. "Of course not!" We both laughed. Steven warp us to the Diamonds thrones. There stood the Diamonds, sitting on their Thrones. I hid behind Steven, still not used to the height difference. "Steven! So nice of you to visit us!" White Diamonds told Steven. "Yes, we were waiting for you" Yellow Diamond. "It's so great to see you again, Steven" And Blue Diamond. "Hello White, Yellow, Blue. I brought a friend today, hope you don't mind" Steven moved out of the way and introduce me to them. "This is (Y/N)! She wanted to visit Spinel." I smiled at the Diamonds, nervous to speak. "Oh! Spinel is in her room. If you want we can sent a Pearl with you." Blue Diamond nicely told me. "Thank you Blue, But I think I will take her." Steven thanked Blue Diamond. "Are you sure Steven? I can sent Pearl with you." Yellow told Steven.

"I'm sure, I know where her room is." Steven waved at the Diamonds. I walked behind me, waving at the Diamonds too. As we were walking me and Steven talked. "I don't know how you do it" Steven look at me in confuse. "Do what?" I moved my hand up my head. "Their height! It scares me every time I see them. They can squeeze me with their fingers if they wanted to." Steven laughed at that. "Well I just got used to it, I guess" Steven shrugged.

As we were in front of the big door he looked at me. "Are you sure you want to see her?"
"I'm pretty sure" I say with confidence.

Steven knocks on the door. "Who is it?" A voice said from behind the big doors. "It's Steven! And I have someone who wants to see you again!" Steven shouts.

The door opens and there Stood Spinel. "Who would want to see 'old me-?" Spinel stopped and look behind Steven. Seeing me. I waved at her, a nervous smile on my face.

"Hello Spinel"
Hope you had a great day today.
I'll see you on the next chapter.
March 5, 2023

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