Chapter 16 - I really need to go

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A/N: Spinel will be a OC.
As I said, this is my fist book!
No hate comments!
"Hello Spinel" I waved at Spinel, nervous of what she would say. 'What was I thinking! I'm not ready. Maybe she dosen't want to see me. Oh boy, I made a mistake. I shouldn't be here. I should probably lea-'
I didn't get to finish my sentence as Spinel hugged me. I was surprise. I hugged her back, feeling like weight left out of my shoulders.

"Y-Your here!" Spinel said, nuzzling her head to my chest. (A/N: In this story your taller than Spinel)  Spinel started to cry. "I thought you forgot about me..." Spinel whispered. I petted her cerise hair. "Forget about you?" I question. I mean I think about her every day and night!

"I'll leave you guys alone, see you later (Y/N)" Steven left, having to talk with the Diamonds. I look at Spinel. "How about we talk inside. I think we have a lot to talk about." I laughed, feeling happy. Spinel nodded, still hugging me. Me and Spinel went inside her room. Everything was pink. Of course, what did I expect. It is technically Pink Diamonds room!

"Jeez, this room has a lot of pink, huh?" I looked around the room. "Oh, yeah sorry" Spinel scratched her head, apologizing. "No need to apologize, it's not your fault, Spins" I chuckled.

Spinel looked at me in surprise. I look at her. "Is there something on my face?" I touched my face, trying to get off whatever it was on my face. "N-no, It's just yo-you called me by that name..." Spinel let go of the hug. "It's been long since I heard that name..." Spinel walked to the balcony. I looked at her with sadness. "What would you like to do?" I walked to a wall and sat down. "We can watch a movie, play tick tack toe, umm what els can we do..." Spinel looked me confused. "Mo-vie? What is that?" Spinel walked in front of me and sat down, crisscrossed. Oh, forgot she was on that planet for a 6,000 years. I pulled out my phone and explained what a movie was. She seemed to be interested. We watched a movie. But not a scary one!

I need to use the bathroom....Shoot.

I looked at Spinel with sweat running out of my head. "You don't have by any chance a bathroom, right.." Spinel looked confuse at what a bathroom was. "What is a 'Bath room' your talking about?" Great, I have to warp to Steven's house. "Can you help me warp to Steven's house, please Spinel it's urgent." I really needed to go. "I'm not sure. I haven't gone to Earth since.." Spinel looked nervous of leaving Homeworld. "Spinel I need to go to the bathroom!" I got up and tried to walk out of the bathroom. Spinel ran behind me, confuse on what a bathroom was. "Why do you have to go to the bathroom?" I stayed silent. "(Y/N)" I walked around trying to find a warp pad. "(Y/N) why aren't you talking to me" Spinel stopped me from walking. I look at her and said, "I'll tell you later but can you take me to Steven's house" I sounded serious. Spinel took a while to say anything but she nodded. She grabbed me bridal style and ran to a nearest warp pad.

I did not expect her to carry me but if it means that I do not have to walk, then I'm not complaining. Spinel found a warp pad and teleported us to Steven's little garden. Spinel still had me on her arms. "Where should I go next?" Spinel looks at me, waiting for direction. I pointed the way to Steven's bathroom. As we reached the door, I told Spinel to put me down. I hurriedly walked to the bathroom, going inside locking the door.
Sorry it was short I was running out of ideas.
But I hope you had an amazing day
See you on the next chapter
March 10, 2023

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